Tumors are often characterized by an imbalance in cytosine methylation as manifested both by hypermethylation of CpG islands and by genome hypomethylation.[1]
- CpG岛高甲基化 与 基因组低甲基化并无矛盾
CpG is shorthand for 5'—C—phosphate—G—3'
CpG 岛可是说是连续密集出现的CG
Though objective definitions for CpG islands are limited, the usual formal definition is a region with at least 200 [bp], a GC percentage greater than 50%, and an observed-to-expected CpG ratio greater than 60%.
In humans, about 70% of promoters located near the transcription start site of a gene (proximal promoters) contain a CpG island.
There was no relationship between the level of global hypomethylation and hypermethylation.Hypermethylation and hypomethylation contribute separately to the process of carcinogenesis[1].
WGBS(Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequence)全基因组甲基化测序目前是金标准,利用重亚硫酸氢盐使DNA中未发生甲基化或者羟甲基化的胞嘧啶(C)脱第四位氨基转变成尿嘧啶(U),而甲基化的胞嘧啶保持不变,然后通过PCR将U变为T,仅有甲基化的C可以成功保留,最后通过测序就可判断CpG位点是否发生甲基化。
Illumina的450K芯片采用两种策略:Infinium I和Infinium Ⅱ,前者有两种bead(微珠),分别是甲基化M和非甲基化U,后者则是一种bead(不区分甲基化和非甲基化)。
❶ 如下图:Infinium I,在未甲基化的GpC locus,U型bead尾部为A,与未甲基化CpG位点相匹配,能够成功进行单核苷酸延伸并被检测到(U型磁珠发光),而M型bead尾部为G,与未甲基化位点不能匹配,没有信号产生;在甲基化的GpC locus,M型bead能与甲基化CpG位点相匹配,单核苷酸延伸并产生信号(M型磁珠发光),而U型bead则不匹配,不产生信号。
❷ Infinium Ⅱ探针则不区分M和U,探针尾部为C,配对后只加入单个碱基(ddNTP-BioT, ddNTP-DNP),然后根据荧光颜色判断加入碱基的类型,进而确定该位点是否被甲基化
❸ 最后,通过计算甲基化和非甲基化位点的荧光信号比例,可确定某位点的甲基化水平(Beta值=M/(M+UM))
值得注意的是“肿瘤中全局甲基化降低,启动子区甲基化增高”也并非定律[7]肾透明细胞癌中就存在高甲基化,尤其是基因体部分。TET-mediated 5mC oxidation might be responsible for the 5hmC loss in kidney cancer. TET-mediated 5mC oxidation requires cosubstrates, such as 2-ketoglutarate (2-KG), which is mainly generated by IDHs during the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
stomach, bladder (Supplementary Fig. 2f), liver, and head and neck tumors show predominantly overexpression of TEs, whereas thyroid, breast, kidney chromophobe, and lung adenocarcinoma tumors show predominantly reduced TE expression compared with normal (Fig. 2a).[8]
differentially methylated CpGs (DMCs)
we examined in 10 TCGA cancer types DNA methylation changes from normal to tumor at both the genome-wide (global) and TE-proximal level using TCGA Illumina 450 K array data.
We observed predominantly reduced levels of TE expression in tumor compared with normal tissue in a subset of cancer types (e.g., breast and lung adenocarcinoma). We examined DNA methylation status at six recurrently downregulated TEs but found no clear association between methylation and TE expression.
(IDH) mutational status in gliomas. IDH-mutant gliomas manifest the cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP).这种表型仅仅指岛甲基化高,整体还是甲基化降低的,因此在分析重复序列表达水平的时候没有必要单独列出这个表型。[10]
[1] Bariol C, Suter C M, Cheong K, et al. The relationship between hypomethylation and CpG island methylation in colorectal neoplasia[J]. American Journal of Pathology, 2003, 162(4): 1361-1371.
[2] https://www.illumina.com/content/dam/illumina-marketing/documents/products/appnotes/appnote-methylseq-wgbs.pdf
[3] 诺禾
[4] 生信技能树论坛-组学大全版块-表观组
[5] 甲基化芯片 陈巍学基因
[6] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?src=11×tamp=1589022589&ver=2328&signature=3JaYIARxyUXqcn2KpQ6GrG02jxI0zEEDVhYiD8StERPhqVnIcafotEBIkjrRJ-TuWzJ6A7Q2-ioQqACjziyYX3Kh1JlMraoHFpsL6uUYDI0GNhK4dXBbYXCiQzWqUHWF&new=1
[7] Loss of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is linked to gene body hypermethylation in kidney cancer
[8] Transposable element expression in tumors is associated with immune infiltration and increased antigenicity
[8.1] Pervasive H3K27 Acetylation Leads to ERV Expression and a Therapeutic Vulnerability in H3K27M Gliomas
[9] Cadieux B, Ching T T, Vandenberg S R, et al. Genome-wide Hypomethylation in Human Glioblastomas Associated with Specific Copy Number Alteration, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Allele Status, and Increased Proliferation[J]. Cancer Research, 2006, 66(17): 8469-8476.
[10] Malta T M, Souza C, Sabedot T S, et al. Glioma CpG island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP): biological and clinical implications[J]. Neuro-oncology, 2018, 20(5): 608-620.