12.3 Hitch
英英释义:an unexpected difficulty, obstacle, delay, etc.
In written English, people usually prefer to use (small/minor) problem rather than hitch, which sounds slightly informal:
hitch 作为名词可以表示“故障、障碍”,当我们想表示 slight/little problem 时,就可以用更简洁准确的 hitch,有时候也可以用 hitch 替换常见的 obstacle、hinderance。
搭配:1.a slight/major hitch
2.A technical/legal hitch
Last-minute hitch(There are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsal.
1. without a hitch(Everything went without a hitch)
2. a hitch in(There’s a hitch in the plans.)
There were some minor technical problems when the product was first released.
例句:The plan was executed without a hitch.
A slight hitch can lead to a deadly disaster.
例2:我们可以用 without a hitch 表示“非常顺利”,比如“顺利完成了计划”就可以说:
The plan was executed without a hitch.
我们也可以在 hitch 前面加一个形容词,表明是在某一方面的故障,比如 a technical hitch(技术故障),a legal hitch(法律问题) ;也可以加表示程度的形容词,比如 a slight/minor/major hitch。
我们也可以在 hitch 前面加一个形容词,表明是在某一方面的故障,比如 a technical hitch(技术故障),a legal hitch(法律问题) ;也可以加表示程度的形容词,比如 a slight/minor/major hitch。
《牛津英语搭配词典》中的一个例句中,就同时用到了“slight”和“technical”修饰 hitch:
There was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane’s take-off.
和 hitch 意思差不多的常见表达还有 glitch、hiccup、snag、blip 等,都是指一些小问题
glitch /ɡlɪtʃ/ a software glitch
hiccup/ˈhɪkʌp/a hiccup in the negotiaotion
snag hit/run into a snag
翻译:周杰伦在北京顺利举办了一场演唱会 Jay Chou held his concert without a hitch.
(参考翻译:Jay Chou’s concert in Beijing went off without a hitch. 或者 Jay Chou’s concert was held in Beijing without a hitch.)都是用concert做主语
A slight hitch leads to the failure of the plan.