Mummy Pig has made a special box for Peppa.
佩奇 这个盒子就是给你的
Peppa. This box is just for you.
Thanks, Mummy.
这是个秘密盒子 让你放秘密的东西
It's a secret box for you to keep secret things in.
What things can I put in it, Mummy?
哦 你来决定盒子里放什么这是你的秘密盒子
Oh.Only you can decide that, Peppa. It's your secret box.
I know what can I put in it.
很好 但是不要告诉我
Good. But don't tell me.
我不会告诉你的 不告诉乔治 也不告诉爸爸 这是一个秘密
I won't tell you, or George, or Daddy. It's a secret.
乔治 这是我的秘密盒子 现在是空的 我得赶快找一些东西 放进盒子里去
George. This is my secret box. It's empty. I have to find some things to put inside.
George wants to help Peppa.
不了 乔治 只有我能知道盒子里面有什么 我选东西的时候 你必须得在外面
No, George. Only I must know what's in the box. You have to wait outside while I choose.
佩奇要选些东西 放进秘密盒子里
Peppa is going to choose some secret things to put in the box.
现在我的秘密盒子装满了 你不能看里面的东西
Now my secret box is full. George. You must not look inside.
George would like to know what is inside Peppa's secret box.
如果你想的话 你可以试着猜一猜
If you like. You can try to guess.
George thinks Peppa has put a dinosaur in the box.
哦乔治 不管是什么东西 你怎么都说是恐龙 给你说吧 恐龙实在太大了 这个盒子是放不下的
Oh George. You always say "dinosaur" for everything. Anyway a dinosaur is too big to fit in the box.
George cannot guess what is in Peppa's secret box.
Daddy Pig is cleaning the picture.
爸爸 这是我的秘密盒子 是妈妈给我做的
Daddy. This is my secret box.Mummy made it for me.
好漂亮的盒子 佩奇 里面装了什么
It's very nice, Peppa. What's inside.
这可是个秘密 乔治已经猜过了 但是他没有猜对
It's a secret.George tried to guess. But he didn't get it right.
Can I have a try?
Have you put my glasses inside?
没 你的眼睛在你头上
No! Your glasses are on your head.
So they are.
糊涂爸爸 你必须得好好猜一猜
Silly Daddy. You must have a proper guess.
好 你放了妈妈的鞋子吗
Ok. Have you put Mummy's shoes in the box?
没有 你现在已经没有机会再猜了
Nope! And that's all your guesses. Used up!
Peppa likes secrets.
妈妈 没人猜的到我的盒子里有什么 哦 乔治拿的是什么
Mummy. No one knows what is in my box.Oh. What has George got?
我也给乔治做了一个 他也放满了秘密的东西 只有他知道里面有什么
I made a box for George, too.And he‘s fulled it with secret things. And only George knows what's inside.
Peppa would like to know what is inside in George's box.
简单 肯定是乔治的恐龙玩具
It's George's toy dinosaur, of course.
George's toy dinosaur is not in George's box.
太难了 我永远都猜不到
It's too difficult. I'll never guess!
George does not like secrets as mush as she used to.
这样吧 如果你给乔治看一件东西 说不定他也会给你看的
Maybe, If you show George one thing from your box, then he could show you one thing from his.
好的 但是我们得同时进行
Ok. But we must do it at the same time.
这个主意很不错 我数到三 你们同时打开盒子 准备好了吗
That's a good idea. On the count of three, you each show what's in your boxes.Ready?
一 二 三
One two three
乔治藏了只鼓 乔治藏了只喇叭 [drʌm] [ˈtrʌmpɪt]
George has a drum and Peppa has a trumpet.
是的 听上去真不错 你们还有什么秘密东西吗?
Yes, it sounds very nice. Do you have anymore secret things?
乔治藏了一个蛋奶甜甜圈 [ˈkʌstəd] [ˈdoʊnʌt] 但是佩奇的盒子空了
George has a custard doughnut. But Peppa's box is empty.
I've got nothing else.
幸好我还有 来吧 吃吧
Luckily, I have. Come on. Tuck in
佩奇 乔治 妈妈 爸爸 都喜欢吃蛋奶甜甜圈
George, Peppa, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig all like custard doughnuts.
我没有特别的盒子 但我知道有个好地方能放我的蛋奶甜甜圈 猜猜是哪里
I don't have a special box. But I know a very good place to hide my custard doughnut! Can you guess where?
emm.... Are you going to hide it in the fridge?
不 一个更特别的地方 我的肚子 太好吃了
No. Somewhere much more special.My tummy. Delicious.
我也要把我的 藏在我的肚子里
I'm going to hide mine in my tummy.
Me too.