YEP.144 – Floor Damage – RPG Maker MV
For those who would like to make different tiles deal different amount of damage, this plugin will allow you to accomplish such a thing. This way, some tiles can deal more damage than others instead of dealing a static 10 damage each character. In addition to that, you are also able to change the color of the damage flash, too!
Insert the following notetags into the noteboxes for your tilesets:
Tileset Notetag:
<Floor Damage x: y>
– ‘x’ is the terrain tag to mark the tileset with. By default, terrain tags are set to 0. They will go up as high as 7. ‘y’ will be the amount of damage dealt to each actor in the party. For example, <Floor Damage 2: 50> will cause all damage tiles marked with terrain tag 2 to deal 50 damage.
- Note: You will still need to mark the tile itself as a damage tile in the database editor.
x为地形标志0-7,y为造成的伤害,例如<Floor Damage 2: 50>,将对2号标签的图块上的人物造成50点伤害,请注意你需要将图块设置为有害图块才可以生效
<Floor Flash x: r, g, b, o>
– ‘x’ is the terrain tag to mark the tileset with. Replace ‘r’, ‘g’, ‘b’, and ‘o’ with values between 0-255 to indicate the red, green, blue, and opacity values respectively. This will make the screen flash this color combination when the player takes damage from this tile.
- Note: You will still need to mark the tile itself as a damage tile in the database editor.
Lunatic Mode – Custom Floor Damage
For those with JavaScript experience, you can make certain terrain tags deal custom amounts of damage to your actors.
Tileset Notetag:
<Custom Floor Damage x>
value = actor.level;
</Custom Floor Damage x>
– ‘x’ is the terrain tag to mark the tileset with. By default, terrain tags are set to 0. They will go up as high as 7. ‘y’ will be the amount of damage dealt to each actor in the party. ‘value’ is the final damage value that will be added upon the <Floor Damage x: y> value. ‘actor’ will refer to the actor being damaged currently.