is not a enclosing class .. 今天又碰到这个错误了,正好有空仔细查了一下。
enclosing class ,是相对于 nested class 来说的。non-static nested class 可以访问其enclosing class (外部类)的成员。
那么其实还有一个 inner class 的概念。见:
原来 inner class (内部类)和nested class (嵌套类) 的区别是这样:
Terminology: Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes.
nested class 包含了 inner class,是他的超集。 其中 non-static nested class ==inner class 。
因此碰到这个is not a enclosing class .. ,要么用外部类,要么内部类定义为静态。