UIPATH_RAP_Developer_Advanced(online quiz)


Which of the following are required to have efficient execution of automation projects?

Proper exception handling (CORRECT)

Recovery abilities (CORRECT)

Effective logging mechanisms (CORRECT)

How should a UiPath developer handle frequent changes in the project files?

By creating daily backups of the files

By using a source control solution, such as SVN, TFS, etc. (CORRECT)

Old versions of the project files are not relevant

In UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework, the value of MaxRetryNumber in the Config.xlsx file should be set to a number greater than 0 to enable the retry mechanism in the following cases:

Get data from spreadsheets,​ ​databases, email,​ ​web​ ​API. (CORRECT)

Do not work with UiPath​ ​Orchestrator ​queues.

Get data from UiPath Orchestrator queues with Auto Retry disabled. (CORRECT)

In a Try Catch activity, how many times is the Finally section executed if no error occurs in the Try section?


The Finally section is executed only when the Catch section is executed.


Which of the following are considered best practices?

Removing unreferenced variables. (CORRECT)

Deleting disabled code. (CORRECT)

Leaving target applications opened.

In which workflow in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is the retry mechanism implemented?

The SetTransactionStatus workflow (CORRECT)

The Main workflow

The GetTransactionData workflow

What happens in the Init state of the Main workflow, in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template?

The robot reads the configuration file and initializes all the required applications. (CORRECT)

The transaction items are extracted from the Queue.

The robot checks if the previous transaction is complete and then starts the next one.

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, in the Get Transaction Data state of the Main workflow, what happens before the next transaction item is retrieved?

We check if the previous transaction has been completed

We check if a kill signal was sent from Orchestrator

We check if a stop signal was sent from Orchestrator (CORRECT)

Where should credentials be stored? Select all the options that apply.

In Windows Credential Store. (CORRECT)

In Orchestrator, as assets. (CORRECT)

Directly inside the workflows, as variables.

What is the best way of restricting the access of a person to a limited number of pages in Orchestrator?

That option does not exist. Everyone is able to see everything

By changing the rights of the Administrator to the desired state.

By creating a different account and role for that person. When creating a new role, restrictions can be applied. (CORRECT)

How can a process be executed on three different robots?

By deploying the process in the environment of the robots, which run it automatically

By creating a job and selecting all three robots (CORRECT)

It is not possible to allocate a process to three different robots

By scheduling the process and adjusting the settings in the Execution Target tab accordingly (CORRECT)

How can a robot start an application in Citrix?

By using a command line. (CORRECT)

By double clicking on a Desktop icon. (CORRECT)

By using an Open Application activity.

By defining a shortcut key for the application and then triggering the app with a Send Hotkey activity. (CORRECT)

What can be used to debug a workflow?

Breakpoints (CORRECT)

Highlighting activities. (CORRECT)

The Slow Step option. (CORRECT)

At the end of the execution of Workflow1, which retrieves some items from a database, is the database connection closed automatically?

Yes, the connection is closed after 30 seconds.

The connection has to be closed using a Disconnect activity. (CORRECT)

Only the database admin can decide this aspect.

How does the Anchor Base activity work?

It searches for an UiElement at a fixed anchor position.

It searches for an UiElement using a relative coordinate position. (CORRECT)

It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor.

What is the difference between a Click activity whose SimulateClick property is checked and another one with the same property unchecked?

The activity with an enabled SimulateClick flag does not click the target element, it just simulates the action.

The activity with the SimulateClick flag unchecked moves the mouse cursor over the target element, while the one with the flag set does not move the mouse cursor. (CORRECT)

There is no difference – both can be used in same scenarios.

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, where can the GetAppCredentials workflow retrieve credentials from?

Orchestrator Asset (CORRECT)

Windows Credential Manager

User dialog

When should the “Add Log Fields” activity be used?

When the standard log message has to be customized by adding new fields to it (CORRECT)

When logs need to be enabled

When a log message with a maximum number of five visible fields needs to be generated

What happens if you try to end the execution of a job by clicking the Kill/Terminate button in Uipath Orchestrator?

The execution process is killed. (CORRECT)

The execution is not impacted if no Should Stop activity has been included in the workflow in Studio.

The job state is changed to Canceled/Stopped, even if no Should Stop activity was used.

What direction can the arguments of a workflow have?

In arguments. (CORRECT)

Out arguments (CORRECT)

In/Out arguments (CORRECT)

How can you dynamically change parts of a selector?

You cannot have dynamic components in a selector.

By using variables to replace the dynamic parts (CORRECT)

By adding parameters from the Properties tab.

Is it possible to retrieve the color of a specific Excel cell?

Yes, by using Get Cell Color (CORRECT)

No. The color cannot be retrieved from a workbook.

Only with an OCR Engine.

What is the robot able to do when the Full Text scraping method is used?

Get font information (size, colour).

Get hidden information. (CORRECT)

Get editable text. (CORRECT)

Get the entire visible text. (CORRECT)

Why is renaming activities considered to be one of the best practices?

In case of an exception, to be able to find its source activity (CORRECT)

To be able to understand the process logic without expanding each sequence or invoked workflow. (CORRECT)

To easily understand the high-level business logic from a workflow.(CORRECT)

You need to collect employees data and send it by email as an Excel file. What type of workflow is the most suitable for the final part, which adds the file attachment, formats the email, and sends it?

Sequence (CORRECT)


Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

State Machine

How can you provide more details to explain the purpose of the activities in a workflow?

By adding activity Annotations. (CORRECT)

By using a Comment Out activity.

By using the Comment activity. (CORRECT)

What is the slowest method of reading text?




Consider three GenericValue variables, var1 with the default value of “3 apples”, var2 with the default value of “5 mangos”, and the result, which is the output of an Assign Activity with the var1 + var2 expression. What is the value of the resulting vari?


“8 fruits”


Error: “Input string was not in a correct format”

“3 apples5 mangos” (CORRECT)

What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow?




Which of the following types of variables can be defined in UiPath Studio?

GenericValue. (CORRECT)

DataTable (CORRECT)


What happens if the ClickBeforeTyping property in a Type Into activity is selected?

Before typing, a click is performed at the center of the UiElement. (CORRECT)

Before typing, a click is performed on the top left corner of the UiElement.

Before typing, a click is performed at the current mouse position.

The best way of managing variable values within a workflow, so that they can be shared on different robots and environments is:

Using Json config files.

Using excel config files

Using assets defined in Orchestrator. (CORRECT)

What is Orchestrator used for?

Running Windows processes on the local machine.

Remotely controlling any number of robots and performing workflow management. (CORRECT)

Designing workflows to be run by robots in a supervised mode.

Designing workflows to be run by robots in an unsupervised mode.

What robots can be selected when you start a job from Orchestrator?

Any robot provisioned in Orchestrator.

Any robot you have access to according to your role permissions.

Any robot in the same environment as the process to be executed. (CORRECT)

Is it possible to reprocess a transaction in a Queue after its failure due to an application exception?

No, transactions cannot be processed again if they fail.

Yes, if the Auto-Retry property of the Queue is enabled. (CORRECT)

Only transactions that failed due to a business exception can be reprocessed.

Yes, it can be retried manually on the Transactions page. (CORRECT)

What types of assets can be stored in Orchestrator?

Array, Datatable, Bool, String

Bool, String, Integer, Credential (CORRECT)

Integer, Password, GenericValue, String

What do the Items in the Orchestrator queues consist of? Select all the options that apply.

Input data for the processes executed by the robots (CORRECT)

Jobs to be executed by the robots

Processes to be executed by the robots

What happens if the result of a transaction is not set?

It is automatically set to Successful after 24 hours

It is automatically set to Failed after 24 hours

The status is “In Progress” for 24 hours, and then it switches to Abandoned (CORRECT)

What is the best practice to stop an ongoing job in Orchestrator?

The process can only stop on its own.

By cancelling it and using a Should Stop activity inside the workflow. (CORRECT)

By terminating it.

What happens when a new version of a package is published?

The processes using the package are automatically updated to the latest version

The processes have to be updated in order for the robots to run the latest version of the package (CORRECT)

The old version of the package is overwritten

Which of the following statements related to Orchestrator are true?

Robots can be assigned to multiple environments. (CORRECT)

A robot can execute many different jobs at the same time.

A robot can execute many different jobs one after the other. (CORRECT)

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, in the Main workflow, the State Machine includes the following states:

Init state (CORRECT)

Get transaction data state (CORRECT)

Process​ ​Transaction​ ​State (CORRECT)

Set Transaction State

End​ ​Process​ ​State (CORRECT)

How can you retrieve the value stored in a Queue Item variable?

Use the Deserialize Json activity

Use the Deserialize Xml activity

Use the SpecificContent property (CORRECT)

The return value of the Get Transaction Item activity is of the following type:



QueueItem (CORRECT)


Which Queue Item properties can be used to control the order in which the items are processed?


Priority (CORRECT)

Deadline (CORRECT)

Postpone (CORRECT)

Where should you store the environment settings that are prone to changes?

In Orchestrator, as assets (CORRECT)

Inside config files (.xml, .json, .xlsx, etc.) (CORRECT)

Directly inside the workflows, as hard coded values

In UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework, what are the transitions of the Init state?

In the case of Success, the transition is to the Get Transaction Data state. (CORRECT)

In the case of System Error, the transition is to the Init state.

In the case of Success, the transition is to the Process Transaction state.

In the case of System Error, the transition is to the End Process state. (CORRECT)

Which one of the statements below regarding the GetAppCredentials workflow included in UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework is true?

It first requests the credential from user.

It​ ​first tries​ ​to​ ​fetch​ a ​credential ​from​ ​the Windows​ ​Credential​ ​Manager.

It​ ​first​ ​tries​ ​to​ ​fetch​ ​​a​ ​credential ​​from​ ​Orchestrator. (CORRECT)

What layout should be used for UI navigation and data processing?


Sequence (CORRECT)

State Machine

What can the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template be used as?

The starting point for every automation project (CORRECT)

A complete library for front office robots

A consumer of a queue in Orchestrator

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, in the Main workflow, what is the default type of the TransactionItem variable?


QueueItem (CORRECT)


You want to build a Dispatcher process to populate an Orchestrator Queue for parallel processing on multiple robots. Which activity should you use to add a queue item for each work item?

Add Queue Item (CORRECT)

Get Transaction Item

Add Transaction Item

Which of the following are considered best practices? Select all the options that apply.

Keeping environment settings hard coded inside workflows.

Breaking the process into smaller workflows. (CORRECT)

Reusing workflows across different projects. (CORRECT)

After adding an Invoke Workflow File activity and selecting the workflow to invoke, you need to:

Click Import Arguments, and then bind the arguments to the local variables or to some default values (CORRECT)

Click Edit Arguments, and then bind the arguments to the local variables or to some default values

If a large item collection is processed using For Each, which activity enables you to efficiently exit the loop after a specific moment?

No activity can be used. Instead, you have to create a Boolean variable based on which the For Each loop is broken

The “Break” activity is the most suitable in For Each (CORRECT)

A While loop should be used instead of For Each

This is a reliable selector for a dynamic web page: webctrl idx='144' tag='IMG'/



What is the best way of scraping a large, selectable text in a Citrix environment?

Use a Get Full Text activity.

Use the Microsoft OCR engine.

Use the Google OCR engine.

Select the entire text and copy it with the Copy Selected Text activity. (CORRECT)

How can you pass data between workflows?

By using arguments. (CORRECT)

By using variables.

By using a pipe.

When should the Simulate Type/Click property be used?

Whenever supported by the target application (CORRECT)

Only when background automation is required

Only for testing purposes

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, to enable the retry mechanism without using Queues, what should the value of MaxRetryNumber be set to?


Any value greater than 0 (CORRECT)

Any value greater than 2

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, if a System Error is encountered in the Process Transaction state of the Main workflow, which state is executed next?

Get Transaction Data


End Process

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, what happens if the processing of a transaction item fails with an Application Exception or a System Error?

The process executes the End Process state.

All used applications are closed and then re-initialized. (CORRECT)

The execution of the transaction item is retried if the MaxRetryNumber config value is greater than 0. (CORRECT)

How should exceptions be handled? Select all the options that apply.

By using Try Catch activities inside the workflow for unexpected application exceptions. (CORRECT)

By validating data using conditional blocks for business exceptions. (CORRECT)

UiPath handles exceptions by default.

When requesting a work item from Orchestrator Queues using the Get Transaction Item activity, you need to specify the following:

The name of the Queue which contains that specific work item (CORRECT)

The name of the Queue and the number of items to be retrieved

The name of the Queue, the number of items, and a filtering expression

Which of the following SQL statements can be executed by using the activity called Execute Non Query?

Insert (CORRECT)

Update (CORRECT)


Delete (CORRECT)

What type of Output variable do all Get Mail activities return? (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)


List <MailMessage> (CORRECT)

List <GenericValue>

How can you identify a column in a DataTable?

By using the column name. (CORRECT)

By using the row index.

By using the column default value.

By using the column index. (CORRECT)

Which is the best way to delete unreferenced variables?

Delete them one by one from the Variables panel. UiPath Studio performs the workflow validation in real time, therefore you can see which variable is being used.

You can manage your variables from the Design panel > Manage Variables > Remove Unreferenced. (CORRECT)

The unreferenced variables do not utilise memory, therefore you do not have to delete them.

Can you store a Selector in a variable?


Yes, in a UiElement variable.

Yes, in a String variable. (CORRECT)

Where can we see the logs generated by running robots?

In the Output panel. (CORRECT)

In the local Logs folder. (CORRECT)

In the Orchestrator logs. (CORRECT)

Is it possible to write to a text file without using the Write Text File activity?


Yes, using the Invoke Method activity (CORRECT)

Yes, with the Invoke Power Shell activity (CORRECT)

“Add Assets” in Orchestrator has the following option:

Value Per Robot (CORRECT)

Value Per Environment

Value Per Process

Single Value (CORRECT)

Which of the statuses below can a transaction have? Select all the options that apply.



In progress (CORRECT)

Successful (CORRECT)

Abandoned (CORRECT)

Failed (CORRECT)

Retried (CORRECT)

Deleted (CORRECT)

What robot state is displayed on the Robots page while a job is being executed?




What is the best practice to stop an ongoing job in Orchestrator?

The process can only stop on its own.

By cancelling it and using a Should Stop activity inside the workflow. (CORRECT)

By terminating it.

One of the actions below is not required when starting processes with UiPath Orchestrator.

Registering robots to Orchestrator

Publishing projects from UiPath Studio

Creating an environment containing the robot

Creating a queue in Orchestrator (CORRECT)

Creating a process with the published package and environment

Starting a job, which is the execution of the process

Where can the logging level of a robot be changed from?

The robot settings, which are accessed via the UiPath Robot icon in the System tray. (CORRECT)

Orchestrator, in the Edit Robot section, the Settings tab. (CORRECT)

You can not change the logging level.

What is the relation between environments and provisioned robots?

One robot can be assigned to multiple environments. (CORRECT)

One robot can be assigned to a single environment only.

An environment can contain multiple robots. (CORRECT)

An environment can contain a single robot only.

Where can you trigger an unattended robot from? Select all the options that apply.

The UiPath Robot icon in the system tray (CORRECT)

UiPath Studio

Remotely, from Orchestrator (CORRECT)

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, if a System Error is encountered in the Init state of the Main workflow, which state is executed next?

Get Transaction Data


End Process (CORRECT)

In which workflow in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is the TransactionNumber global variable incremented by default?

Process workflow

SetTransactionStatus workflow (CORRECT)

GetTransactionData workflow

In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, what should be the outcome of the Process Transaction state of the Main workflow when the application loops back to the Get Transaction Item state?

Success (CORRECT)

Business rule exception (CORRECT)

Application exception

What are the functions of the Outline panel?

It shows the structure of the workflow (CORRECT)

It shows the execution result of the workflow

If the Activities are properly named, it can be used to search and select specific Activities used inside the workflow (CORRECT)

Which statement about the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is false?

The​ ​framework​ ​is​ ​meant​ ​to​ ​be​ ​a​ ​template​ ​that​ ​helps​ ​the​ ​user​ ​design​ ​processes​.

The framework can be used only if you get the input data from the UiPath​ ​server​ ​queues. (CORRECT)

The framework has ​a​ ​robust exception​ ​handling​ ​scheme​ ​and​ ​event​ ​logging.

Which of the following are considered best practices?

Start your new sequence with a short annotation meant to explain the purpose of the workflow. (CORRECT)

Include a Should Stop activity at the end of the workflow.

Think about the exceptions that might occur during the execution of the process. (CORRECT)

Which of the following statements are true? Select all the options that apply.

You cannot use a recorder in a Citrix environment

The recorder is used to create a skeleton for the UI automation (CORRECT)

The Desktop recorder generates partial selectors (CORRECT)

Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a web browser?

Use the Navigate To activity inside an Attach Browser container (CORRECT)

Use the Type Into activity inside an Attach Browser container

Use a Type Into activity with a full selector

How can you improve a selector?

By replacing the dynamic parts of an attribute with wildcards. (CORRECT)

By adding the absolute position of the elements to the selector.

By using intermediate containers for a better matching of the UI element. (CORRECT)

While automating an installation wizard, a pop-up window may or may not appear. What can you use to close the window without stopping the workflow?

Use a Click activity inside a Try Catch activity. (CORRECT)

Use a Click activity with the ContinueOnError property set to True. (CORRECT)

Use a Click activity and set its TimeoutMS property to 30.

Which is considered to be one of the best practices regarding the process finalization?

Leave the used applications open, so that a person can inspect the result

Leave the application in its initial state, so that we can execute the process again (CORRECT)

Restart the machine, so that any potential problem can be fixed

One of the steps in your process is to authenticate on a web application. How can you check if the login succeeded or not?

Place the login activities inside a Try-Catch block. An exception is thrown in case a login problem occurs.

Use an Element Exist activity to check whether the login succeeded by searching for an element that is only displayed in that case. (CORRECT)

Check the return value of the Login activity.

When should an Attended Robot be used? Select the option that applies.

When the processing of some input data relies on human decision. (CORRECT)

When a workflow needs to be modified and corrected.

When the process might be interrupted by exceptions and errors.

The String.Format(“Input = {0} and Output = {0}”, “1”,”2”) expression returns the following:

Input = {0} and Output = {0}.

Input = 1 and Output = 2.

Input = 1 and Output = 1. (CORRECT)

Input = {1} and Output = {2}.

An error.

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