
-m 0 -a 3 -D 2 --increment --increment-min 6 --increment-max 12 -o jieguo.txt mima.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a


-m 0 -a 3 -D 2 --increment --increment-min 6 --increment-max 12 -o jieguo.txt mima.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a


-S, --slow-candidates   Enable slower (but advanced) candidate generators
                        | 启用较慢(但高级)的候选生成器
    --brain-server      Enable brain server
                        | 启用BRAIN服务器
-z, --brain-client      Enable brain client, activates -S
                        | 启用大脑客户端,激活-s
    --brain-client-features Define brain client features, see below
                        | 定义大脑客户端功能,见下文
    --brain-host        Brain server host (IP or domain)
                        | BRAIN服务器主机(IP或域)
    --brain-port        Brain server port
                        | BRAIN服务器端口
    --brain-password    Brain server authentication password
                        | BRAIN服务器身份验证密码
    --brain-session     Overrides automatically calculated brain session
                        | 覆盖自动计算的大脑会话
    --brain-session-whitelist   Allow given sessions only, separated with commas
                        | 仅允许给定会话,用逗号分隔

- [ Brain Client Features ] -
  # | Features
  1 | Send hashed passwords /**发送哈希密码*/
  2 | Send attack positions /**发送攻击位置*/
  3 | Send hashed passwords and attack positions /**发送哈希密码和攻击位置*/

 Options Short / Long           | Type | Description                                          | Example
 -m, --hash-type                | Num  | Hash-type, references below (otherwise autodetect)   | -m 1000
 -a, --attack-mode              | Num  | Attack-mode, see references below                    | -a 3
 -V, --version                  |      | Print version                                        |
 -h, --help                     |      | Print help                                           |
     --quiet                    |      | Suppress output                                      |
     --hex-charset              |      | Assume charset is given in hex                       |
     --hex-salt                 |      | Assume salt is given in hex                          |
     --hex-wordlist             |      | Assume words in wordlist are given in hex            |
     --force                    |      | Ignore warnings                                      |
     --deprecated-check-disable |      | Enable deprecated plugins                            |
     --status                   |      | Enable automatic update of the status screen         |
     --status-json              |      | Enable JSON format for status output                 |
     --status-timer             | Num  | Sets seconds between status screen updates to X      | --status-timer=1
     --stdin-timeout-abort      | Num  | Abort if there is no input from stdin for X seconds  | --stdin-timeout-abort=300
     --machine-readable         |      | Display the status view in a machine-readable format |
     --keep-guessing            |      | Keep guessing the hash after it has been cracked     |
     --self-test-disable        |      | Disable self-test functionality on startup           |
     --loopback                 |      | Add new plains to induct directory                   |
     --markov-hcstat2           | File | Specify hcstat2 file to use                          | --markov-hcstat2=my.hcstat2
     --markov-disable           |      | Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force |
     --markov-classic           |      | Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position       |
 -t, --markov-threshold         | Num  | Threshold X when to stop accepting new markov-chains | -t 50
     --runtime                  | Num  | Abort session after X seconds of runtime             | --runtime=10
     --session                  | Str  | Define specific session name                         | --session=mysession
     --restore                  |      | Restore session from --session                       |
     --restore-disable          |      | Do not write restore file                            |
     --restore-file-path        | File | Specific path to restore file                        | --restore-file-path=x.restore
 -o, --outfile                  | File | Define outfile for recovered hash                    | -o outfile.txt
     --outfile-format           | Str  | Outfile format to use, separated with commas         | --outfile-format=1,3
     --outfile-autohex-disable  |      | Disable the use of $HEX[] in output plains           |
     --outfile-check-timer      | Num  | Sets seconds between outfile checks to X             | --outfile-check=30
     --wordlist-autohex-disable |      | Disable the conversion of $HEX[] from the wordlist   |
 -p, --separator                | Char | Separator char for hashlists and outfile             | -p :
     --stdout                   |      | Do not crack a hash, instead print candidates only   |
     --show                     |      | Compare hashlist with potfile; show cracked hashes   |
     --left                     |      | Compare hashlist with potfile; show uncracked hashes |
     --username                 |      | Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile             |
     --remove                   |      | Enable removal of hashes once they are cracked       |
     --remove-timer             | Num  | Update input hash file each X seconds                | --remove-timer=30
     --potfile-disable          |      | Do not write potfile                                 |
     --potfile-path             | File | Specific path to potfile                             | --potfile-path=my.pot
     --encoding-from            | Code | Force internal wordlist encoding from X              | --encoding-from=iso-8859-15
     --encoding-to              | Code | Force internal wordlist encoding to X                | --encoding-to=utf-32le
     --debug-mode               | Num  | Defines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules)  | --debug-mode=4
     --debug-file               | File | Output file for debugging rules                      | --debug-file=good.log
     --induction-dir            | Dir  | Specify the induction directory to use for loopback  | --induction=inducts
     --outfile-check-dir        | Dir  | Specify the outfile directory to monitor for plains  | --outfile-check-dir=x
     --logfile-disable          |      | Disable the logfile                                  |
     --hccapx-message-pair      | Num  | Load only message pairs from hccapx matching X       | --hccapx-message-pair=2
     --nonce-error-corrections  | Num  | The BF size range to replace AP's nonce last bytes   | --nonce-error-corrections=16
     --keyboard-layout-mapping  | File | Keyboard layout mapping table for special hash-modes | --keyb=german.hckmap
     --truecrypt-keyfiles       | File | Keyfiles to use, separated with commas               | --truecrypt-keyf=x.png
     --veracrypt-keyfiles       | File | Keyfiles to use, separated with commas               | --veracrypt-keyf=x.txt
     --veracrypt-pim-start      | Num  | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier start       | --veracrypt-pim-start=450
     --veracrypt-pim-stop       | Num  | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier stop        | --veracrypt-pim-stop=500
 -b, --benchmark                |      | Run benchmark of selected hash-modes                 |
     --benchmark-all            |      | Run benchmark of all hash-modes (requires -b)        |
     --speed-only               |      | Return expected speed of the attack, then quit       |
     --progress-only            |      | Return ideal progress step size and time to process  |
 -c, --segment-size             | Num  | Sets size in MB to cache from the wordfile to X      | -c 32
     --bitmap-min               | Num  | Sets minimum bits allowed for bitmaps to X           | --bitmap-min=24
     --bitmap-max               | Num  | Sets maximum bits allowed for bitmaps to X           | --bitmap-max=24
     --cpu-affinity             | Str  | Locks to CPU devices, separated with commas          | --cpu-affinity=1,2,3
     --hook-threads             | Num  | Sets number of threads for a hook (per compute unit) | --hook-threads=8
     --hash-info                |      | Show information for each hash-mode                  |
     --example-hashes           |      | Alias of --hash-info                                 |
     --backend-ignore-cuda      |      | Do not try to open CUDA interface on startup         |
     --backend-ignore-opencl    |      | Do not try to open OpenCL interface on startup       |
 -I, --backend-info             |      | Show info about detected backend API devices         | -I
 -d, --backend-devices          | Str  | Backend devices to use, separated with commas        | -d 1
 -D, --opencl-device-types      | Str  | OpenCL device-types to use, separated with commas    | -D 1
 -O, --optimized-kernel-enable  |      | Enable optimized kernels (limits password length)    |
 -M, --multiply-accel-disable   |      | Disable multiply kernel-accel with processor count   |
 -w, --workload-profile         | Num  | Enable a specific workload profile, see pool below   | -w 3
 -n, --kernel-accel             | Num  | Manual workload tuning, set outerloop step size to X | -n 64
 -u, --kernel-loops             | Num  | Manual workload tuning, set innerloop step size to X | -u 256
 -T, --kernel-threads           | Num  | Manual workload tuning, set thread count to X        | -T 64
     --backend-vector-width     | Num  | Manually override backend vector-width to X          | --backend-vector=4
     --spin-damp                | Num  | Use CPU for device synchronization, in percent       | --spin-damp=10
     --hwmon-disable            |      | Disable temperature and fanspeed reads and triggers  |
     --hwmon-temp-abort         | Num  | Abort if temperature reaches X degrees Celsius       | --hwmon-temp-abort=100
     --scrypt-tmto              | Num  | Manually override TMTO value for scrypt to X         | --scrypt-tmto=3
 -s, --skip                     | Num  | Skip X words from the start                          | -s 1000000
 -l, --limit                    | Num  | Limit X words from the start + skipped words         | -l 1000000
     --keyspace                 |      | Show keyspace base:mod values and quit               |
 -j, --rule-left                | Rule | Single rule applied to each word from left wordlist  | -j 'c'
 -k, --rule-right               | Rule | Single rule applied to each word from right wordlist | -k '^-'
 -r, --rules-file               | File | Multiple rules applied to each word from wordlists   | -r rules/best64.rule
 -g, --generate-rules           | Num  | Generate X random rules                              | -g 10000
     --generate-rules-func-min  | Num  | Force min X functions per rule                       |
     --generate-rules-func-max  | Num  | Force max X functions per rule                       |
     --generate-rules-func-sel  | Str  | Pool of rule operators valid for random rule engine  | --generate-rules-func-sel=ioTlc
     --generate-rules-seed      | Num  | Force RNG seed set to X                              |
 -1, --custom-charset1          | CS   | User-defined charset ?1                              | -1 ?l?d?u
 -2, --custom-charset2          | CS   | User-defined charset ?2                              | -2 ?l?d?s
 -3, --custom-charset3          | CS   | User-defined charset ?3                              |
 -4, --custom-charset4          | CS   | User-defined charset ?4                              |
     --identify                 |      | Shows all supported algorithms for input hashes      | --identify my.hash
 -i, --increment                |      | Enable mask increment mode                           |
     --increment-min            | Num  | Start mask incrementing at X                         | --increment-min=4
     --increment-max            | Num  | Stop mask incrementing at X                          | --increment-max=8
 -S, --slow-candidates          |      | Enable slower (but advanced) candidate generators    |
     --brain-server             |      | Enable brain server                                  |
     --brain-server-timer       | Num  | Update the brain server dump each X seconds (min:60) | --brain-server-timer=300
 -z, --brain-client             |      | Enable brain client, activates -S                    |
     --brain-client-features    | Num  | Define brain client features, see below              | --brain-client-features=3
     --brain-host               | Str  | Brain server host (IP or domain)                     | --brain-host=
     --brain-port               | Port | Brain server port                                    | --brain-port=13743
     --brain-password           | Str  | Brain server authentication password                 | --brain-password=bZfhCvGUSjRq
     --brain-session            | Hex  | Overrides automatically calculated brain session     | --brain-session=0x2ae611db
     --brain-session-whitelist  | Hex  | Allow given sessions only, separated with commas     | --brain-session-whitelist=0x2ae611db

hashcat --brain-server --brain-host=<IP> --brain-port=<PORT> --brain-password=<PWD>

hashcat.exe --brain-server --brain-host= --brain-port=9999 --brain-password=123

hashcat.exe -O --brain-client --brain-client-features=3 --brain-host= --brain-port=9999 --brain-password=123 -m 0 -a 3 -D 2 -w 4 --increment --increment-min 6 --increment-max 12 -o jieguo.txt mima.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a

hashcat.exe -O --brain-client --brain-client-features=3 --brain-host= --brain-port=9999 --brain-password=123 -m 0 -a 3 -D 2 --segment-size 1024 -w 4 --increment --increment-min 6 --increment-max 12 -o jieguo.txt mima.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a

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