- 高德地图:GCJ-02 坐标系(火星坐标系)
- 百度地图:BD-09坐标系(百度坐标系)
bd_encrypt 将 GCJ-02 坐标转换成 BD-09 坐标, bd_decrypt 反之。
void bd_encrypt(double gg_lat, double gg_lon, double &bd_lat, double &bd_lon)
double x = gg_lon, y = gg_lat;
double z = sqrt(x * x + y * y) + 0.00002 * sin(y * x_pi);
double theta = atan2(y, x) + 0.000003 * cos(x * x_pi);
bd_lon = z * cos(theta) + 0.0065;
bd_lat = z * sin(theta) + 0.006;
void bd_decrypt(double bd_lat, double bd_lon, double &gg_lat, double &gg_lon)
double x = bd_lon - 0.0065, y = bd_lat - 0.006;
double z = sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * sin(y * x_pi);
double theta = atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * cos(x * x_pi);
gg_lon = z * cos(theta);
gg_lat = z * sin(theta);
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib import request
import json
import xlwt
import requests
amap_web_key = '9a33b151429e45ba24d1e71b55a7c282'
poi_search_url = "http://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/text"
poi_boundary_url = "https://ditu.amap.com/detail/get/detail"
# 根据城市名称和分类关键字获取poi数据
def getpois(cityname, keywords):
i = 1
poilist = []
while True: # 使用while循环不断分页获取数据
result = getpoi_page(cityname, keywords, i)
result = json.loads(result) # 将字符串转换为json
if result['count'] == '0':
i = i + 1
return poilist
# 单页获取pois
def getpoi_page(cityname, keywords, page):
req_url = poi_search_url + "?key=" + amap_web_key + '&extensions=all&keywords=' + quote(
keywords) + '&city=' + quote(cityname) + '&citylimit=true' + '&offset=25' + '&page=' + str(
page) + '&output=json'
data = ''
with request.urlopen(req_url) as f:
data = f.read()
data = data.decode('utf-8')
return data
# 根据id获取边界数据
def getBounById(id):
req_url = poi_boundary_url + "?id=" + id
with request.urlopen(req_url) as f:
data = f.read()
data = data.decode('utf-8')
dataList = []
datajson = json.loads(data) # 将字符串转换为json
datajson = datajson['data']
datajson = datajson['spec']
if len(datajson) == 1:
return dataList
if datajson.get('mining_shape') != None:
datajson = datajson['mining_shape']
shape = datajson['shape']
dataArr = shape.split(';')
for i in dataArr:
innerList = []
f1 = float(i.split(',')[0])
return dataList