慈经 Metta Chanting(中文、巴利文、 Aham avero homi (pali)May I be free from enmity and danger.(Aham,我,me; avero: Peaceable;愿我无精神的痛苦。abyapajjho homiMay I be free from mental suffering.(abyapajjho,愿我无身体的痛苦。anigha homiMay I be free from physical suffering.愿我保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharamiMay I take care of myself happily.愿我的父母亲,Mama matapituMay my parents,我的导师、亲戚和朋友,acariya ca natimitta cateachers, relatives and friends,我的同修,sabrahma - carino cafellow Dhamma farers无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and danger无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering.愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantumay they take care of themselves happily.愿在这寺庙的修行者,Imasmim arame sabbe yoginoMay all meditators in this compound无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and danger无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering.愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantuMay they take care of themselves happily.愿在这寺庙的比丘、沙弥,Imasmim arame sabbe bhikkhu samanera caMay all monks and novice monks in this compound男教徒、女教徒,upasaka - upasikaya calaymen and laywomen disciples无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and danger无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantuMay they take care of themselves happily.愿我的四资具的布施主,Amhakam catupaccaya - dayakaMay our donors of the four supports: clothing, food, medicine and lodging无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and danger无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantuMay they take care of themselves happily.愿我的护法神:Amhakam arakkha devataMay our guardian devas在这寺庙的、在这住所的、在这范围的所有的护法神,arakkha devata Ismasmim vihare, Ismasmim avase, Ismasmim arameMay the guardian devas in this monastery, in this dwelling, in this compound无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and danger无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering.愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantumay they take care of themselves happily.愿一切有情众生:Sabbe sattaMay all beings一切活着的、一切有形体的,一切有名相的、一切有身躯的,一切雌性的、一切雄性的众生,sabbe pana, sabbe bhutta, sabbe puggala, sabbe attabhava –pariyapanna, sabbe itthoyo, sabbe purisa all breathing things, all creatures, all individuals (all beings), all personalities (all beings with mind and body), may all females, all males所有圣者、所有非圣者,所有天神、所有人类,所有苦道中的众生,sabbe ariya, sabbe anariya, sabbe deva, sabbe manussa, sabbe vinipatikaall noble ones (saints), all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood), all devas (deities), all humans, all those in the four woeful planes无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and dangers无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantumay they take care of themselves happily愿一切众生脱离痛苦。Dukkha muccantuMay all being be free from suffering愿他们不失去正当途径所获得的一切,Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantuMay whatever they have gained not be lost愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生。KammassakaAll beings are owners of their own Kamma.在东方的,在西方的,在北方的,在南方的,Purathimaya disaya, pacchimaya disaya, uttara disaya, dakkhinaya disayain the eastern direction, in the western direction, in the northern direction, in the southern direction在东北方的,在西北方的,在东南方的,在西南方的,purathimaya anudisaya, pacchimaya anudisaya, uttara anudisaya, dakkhinaya anudisayain the southeast direction, in the northwest direction, in the northeast direction, in the southwest direction在下方的,在上方的,hetthimaya disaya, uparimaya disayain the direction below, in the direction above愿一切有情众生:Sabbe sattaMay all beings一切活着的、一切有形体的,一切有名相的、一切有身躯的,一切雌性的、一切雄性的众生,sabbe pana, sabbe bhutta, sabbe puggala, sabbe attabhava – pariyapanna, sabbe itthoyo, sabbe purisaall breathing things, all creatures, all individuals (all beings), all personalities (all beings with mind and body), may all females, all males所有圣者、所有非圣者,所有天神、所有人类,所有苦道中的众生,sabbe ariya, sabbe anariya, sabbe deva, sabbe manussa, sabbe vinipatikaall noble ones (saints), all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood), all devas (deities), all humans, all those in the four woeful planes无敌意、无危险。avera hontube free from enmity and dangers无精神的痛苦。abyapajjha hontube free from mental suffering无身体的痛苦。anigha hontube free from physical suffering愿他们保持快乐。sukhi - attanam pariharantumay they take care of themselves happily愿一切众生脱离痛苦。Dukkha muccantuMay all being be free from suffering愿他们不失去正当途径所获得的一切,Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantuMay whatever they have gained not be lost愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生。KammassakaAll beings are owners of their own Kamma.上至最高的天众,下至苦道众生;Uddham yava bhavagga ca, adho yava aviccitoAs far as the highest plane of existence, to as far down as the lowest plane在三界的众生,所有在陆地上生存的众生,samanta cakkavalesu, ye satta pathavicarain the entire universe, whatever beings that move on earth愿他们无精神的痛苦、无敌意。abyapajjha nivera camay they are free of mental suffering and enmity愿他们无身体的痛苦、无危险。nidukkha ca nupaddavaand from physical suffering and danger上至最高的天众,下至苦道众生;Uddham yava bhavagga ca, adho yava aviccitoAs far as the highest plane of existence, to as far down as the lowest plane在三界的众生,所有在水上生存的众生,samanta cakkavalesu, ye satta udakecarain the entire universe, whatever beings that move on water愿他们无精神的痛苦、无敌意。abyapajjha nivera camay they are free of mental suffering and enmity愿他们无身体的痛苦、无危险。nidukkha ca nupaddavaand from physical suffering and danger上至最高的天众,下至苦道众生;Uddham yava bhavagga ca, adho yava aviccitoAs far as the highest plane of existence, to as far down as the lowest plane在三界的众生,所有在空气中生存的众生,samanta cakkavalesu, ye satta akasecarain the entire universe, whatever beings that move in air愿他们无精神的痛苦、无敌意。abyapajjha nivera camay they are free of mental suffering and enmity愿他们无身体的痛苦、无危险。nidukkha ca nupaddavaand from physical suffering and danger