Cincinati(未知主队球迷):枪手逼这么紧,也挡不住丁丁的强势插入啊!(Even Arsenal has a close defense they still cannot stop KDB)
Freshsalsadip(阿森纳球迷):丁丁最后都感到无聊了吧,说不定都在思考晚饭该吃啥呢!(De Bruyne is just bored in the end. Probably thinking what to have for Dinner.)
GoonerJake(阿森纳球迷):这还没到一月份呢,桑切斯咋就给曼城踢上球了呢?能不能不要再给斯特林传球了….(It's not even january and sanchez is already playing for city? Please don't pass to Sterling again.)
Jackdfcd18(未知主队球迷):桑切斯这场的表现堪称世界级的,你看他和未来的队友们的配合多好!(World class game from Alexis Sanchez. Loved the way he was linking up with his future teammates.)
Aynrandcap(曼城球迷):看完这场比赛,我突然就不想买桑切斯了…(I don't want alexis anymore after watching this first half tbh)
Kingsley_Coman(阿森纳球迷):为什么?他今天可是你们的全场最佳啊!(why? he's been your motm)
Doublemint(曼城球迷):蓝月出征,寸草不生!(City can destroy everthiing now.)
Gwyn-LordOfPussy(曼城球迷):虽然赢了,但我觉得回到更衣室,瓜帅应给会比温格更发火吧…(We're winning but I imagine Pep will be angrier in the dressingroom than Wenger.)
Wordsmatter(曼联球迷):瓜帅应该让斯特林罚站墙角,叫他好好想想今天都干了些什么!(Pep's gonna get Raheem to stand in the corner and think about what he's done.)
Qwertyell(南安普顿球迷):还是别让斯特林思考了,这会困惑住他的…(Don't give Sterling time to think - it confuses him.)
Nalchefdangerdagger(阿森纳球迷):唉,越位归越位,可这不意味着你整条防线就不用防守了…(It's offside but that doesn't mean the whole defence just stops, ridiculous.)
PerBnb(阿森纳球迷):说实话,3-1的比分我已经感觉和踢平一样了,我之前预想会输更多的…(Honestly that a 3-1 loss to City felt almost like a draw. I expected a far, far worse result.)
AyanC(曼联球迷):你买来一个破球队转会纪录的大牌,然后又让他在这关键时刻打替补,教授你这是在想什么…(You buy a striker for record fee and then bench him off for one of the biggest games of the season. Wtf?)
Alpha_Jazz(沃特福德球迷):教授这么绅士的人,当然是为了让拉卡泽特在国际比赛日前休息一下啦!(Classy Arsene giving Lacazette some rest before the international break.)
comewatchTV(皇马球迷):昨天的J罗,今天的莫拉塔,我讨厌这种失去才懂得珍惜的感觉…(James yesterday and Morata today. I hate the feeling that you never know what you've got until it's gone.)
Tsegen(切尔西球迷):欢迎来到“怀念前任”联盟!(Welcome to my ex regret union.)
LFC_DB(利物浦球迷):穆帅最近10次客场面对前六球队,总共进了1个球,而且一场没赢…(Mourinho's last 10 away games v the 'big six': 1 goal scored, 0 wins.)
Ccountplease(利物浦球迷):那唯一的客场进球,真的是“特殊的一个啊”!(The Special 1 goal away from home.)
(图):Remember, remember, the 5th of Novermber...
R4ilz(切尔西球迷):这场比赛,卢卡库就没在切尔西禁区里拿过一次球…(Romelu Lukaku failed to record a single touch in Chelsea's box today.)
Killawuchtel(柏林赫塔球迷):穆帅干脆在冬窗把克劳奇买来吧,这样就能执行最无敌的传中战术了!(Mourinho should get Crouch in the winter and play the ultimate cross tactics.)
Pingreen(利物浦球迷):万圣节都结束了,可为什么西汉姆联球迷们要装扮成空座位的样子呢?(Halloweens over why are West Ham fans dressed as empty seats.)
PinkToothbrush(未知主队球迷):看到前男友就坐在球场最前排看着他自己的主队被狂揍,真是没有比这更开心的事了!(Nothing makes me happier than knowing my ex boyfriend is sitting in the front row watching his team get pounded.)
NaziWeedPope(哥伦比亚球迷):利物浦在对方罚角球时得到的进攻机会,比在自己罚角球时还多…(Liverpool are more dangerous from opponents' corners than their own ones.
Kronyon(未知主队球迷):张伯伦这赛季的进球数,已经和桑切斯一样多了…(Oxlade-Chamberlain has the same number of goals as Alexis Sanchez this season.)
Gary_Blauman(苏格兰球迷):这算啥,我和诺伊尔的进球数还一样多呢!(I have the same amount of goals as Neuer though)
JitteryTerrorist(未知主队球迷):罗本在年轻时献祭了自己的秀发,就是为了在40岁时还能保持住奔跑的速度啊!(I think Robben sacrificed his hair at a young age so that he could keep his speed at 40 years old.)
dirtInfestor1(德国球迷):机智的罗本!当你本身就在中路的时候,你就不需要内切了!(Dont have to cut inside when you are already standing inside. Smart Rooben)
_isaias17(多特球迷):呵呵,两个月前还有人说花了2亿的米兰能有点出息呢!(LOL THEY TOLD ME YOU WERE GONNA BE A THREAT AFTER SPENDING 200m TWO MONTH AGO.)
LaCanina(塞维利亚):至少我们今晚防住了梅西,还是值得庆祝一下的…(Well, at least Messi surprisingly didn't score against us tonight. It's something to be celebrated...)
Pdvu21(巴萨球迷):联赛踢到第11轮了,想不到帕科的进球竟然比C罗都多…(We're on Matchday 11 and Paco has more goals in the league than Ronaldo. I never thought I'd say that...)
hsg417(巴萨球迷):当乌龙球不在状态时,乌龙助攻就挺身而出了!(When it's not Own Goal, it's Own Assist.)
kokin3(希洪竞技球迷):我坚信,我都能在苏亚雷斯之前为巴萨进个球了!(I'm pretty sure I could score a goal for Barcelona before Suarez does nowadays.)
un_sub(杜塞尔多夫球迷):梅西比我任何方面都强,那我就算是一个弱化版的梅西吧!(I'm just Messi lite. Everything I do he does better :(
Hellodanknessmyoldd(费耶诺德球迷):是啊,你的女票深有体会!(Your girlfriend deeply agrees.)
zyndr0m(皇马球迷):卡塞米罗这赛季的进球数,和C罗本泽马加起来一样多了…(Casermiro now has equally many goals as CR7 and Benzema together.)
Olive_truth(瑞典球迷):假如皇马在国家德比时的防守还像现在这样,那苏亚雷斯岂不就能…浪费15次门前良机了…(If Real is using this defence in the classico, oh boy Suarez would…miss at least 15 shots fron inside the penalty box!)
franch(热刺球迷):热刺机智地轮换了卡恩,就是为了能在周末对阵水晶宫这样的强队时能保持状态啊!(Good on spurs subbing off Kane so he can be fresh against a much better opponent like Palace.)
ahmed23t(曼联球迷):要不是多特在欧冠这么坑爹,现在皇马能不能出线都是问题了…(If Dortmund weren't such a shit show in this group, Madrid could've been well in danger of missing out on the knockout stage.)
TheGreatReveal-O(克罗地亚球迷):上次皇马踢成这熊样,那还是…上周末的事。(Worst RM performance I've seen since at least Sunday.)
AggiPo(热刺球迷):我们把踢皇马弄得像踢西汉姆,而踢西汉姆却又像在踢皇马一样…(We made Real Madrid look like West Ham, and West Ham look like Real Madrid.)
AJustWandere(未知主队球迷):皇马本场比赛的战术,1. 传中;2. 重复1.(Real Madrid's game plan: Step 1: cross the ball. Step 2: repeat step 1)
Ihaverocketlegs(利物浦球迷):热刺竟然都不能零封,真是太丢人了!(Ha what a shame, Tottenham couldn’t even keep a clean sheet.)
Tommydubya(热刺球迷):要是有一条真理的话,那就是每当皇马踢热刺的时候,莫德里奇所在的球队就没赢过球…(If there’s one thing that’s consistent, it’s that when Tottenham Hotspur and Real Madrid play each other, Luka Modric never wins.)
repsaj33(巴萨球迷):与赫罗纳友尽了,热刺现在是我的新基友!(Friendship with girona ended; Tottenham new best friend.)
Stonenaldo(曼城球迷):斯通斯竟成了我们这赛季的欧冠最佳射手,真是活久见…(Stones is our CL topscorer, what a time to be alive.)
Robert593(曼城球迷):真心希望那不勒斯能出线啊,看萨里的比赛简直就像性高潮一样!(Really hope Napoli go through to the next round, Sarri ball is orgasmic.)
PinkCinnamon(曼城球迷):我也不是不谦虚,我觉得曼城能赢下世界杯!(I dont want to overreact but we are winning the World Cup.)
SpursyTottsy(热刺球迷):在切尔西管事的,不像是孔蒂,而像是坎特…(Chelsea seems more and more like a Kante team than Conte team.)
jMS_44(切尔西球迷):没有坎特,车子瓦特…(Without Kante, Chelsea is Can't team)
Ghillieuo(切尔西球迷):振作点兄弟们,至少我们在万圣节还是被吓到了嘛!(Come on guys, at least I've had a good scare this Halloween.)
MarineKingPrime(国米球迷):什么,你说罗马要在有切尔西和马竞的小组里拿第一了?(Wait, Roma is actually going to win the group with Chelsea & Atletico?)
FlaxonWax0n(热刺球迷):哈哈,切尔西竟然成了这赛季迄今英超在欧冠唯一输球的球队!(Haha Chelsea is the only English team to lose a champions league game so far.)
Burnedgoat(曼联球迷):唉,毕竟他们运气不太好,没机会踢皇马或多特这样的弱队啊!(Yeah but they've been unlucky not to play easy teams like Dortmund and Madrid.)
Epidox(马里博尔球迷):其实能输5球以内,我就挺知足了…(Anything under 5-0 I'm satisfied with tbh)
Viremia(利物浦球迷):尝试了327次之后,终于有次传中管用了…(after 327 attempts, a cross finally connects.)
Viremia(利物浦球迷):多亏了我们的后卫时不时送点火,卡里乌斯才没在场上睡着啊!(Good thing Karius didn't fall asleep, our defending is helping them a bit)