- Linq to objects linq查询objects
- relation-oriented 面向关系的
That’s impressive enough, but if you’re performance-conscious, you may be wondering why you’d want to pull down all the data from the database and then apply these .NET queries and orderings. Why not get the database to do it? That’s what it’s good at, isn’t it? Well, indeed—and that’s exactly what LINQ to SQL does.
这看起来令人印象深刻,但是逻辑清晰的人,马上会想到为什么要把数据从数据库提取出来然后用.net进行查询与排序呢,为什么不在数据库执行这些操作呢?那样做岂不是更好,事实上,这正是ling to SQL干的事情。
You’ll see later that there’s a more relation-oriented way of approaching this kind of join when the schema and the entities know about the relationship between suppliers and products.
LINQ to Objects is that the in-memory LINQ operating on collections.
linq to objects 是指在内存中使用linq操作集合。