1. 前置词的定义
前置词(preposition)是描述名词或代词与其它词之间含义的关系的连接词(connective word):例如,“The book lie before me on the dest.”
(注:单词preposition,古英语由两部分组成,præ(“before”的意思,“在前面”),ponere(“to place”的意思,“放置”),字面意思,就是放置到某物的前面;这样命名是因为最初就是放在动词前面对其进行修饰,现在,通常放在名词和代词前面。现在中文把它译为“介词”,偏离了词的本意,有点匪夷所思,在严复的<<英文汉诂>>中,将之译为“介系部”,估计这个名称是这么来的。但是后续也有学者将它译为“前置词”,这个更为形象,也和原本单词含义一致,可为啥后来很多书不采用这一译法,也是不能理解。类似的译法还有inflection译为“曲折变换”,译为词尾变换不是更好吗?本文preposition采用“前置词”译名。)
I. 依赖前置词的名词或代词又称为受它支配(governed),并充当宾格(object case)。
II. 前置词与词汇连接,表明了某事物与其它事物之间的某种关系:
(1) 与其它事物之间的关系;
(2) 与其它某种行为之间的关系;
(3) 与其它某种属性之间的关系。
例如,在后面句子中,“I saw a man in a boat,”“In”是前置词,标识了这种关系(在位置上),即人对于船来说,人在它里面。
III. 可以在其前面放置前置词的相当于名词的格式有:
(1) 带to的不限定式动词(to不定式):“None knew thee BUT to love thee.”
(2) ing格式的不限定式动词(动名词):“His conduct IN rescuing the child was greatly praised.”
(3) 从句:“This will depend ON who the commissioners are.”
2. 前置词可连接的成分
(1) 连接另一个名词或代词:“There is a BOOK on the table.”“Give IT to me.”
(2) 连接一个动词:“James HAS RETURNED from school.”
(3) 连接一个形容词:“He is FOND of his book.”
3. 前置词的宾语
She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps,and lovers around her;But coldly she turns from their gaze and weeps,For her heart in his grave is lying.
I. 在通常的词汇排布中,前置词出现在宾语之前,但是调换这种词序的情况也时有发生,在诗歌和散文化中都存在这种情况——例如,在诗歌中,“Where echo walks the steep hills among”;在散文中,“The pen that I am writing with”= with which I am writing.
II. 支配宾格,意味着使名词或代词承担宾格是必要的;就像及物动词控制宾格形式的名词和代词一样。由于名词宾格格式的缺失,这种前置词支配或控制的能力在话语部分的单词中并不明显;但是,在拥有明显的格的代词中可以看到:例如,“from him,” “to me,” “by us,” “among them。”
4. 主要前置词列表
I. 前置词分析——上面列出的前置词, 以下部分是简单前置词:
(1) 将前置词前置a(=on,in),或者be(=by)作为前缀加入到作为实词的名词或代词上构成前置词(a在古英语中是一个前置词,相当于现在的on,in;古英语中,be是前置词by的弱读形式,基本形式相当于现在的about或around):即,
a-cross(来自法语croix,a cross),a mong或a mongst,a-gainst,a-round,a-mid或a-midst(Anglo-Saxon词on mid’dum,on+形容词middle中的mid),a-thwart,be-low或be-side,be-tween或be-twixt(between来自于tweon,twain的意思,派生于twa,two之意。)
(2) 将前置词作为前缀加入到动词上构成前置词:例如——
a-bout=a(on) + be(by)+out
a-bove=a(on) + be(by)+ove(up)
be-fore=be(by) + fore
be-hind=be(by) + hind
be-neath=be(by) + neath(under)
be-yond=be(by) +yond(yonder或there)
but=be(by) + utan,by out,即on the outside of,和except
throughout=through + out
underneath=under + neath
(3) 通过比较级后缀而派生于副词的词前置:即——
af-ter,根为af(=of=from)的比较级:即,more from(a certain time,等等;
ov-er,根为of或uf的比较级:即,more up;
II. 有几个属于话语部分的单词通常归为前置词,其功能有更好的定义,它们是:
(1) Except和Save(except和save可能是拉丁语独立夺格的残余,在其中,使用了excepto和salvo),动词to except和to save=(to leave out)的祈使语气。
(3) During(dure的现在分词,表示to endure,或last之意)在完全主格中伴随一个名词:例如,“during the night”= the light during or lasting。Notwithstanding,同样的条件下伴随一个名词。
1. The man with the gray coat fell from the top of the wall.
2. We rise at seven o'clock in the wmter, and in summer at six.
3. James VI., of ScotJund,was the great-grand-nephew of Henry VII. of England, the first of the Tudor line.
4. There are many proofs of the roundness of the earth.
5. The head of the gang listened in silence to the remonstrances of his subordinates.
6. His head had not been five seconds under water, when he rose to the surface and swam towards the bank.
7. He of the rueful countenance answered without delay.
8. As we walked across the bridge we saw a number of fish in the pool beneath us.
9. With patience you may succeed.
10. I have not seen him since Monday, but I expect him within an hour.
11. A brilliant meteor shot athwart the sky, and was lost behind the hill.
12. The poor bird took refuge in a hole in the oak, and died of fright.
13. Indian corn, when ripe in October, is gathered in the field by men who go from hill to hill with baskets into which they put the corn.
14. The creaking of the masts was frightful.
15. We gazed with Inexpressible pleasure on those happy Islands.
16. It happened one day, when going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore.
来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。