1. I’m a little kitten
I'm a little kitten.I like to eat apples. (考虑小朋友喜欢买东西游戏,下一次可以来个这种场景Can you give me an apple?或者做类似Apple tree的游戏)
2、The hug
重新复习了the hug,但是娃的反应不是很配合。估计最近这妈做得有点跑偏,得赶紧想办法升级新的游戏技能。
3、I can hop跳房子
M: Coco, look. I can hop to 1st floor. Can you?
S: I can hop, hop, hop.
4. 借助meli on the stairs
Meli likes to run up the stairs, up, up, up.Meli likes to run down the stairs,down down down.Meli likes to take a toy up the stairs, up, up, up.
5. kick the ball
娃儿躺在床上不小心踢了我一下,刚想生气,忽然转变想法告诉他“No, I'm not a ball.”I'm streching very tall, and now I am very small. Now tall, now small.And I am a tiny ball.问娃Am I a ball?Am I round?娃说不圆。又问哪里不圆,原来为啥kick me和因为被踢产生的情绪早就跑到九霄云外。
6. 格子店铺
阅读:今天换的书明显感觉到阻力了,进展缓慢。与之前不同的是此时我的心境,平和而不焦躁。娃果然最爱《all about bugs》,恰好手头有几张这几天拍的昆虫图片,顺便给娃科普下。
Look at this tiny insect. It is a thrip. They like to eat flowers and leaves. They hide away where nobody sees. Watch and you'll see them out of the flower, one two three four five.So many thrips~