1)金钱是财富的转移过程,金钱是社交信用,金钱是换取和租用他人时间的能力。“Money is how we transfer wealth. Money is social credits. It is the ability to have credits and debits of other people’s time.”—Naval Ravikant
2)无限游戏中人们成就彼此,有限游戏中人们成就自己。“In a long-term game, it seems that everybody is making each other rich. And in a short-term game, it seems like everybody is making themselves rich.“—Babak Nivi
3)不问好恶,只谈事实。I never ask if “I like it” or “I don't like it.” I think “this is what it is” or “this is what it isn't.” —Richard Feynman.
4)我手里只要有一本书,就不会觉得浪费时间。“As long as I have a book in my hand, I don’t feel like I’m wasting time.”—Charlie Munger
5)如果你不想持有一只股票十年,不要持有(十分钟)一天,人亦是如此。“If you can’t see yourself working with someone for life, don’t work with them for a day.”—Naval Ravikant
6)用科学技术探求真理。(科技求真,美团王兴及其S-Team亦是如此)Science is, to me, the study of truth.—Naval Ravikant
7)佛陀说,愤怒如掌中火,伤人先伤己。(印度电视剧《佛陀》)“Anger is a hot coal you hold in your hand while waiting to throw it at somebody.”—Buddhist