Be Outdoor person
Even if you have nowhere to go, make sure you spend at least 20 minutes outside every day. The fresh air and sunshine can give you an instant mood lift. Plus, this is a great chance to explore and see things you won’t while sitting inside- even if you just take a walk around campus.
Focused Mind
More than likely your time studying abroad is limited. This means you only have a few weeks or months to enjoy your host country, but the rest of your life to enjoy where you come from (if you’ll be returning after your trip). If you don’t enjoy your time abroad due to being homesick, think about how you’ll feel once you do return home- more than likely pretty upset that you didn’t enjoy your journey to the fullest.
Little Goals help
Make attainable social goals daily like to talk to one person in your class or to sign up for a club. It’s important to establish a relationship with individuals in your host country to make it feel like your new home. When you have a friend to enjoy your time with, it’s usually more fun!
Technology tactics
Technology is great for keeping in contact with friends and family back home, but don’t let it be a crutch. Monitor how often you call or Skype home and make sure it’s not impacting your experience abroad.
Revive your hobby
Just because you’re abroad doesn’t mean you can’t continue your workout routine or knitting club. Do a bit of research or ask your school advisor about any information they might have on a group based around your hobby. If there isn’t one- start one!