1. Q & A
Q: Why is it difficult to judge a contemporary?
A: For one thing, the living man's life is not completed, and one never knows that he is going to do next when a crisis comes. For another, the living man has secrets, and some of the best secrets usually come out long after the man is dead.
2. Interesting Sentences
1. Roughly, good writing is like the sailing of clouds or flowing of water, moving forward where it is natural to move forward, and stopping where it must stop.
2. The question of knowing and not knowing a man has nothing to do with being his contemporary.
3. His poems were always fresh, not like Wang Anshih's, which occasionally attained perfection.
One of his grandchildren, Su Fu, was given a high office in consideration of his illustrious grandfather.
此处的office是"an important position of authority, especially in government"要职
与此相关的用法有hold office执政(office holder),in office在职, out of office在野, take office掌权,执政, seek/run for office谋求/竞选公职
此外,还有一些常用的与office搭配的形容词,比如high, important, minor, lucrative(赚钱多的,获利多的)等
搭配的动词可以使用hold, remain in, seek, run for, stand for, be appointed.elected to, win, take (up), give up, leave, resign from...(以上搭配词来自牛津搭配词典)
例句:She resigned from office two days ago.
He took up the brush again and dashed off the second half of the quatrain.
brush这个词是我没想到的,所以我就去查了一下它,发现除了在文中做“毛笔,画笔”这个意思外,还有两个有趣的解释。一是表示a light touch made in passing something or somebody,例如the brush of his lips on her cheek,二是表示a short unfriendly meeting with somebody, an occasion when you neatly experience something unpleasant小冲突,稍有不快的场合,例如she has a nasty brush with her mother.
有关brush的俗语:paint something with a broad brush大致地描述…
be tarred(tar:用沥青涂抹,用柏油涂抹) with the same brush一丘之貉
dash off:to write or draw something very quickly/to leave or go somewhere very quickly
造句:she dashed off on hearing the news.
We wish that your spirit could rise from the underground springs, so that the world might pay homage to your fame, and we pray that your talented soul will accept our Imperial favor.
pay homage to: to show respect to somebody
造句:He wrote this poem to pay homage to his teacher.
reach the court: the court此处用单数,表示“王室成员,王宫成员”
a farewell dinner 送行宴