It’s a long time this easy, because the writer had to do handwork to prepared for the national computer rank examination. But now, after the examination I final have time for this easy.
For this easy , I want to talk something different .Now , let’s think about a question: what is psychology ?
If we should know the answer for this question , here are two relevant question also need to be done. First question : how do psychology develop new knowledge?
In the easy we write before, we know that : the knowledge must come from practice(karl marx )
. it’s also true answer for this question , only the practice in the life can let us know new knowledge for the psychology . So , for to develop new knowledge ,the psychologist need to do more work in
experiment .
Ok ,so now how can we to design a proper examination to get new knowledge in psychology ? for a good exprienment ,we should do all these thing by order.
First ,developing hypothesis for phenomena ;
Second , performing a controlled test . It’s only the controlling test can get answer of the reason for the question .
Third, gathering objective date , for the test which we concerned most is the test data ,so we should get the first hand information to analysis question .
Forth , analysising result and accepting hypothesis or reject it. It’s normal for a psychologist that result data reject his hypothesis after his hard working test . So, we should chosen to accepting or rejecting hypothesis.
Fifth , publishing the hypothesis, maybe now we should call it ‘theory’ ,or criticizing and replacing the result if the hypothesis was rejected .
For a believable psychology examination , the variable in the test is not only just about itself, but also who do the test . The bias which we called “emotional bias” and “expectancy bias” are two very import
factors that can influence the result of test .
So , for controlling the bias which can influence the result ,we should do more work to prevent it’s happened . such as retest for every details.
The second main question for this easy: what are psychology’s six main perspectives ?
For the psychology’s developing process what we can know , all the psychology’s theory should be built by some special hypothesis, and we called them main perspective. In the psychology , there is six main perspective for it . and now ,let’s show it for you.
First : the separation of mind and body and modern biology psychology ;
Second : founding of scientific psychology and modern cognitive perspective ;
Third : behavior perspective : rejection of introspection and focus on observable ;
Forth : the whole-person perspective : psychodynamic psychology , humanistic psychology ;
Fifth : the development perspective : changing arising from nature and nurture ;
Sixth : the social culture perspective : the individual in context .