Design and Implementation of VR Ocean ProtectionTeaching Game
Abstract:Generally, wehave learning the ocean protection awareness through books, pictures, brochuresor promotion films. The students’ participation is not high because the knowledgeis mainly input unilaterally. But VR games break through the limitation of timeand space, create a simulated ocean world, and improve learners’ enthusiasm andcreativity. The paper focuses on theme of ocean pollution and explains thetheoretical basis, checkpoint design, development framework, key technology andapplication effect evaluation of ocean protection teaching game. The gameinfiltrates ocean protection knowledge into the game to provide an immersive, interactive,stereoscopic and realistic game scene and study process for learners. This processhelps more users identify the ocean pollution deeply. So the people’s protectionocean awareness will be awakened and more people participate to oceanecological protection and management.
Key words:VR; Ocean Protection; Teaching Game; Virtual Reality