However, Jia Zhenjialian secretly prepared the money under the large bamboo slips, heard Jia Mu's reward, busy little fellows to throw money, only listen to the sound of money, Jia Mu is happy. So they got up, and the boys busily brought a new warm silver pot to Jia Lian's hand, and followed Jia Zhen to it. Jia Zhen went to Aunt Li's table first, bowed down her cup and turned around. Jia Lian poured one, then she poured it on Aunt Xue's table. The two men got busy and laughed and said, "Sit down, please. Why be polite?" So besides Mrs. Wang Xing, all the people left the table and stood beside them. Jia Zhen waited until Jia Mu's bed. Because of the short bed, they knelt on their knees. Jia Zhen held the cup in front and Jia Lian held the pot in back. Although only two people hold wine, the Jia Guan brothers and so on are all in line with the two of them. When they see them kneeling down, they all kneel down. Baoyu also knelt down busily. Xiangyun pushed him quietly and said with a laugh, "What are you doing on your knees again? If so, would you like to pour a round of wine?" Baoyu quietly laughed and said, "Wait a minute and pour again." Say, wait for him two people to pour out, get up, pour over again to Mrs. Xing Wang 2. Jia Zhenlaughed and said, "What's wrong with the sisters?" Jia Mu and others said, "Go ahead, they're cheaper." Jia Zhen and others withdrew.
At present, there are two drums in the sky. The opera is "Eight Righteousnesses and Viewing the Lamp", which is in full swing. Baoyu went out from her seat. "Where are you going?" asked Jia Mu. "Watch out for the benefits and disadvantages of the gun battles outside, and hang fire paper from the sky to burn it." Baoyu smiled back and said, "Don't go far, just go out." Mother Jia ordered her sons and daughters to follow her. So Baoyu came out, only a few little girls with the autumn pattern of Musk Moon. Jia Muyin said, "Why don't you see the attacker? He's a little bit Canadian now, and he's leaving the little girl alone." Mrs. Wang got up and laughed and said, "Damn was gone the day before yesterday. It's inconvenient to come forward because of her filial piety." Jia Mu nodded and laughed again: "With the master, but can not talk about filial piety and unfilial piety. If he were still with me, wouldn't he be here at the moment? That would be the case." Sister Feng came over and laughed back and said, "There will be no filial piety tonight. You have to watch the candles explode in the garden. It's most dangerous. Here is a play, who in the garden does not come to peek, he is also careful, everywhere look after. Moreover, after this dispersal, Brother Bao went back to sleep, and all the colors were complete. If he comes again, the people are careless, scattered back, the bedding is cold, the tea is not complete, then all kinds of cheap, naturally I call him not to use. If the ancestors wanted him to come, I would call him. After hearing this, Jia Mu busily said, "You're right. You must be considerate. Don't call him anymore. But when the fuck's gone? Why don't I know? Sister Feng laughed and said, "How did you forget that the former son attacked someone and went back to the old lady in person?" Jia Mu thought about it and laughed, "I remember. My memory is normal. Everyone laughed and said, "The old lady remembers these things." Jia Muyin sighed again, "I thought he had waited on me from his children, and on the cloud, and finally gave him a devil, who had been devilishing him for years. He is not a slave born and bred in our family. He has not received any great grace from us. His mother is gone. I think I'll send him a couple of silver to his mother, and I forget it. "My wife gave him forty-two pieces of silver, that's it," said Sister Feng. When she heard this, she nodded and said, "That's all right. Just as the mother of the former Yuanyang died, I think his old ladies are all in the south, and I didn't ask his family to keep filial piety. Now he has two full rituals. Why don't you ask them to go together? He also ordered his mother-in-law to take some fruit and vegetable dishes for dessert and eat them with him. Amber laughed and said, "Wait for this moment? He's gone long ago." Say, everybody eats wine and goes to the theatre again.
When Baoyu came all the way to the garden, all the mothers and sons did not follow him when they saw him coming back to their room. They just sat in the tea house in the garden door to bake a fire and steal empty drinking cards with the women who were in charge of tea. Baoyu to the courtyard, although the light is brilliant, but no voice. Musk Moon said, "They can't sleep? Let's sneak in and frighten them." So they crept and sneaked into the wall of the mirror to see that the attacker and a man were askew on the kang, and there were two old mothers napping at the other end. Baoyu only went in when he and she were asleep. Suddenly he heard a cough from the mandarin duck and said, "The world is uncertain. In theory, you are single here, your parents are outside. Every year they come from east to west. There is no certainty that you can't die anymore. You just die here this year, and you go out and die. He said, "Yes, I didn't expect to be able to watch my parents'funeral. When I returned to my wife and rewarded forty-two pieces of silver, it was enough to support me. I dare not delude." Baoyu listened and turned to Musk Moon and waited, "Who knows he's here, too?" As soon as I went in, he went away in a fit of pique. Why don't we go back and let him have two clean talks? The attacker was stifling there. Fortunately, he came well." Said, still quietly out. Baoyu walked over the rocks and stood and lifted his clothes. Musk moon and autumn lines all stood, turned back and laughed in his mouth and said, "Squat down and untie your little clothes, watch out for the wind blowing your stomach." The latter two little girls, knowing Xiao Xie, went out to prepare water in the teahouse first.
Bao Yugang came here and saw two daughters-in-law coming face to face and asked, "Who is it?" The autumn pattern said, "Here is Baoyu, shouting and screaming, be careful and frightened!" The daughters-in-law busily laughed and said, "We don't know, the big festival has caused trouble. Girls have been working hard for days!" Say, it's up to you. She Yue and so on asked, "What's in your hand?" The daughter-in-law said, "It's the old lady's bounty and two girls'food." Qiuwen laughed and said, "What's singing outside is Bayi, but not Mixed Yuan Box. Where's the Golden Flower Lady coming again?" Baoyu Ming: "Take it up and I'll see it." Autumn Musk Moon busily went up to uncover the two boxes, and the two daughters-in-law squatted down. Baoyu looked at all the top-grade fruit refreshments on the table in both boxes and nodded his head and left. Sheyue hurled the lid at random to keep up with him. Baoyu laughed and said, "These two women are friendly and can talk. They're tired every day, but you've been working hard all the time. It's not the self-defeating effort. Musk Moon Road: "These two are good, that is unreasonable is too unreasonable." Baoyu said, "You understand people, and it's over to take care of them as rough and poor people." As he spoke, he walked out of the garden gate. Although the women ate wine and cards, they did not live out to explore. When they saw Baoyu coming out, they also followed him. On the flower hall corridor, I saw the two little girls, one holding a small pot, another holding a handkerchief, and holding a kettle, waiting there for a long time. Autumn grain first stretched out his hand to try it in the basin and said, "The bigger you are, the more careless you are. Where do you get this cold water?" The little girl laughed and said, "Look, girl, this day, I'm afraid of the cold water. It's boiling water. It's still cold." As she said, she happened to see an old lady coming with a pot of boiling water. The little girl said, "Good grandmother, come and pour me some water." The mother-in-law said, "Sister, this is the old lady who makes tea. Please go and ladle it. Where's the big foot? "Whoever you are! If you don't give it to me, just pour the old lady's tea shampoo and wash her hands!" The old lady looked back at the autumn pattern and busily lifted the pot and poured some. "Enough! You're too old to see anything," Autumn Ribbon said. Who doesn't know it's an old lady? Or else? The mother-in-law laughed and said, "I'm so dazzled that I don't recognize the girl." Baoyu washed her hands, and the little girl took the pot and poured it into his hands. Baoyu was caught. Autumn Musk Moon also took advantage of hot water to wash once and follow up Baoyu.
Baoyu asked for a pot of warm wine, which she poured out from Aunt Li. They both laughed and gave up their seats. Jia Mu then said, "Let him pour it out, his little family. Everybody's going to have a drink." With that, he did it himself. Mrs. Xing Wang and Aunt Xue and Aunt Li were also busy. Again, Jia ordered Baoyu to say, "You should not make a fuss of your sister and sister, but ask him to do it." Baoyu heard about it and promised to pour it one by one. Before Daiyu arrived, he refused to drink. He picked up the cup and put it on Baoyu's lips. When Baoyu drinks up, Daiyu laughs and says, "Thank you very much." Baoyu poured a cup for him. "Don't drink cold wine, Baoyu," said Sister Feng with a laugh. Careful hand tremor, tomorrow can't write words, can't pull the bow. Baoyu said, "No cold wine." Sister Feng laughed and said, "I know not, but tell you nothing." Then Baoyu poured it out, except that Jia Rong's wife had been ordered by her maids. Come back to the corridor, and give Jia Zhenwaited. After a sitting, Fang came in and sat back.
After serving Soup for a while, then offering the Lantern Festival. Jia's mother gave her life and said, "Let's take a break from the play. The children, pitiful to see, also give them some hot soup and vegetables to eat and sing again." He also ordered them to eat all kinds of fruits, such as Lantern Festival. After a break, a mother-in-law brought in two of her daughter's forefathers, who often walked under the door, and placed two crowns on the other side. Jia ordered them to sit down and handed over the stringed pipa. Jia Mu then asked Li Xue and his wife, "Listen to any book." Both of them answered, "Anything is good, no matter what." Jia Mu then asked, "What new books have been added recently." The two women first said, "There is a new book, the story of the remnant Tang and Five Dynasties." When Jia Mu asked what the name was, the daughter's elder son said, "This is called Fengqiu Luan." "That's a good name, I don't know why?" said Jia Mu. "First you say something, maybe, if it's good." The daughter's ancestor said, "This book is about the time of the remnant Tang Dynasty. The squire, originally from Jinling, was named Wang Zhong, who had been the assistant governor of the two dynasties. Now he has returned home to his old family. There is only one son under his knee, named Wang Xifeng." The crowd listened and laughed. Jia Mu laughed and said, "It's not too heavy for our Phoenix girl!" Daughter-in-law rushed up and pushed him and said, "It's the name of the second grandmother. Don't mix it up." "Just talk about it," said Jia Mu. The daughter-in-law stood up with a busy laugh and said, "We're dead! I don't know it's Grandma's taboo." "What are you afraid of?" Sister Feng laughed. There are many names with multiple names." The daughter's son said, "That year, Mr. Wang sent him to Beijing to catch the exam. On that day, he was caught in heavy rain and went to a farm to take shelter from the rain. Who knows that there is also a squire in this village, surnamed Li, who is descendant with Mr. Wang, so he left this gentleman to live in his study. This squire Li has no children on his knees, only one Miss Qianjin. This young lady's name is Xiaoluan. She knows everything about qin, chess, calligraphy and painting. Jia Mu busily said, "The weird way is called"Feng Qiu Lu". Needless to say, I have guessed that Wang Xifeng naturally asked this young lady Luan to be his wife. The daughter's ancestor laughed and said, "The old ancestor had heard this book before?" Everyone said, "The old lady hasn't heard anything! Even if she hasn't heard it, she guessed it." Jia Mu laughed and said, "These books are a set of books. They are just some talented people. They are the least interesting. What a bad thing they say about their daughters, and what a beautiful woman! There are no more shadows. Every opening is in the rank of a squire, and his father is either a scholar or a prime minister. A young lady, must be a treasure of love. This young lady must be well-informed and knowledgeable, but she is a beautiful lady. She only sees a handsome man, whether relatives or friends, who remembers his life-long events. Her parents also forget that books forget that ghosts are not ghosts and thieves are not thieves. What's like a beautiful lady? Even if she writes full of articles and does such things, she can't be regarded as a beautiful lady. Beauty. For example, a man's family, full of articles, to be a burglar, is it impossible for Wang Fa to see that he is a talented person who is not involved in the case of thieves? It is known that the compilation of the book is to plug his own mouth. What's more: Not only is the young lady of the scholarly family, but also she knows how to read. Even the lady knows how to return home, and there are many natural nursery maids waiting on the young lady. Why do these books only tell the young lady and the girl next to them? Think about it, what do those people do? Yeah? But the foreword doesn't answer the afterword, does it?
When they heard this, they all laughed and said, "The old lady told us all the lies." Jia Mu laughed and said, "There is a reason why people who compile such books are jealous of others'wealth, or have a desire to fail, so they compile a collapsed family. Another class, he read these books himself, read evil, think of a good talent, so compiled out for fun. How could he know the truth of the scholar's son? Don't mention the big children in that book. Now he's talking about our middle-class family, and nothing like that. Don't let him talk about his chin. So we are never allowed to say these books, and even the girls don't understand them. I am old these years, their sisters live far away, I occasionally bored, say a few words to listen to, they come, busy stop. Both Li Xue and Li Xue laughed and said, "This is the rule of our eldest son. Even our family has no such nonsense for the children to hear."
Fengjie came up to pour wine and laughed, "Come on, come on! The wine is cold. The old ancestor took a mouthful to moisturize his voice and then broke a lie. This time it's called "Breaking a Lie". It's in this day, local, this year, this month, today, this time. Old ancestors said,'One mouth is hard to say two words','Flowers blossom two flowers, each one shows one branch','It's really a lie and not show it, and then watch the whole theatre. How about the old ancestors let these two relatives eat a glass of wine, watch two plays, and then break them off from the words of each dynasty? Say, pour wine and laugh. Before I finished, everyone was laughing. The two elder daughters could not stop laughing and said, "Grandma just spoke! Grandma wants a story, so there is no place for us to eat." Aunt Xue laughed and said, "Don't be too upset! There are people outside. It's not as usual." Sister Feng laughed and said, "There is only one big brother outside. We are still talking about brothers and sisters. We are so naughty and naughty from one of our children. How many rules have I set up these years because I have been a relative? It's not from my younger brother and sister, just about my elder brother and aunt, who are in the twenty-four filial piety. They can't come to play the lottery and make my grandfather laugh. I can easily make my grandfather laugh and eat a little more. Everybody likes it. Thank me for it. Can't you laugh back at me?' Jia Mu laughed and said, "But I didn't have a painful laugh these two days. It was thanks to him that I said all the way and laughed a little happier here. I'll have another bell wine." Eating wine, he asked Baoyu, "Here's a toast to your sister." Sister Feng laughed and said, "Without his respect, I'll ask for the life of my ancestors." Then she picked up Jiamu's cup, ate half of the leftover wine, handed the cup to the servant girl, and replaced the cup soaked in warm water with another one. So all the tables were withdrawn and replaced by warm water. They poured new wine and returned to their seats.
The daughter answered, "The old ancestors will not listen to this book, or play a set of music to listen to it." "You two have a set of General's Decrees," said Jia Mu. When they heard about it, they were busy choosing and fiddling with each other. Jia Muyin asked, "How many days have passed?" All the mothers and sons rushed back, "Three shifts." Jia Mu said, "The strange way can be soaked in cold." Many maids had brought in their new clothes. Mrs. Wang stood up and laughed and said, "The old lady might as well move into the Kang in the warm cabinet. These two relatives are not outsiders either. We will accompany them. When she heard this, she laughed and said, "If you say that, why don't you all move in? It's not warm?" Mrs. Wang said, "I'm afraid I can't sit down." Jia Mu said, "I have a point. Now I don't need these tables either. I just use two or three tables together. Everyone sits in one place, crowded, warm and friendly." Everyone said, "That's interesting!" With that, he got up. The daughters-in-law hurriedly removed the remnants of the table, which was straightforward and merged with three large tables, and replaced the fruit set. Then Jia Mu said, "Don't be polite. Just sit down when I assign you." With that, Xue Li sat up on the front and sat himself westward. Baoqin, Daiyu and Xiangyun all sat close to each other and said to Baoyu, "You are next to your wife." So Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang had precious jade in them. Baochai and other sisters in the west, next, Lou with Jia Lan, Youshi Li Wan with Jia Lan, below the head is Jia Rong's daughter-in-law Hu. Jane took your brothers and I went to bed. Jia Zhenwaited hurriedly to promise, and they all came in to listen to orders. Jia Mu said, "Go ahead, don't come in. I just sat down and got up again. You have to rest. There's still something important to do tomorrow. Jia Zhenbusily agreed and laughed again, "It's only left Rong Er to pour wine." Jia Mu laughed and said, "It's forgetting him." Jia Zhen answered a "yes" and turned to lead Jia Lian out. Since they were happy, they ordered Jia Juan to be sent home separately. They asked Jia Juan to go after them and buy laughter without saying anything.
Here, Jia Mu laughed and said, "I was thinking that, although these people are having fun, they must have grandchildren and grandchildren present at the table. Rong Er, that's all. Rong Er, sitting with your daughter-in-law, is reunited. As a result of the family and daughter-in-law presented the play list, Jia Mu laughed and said, "Our mothers are talking excitedly, but they are going to quarrel again. Besides, the children stayed up all night. It was cold. Let's just call them to rest and call our girls up. Let's sing two songs on this one and show them. The daughters-in-law listened and promised to come out. On the busy side, people went to the Grand View Garden to pass on people. On the other hand, they went to the two doors to pass on young men to serve. The boys rushed to the theatre and took all the students out of the class, leaving only the children.
At that time, the teacher of Lixiang Hospital brought twelve civil servants and other people out of the veranda corner door. The women were carrying several soft bags, and they could not carry the box, and they were packing up the colorful clothes that Jia Mu loved to listen to for three or five plays. The mothers-in-law took the civil servants and waited in. They met and stood with their hands down. Jia Mu laughed and said, "In the first month, your master will not let you out for a stroll? What are you singing now? I just had eight"Eight Righteousnesses"and I had a headache. Let's be light. Look, Mrs. Xue, Mrs. Li's family are all operatic people. I don't know how many operas they have heard. These girls have seen better operas and listened to better music than our girls. Now the little Opera Troupe is the group of the famous playwrights. Although it is a child, it is better than the big one. Let's not give up our praise or criticism. We need to get a new style: ask Fangguan to sing "Seeking Dreams", only using the flute and the chord, and the rest will not use it." The civil servant laughed and said, "What the old ancestors said is true. Our play, of course, can't get into the eyes of aunts and their wives and girls; but listen to one of our blurts and another of our throats." "That's it," said Jia Mu with a laugh. Aunt Li and Aunt Xue laughed happily and said, "What a smart child, you also follow the old lady to tease us." Jia Mu laughed and said, "We used to be casual, but we didn't go out to do business, so it's not quite the right time." Said, also called Kwai Guan: "Sing a Book of Huiming Xia Shu, also do not need to wipe your face. Just use these two to ask their two wives to listen to a favor. If it saves a little effort, I won't. Civilian officers and so on listened out, busy to play the stage, first is "Dream Seeking" and then "Book Xiashu". Everyone is obscure. Aunt Xue laughed and said, "I've seen hundreds of classes of operas, and I've never seen one that only uses a pipe." Jia Mu said, "First of all, it's just like the one in Xilou and Chu Jiang Qing. Most of them have Xiaosheng blowing and shaping. There are few big sets. It's just a matter of people's attention. What's so extraordinary about it? Pointing to Xiangyun, he said, "When I was his age, his grandfather had a group of small plays, but one of them played the piano. He compiled"Listening to the piano"in"The Story of the Western Chamber","Piano Chooser"in"The Story of the Jade Hang"and"Eighteen Pats of the Hu Eggplant"in"The Continuation of Pipa", which turned out to be true. What better than this? Everyone said, "That's even harder." So Jia called his daughters-in-law and ordered the civil servants to play a set of "The Lantern and the Moon". The daughters-in-law led the way.
At present, Jia Rong's husband and wife are on a drinking tour. Because Jia Mu was very happy, Sister Feng laughed and said, "While the sons and daughters are here, why don't we pass on the plum trees and make a set of orders of"Spring Happiness on the Eyebrows"? Jia Mu laughed and said, "That's a good time! It's the right time." The busy man fetched black lacquer copper nails and flower tunes to make drums and hit his daughter and son. A red plum was taken from the table. Jia Mu laughed and said, "Whose hand is holding the drum? If you eat a cup, you have to say something." Sister Feng laughed and said, "As I said, what does an old ancestor want? Wouldn't it be interesting for us? How can we appreciate both elegance and vulgarity? It's better who lives and who tells a joke." Everyone knows that he is always good at jokes and has infinite fresh and interesting instructions in his stomach. So far as I see it, not only the people present like it, but also the old and young people waiting on the ground are all happy. The little girls were busy looking for their sisters to call their sisters, and told them, "Come and listen, Grandma-in-law is telling jokes again." The girls crowded the room.
So after the play was over, Jia Mu gave some soup and fruit to the civil servants and so on, and the drums rang with her life. The sons and daughters were familiar, either tight or slow, or leaky drops, or in a rush to burst beans, or in a gallop of horses, or in the light of a gallop of electricity, when suddenly their drums were muffled, the plum side handed them to Jia Mu, and the drums stopped just right, and everyone laughed. Jia Rong rushed up and poured a cup. Everyone laughed and said, "Naturally, the old lady is happy first, so we can rely on some happiness." Jia Mu laughed and said, "This wine is all right, but this joke is a little hard to tell." Everyone said, "The old lady is better than the Phoenix girl. We laugh when we appreciate one." Jia Mu laughed and said, "There's no fresh joke. You can't talk about it with a thick face when you're young." Because he said:
"The family has ten sons and ten daughters-in-law. Only the daughter-in-law of the tenth house is smart, clever and good-mouthed, and her parents-in-law are the most painful. Every day the family says the nine are unfilial. The nine daughters-in-law and their children were wronged, and then they deliberated and said, "Nine of us are filial in heart, but they are not as clever as those little hoofs, so parents-in-law only said he was good. To whom does this grievance go? An idea said, "Let's go to Yan Wang Temple tomorrow to burn incense and talk to Yen Wang Ye and ask him,"Let's nurture ourselves as human beings. How can we just give that little hoof a good mouth, and we all get stuck in it?" The eight listened and liked to say, "That's a good idea." On the second day, they all went to the temple of the king of Yan to burn incense. Nine of them fell asleep under the table. Nine souls waited for King Yan to arrive. You can't wait left, nor can you wait right. Being in a hurry, Sun Xingzhi came driving a jindouyun. When he saw nine souls, he wanted to hit them with a gold hoop stick. Nine souls were so frightened that they knelt down and begged. When Sun Xingzhe asked him why, nine people were busy telling him in detail. Sun Xingzhi listened, stamped his foot, sighed and said,'It's a good fortune to meet me! He won't know until the King of Yan comes. Nine people listened and asked, "Let the great saint be merciful, and we will be all right." Sun Xingzhi laughed and said,'But it's not difficult: when your grandmothers and sisters were giving birth to ten nurses that day, I happened to go to the King of Yan because your little aunt ate after urinating in the ground. Now you have to be smart and good-mouthed. If you have some urine, you can eat it.
After that, everyone laughed. Sister Feng laughed and said, "Okay! Fortunately, we are all mouth-tamping and cheek-tamping. Otherwise, we will eat monkey urine!" You's Lou laughed at Li Yi and said, "Who in here has eaten monkey urine? Don't pretend to be nobody!" Aunt Xue laughed and said, "The joke laughs at the scene."
Say, hit the drum again. As long as the girls listen to the jokes of Sister Feng, they will quietly explain to their daughter's ancestors and take coughing as their memory. Two times, just after arriving at Fengjie's hands, the little girls coughed intentionally, and the elder daughter lived there. The crowd all laughed and said, "This can take him! Eat the wine quickly, say a good one, don't make your laughing bowel ache too much!"
After thinking about it, Sister Feng laughed and said, "The whole family celebrates the first lunar month, enjoying the lamp and drinking. It's really lively and lively. Grandmothers, grandmothers, daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and nephews, grandsons and gray grandsons, granddaughters, granddaughters and aunts and granddaughters of Tritisla... Ouch! It's so lively! " The crowd listened to him and laughed. They all said, "Listen to these poor mouths! And they don't know which one to assign!" Youshi laughed and said, "You're going to recruit me. I'll tear your mouth!" Feng Jieer got up and clapped her hands and laughed, "It's hard for people to work here. If you hang around, I won't talk about it." Jia Mu laughed and said, "What do you say about yours?" Sister Feng thought for a moment and said with a laugh, "Sitting in a room under her, she ate a night's wine and then dispersed."
When people saw him speak out, they had nothing to say. They waited for him to speak down in dismay, only to find him cold and tasteless. Xiangyun watched him for half a day. Fengjie laughed and said, "Another one for the first lunar month: a few people took the big gun battle of the house and let it go out of the city, attracting tens of thousands of people to follow. There was an impatient man who could not wait, so he stole the incense and lit it. See only a "haw" sound, the crowd burst into laughter, all scattered. The man who carried the gun battle complained that the defense of the gun battle was not strong enough to disperse before it was released. Xiangyun Dao: "Didn't I hear it?" "I was deaf," said Sister Feng. When people heard and thought about it, they laughed unconsciously. Think of the previous endless, asked him: "What the hell is the first one? It should be finished." Feng Jieer clapped the table and said, "Good solicitation! On the second day, it's the sixteenth day, the year is over, and the festival is over. I can't see how busy people are collecting things. Where do they know what's going on?" When people heard about it, they laughed again.
Sister Feng laughed and said, "There are more than four outside. According to me, the old ancestors are also scarce. Let's let the deaf shoot the gun. It's over." Youshi and others held their mouths in silk and laughed back and forth, pointing to him and saying, "This thing really counts poor mouths!" Jia Mu laughed and said, "Really this Phoenix girl is becoming poorer and poorer!" As he spoke, he ordered, "When he raises the gun, let's set off the fireworks and dispel the alcohol." Jia Rong listened and went out busily with his young men to install a screen in the yard and set up the fireworks. The fireworks are all tributes everywhere, though not very large, but extremely delicate, with all kinds of stories, with all kinds of fireworks. Daiyu was so weak that she couldn't help clapping her hands around him. Aunt Xue hugged Xiangyun, who laughed and said, "I'm not afraid." Baochai laughed and said, "He loves enlarging the artillery battle, but he's afraid of it!" Mrs. Wang then embraced the precious jade in her arms. Sister Feng laughed and said, "We have no pain!" Youshi laughed and said, "There's me. I'm hugging you. —— You son of a bitch is acting like a jerk again. You heard the firecracker shooting. It's like "eating bee dung". Now it's frivolous again." Sister Feng laughed and said, "When it's over, let's put it in the garden. I'm better than the boys." Between speaking, the outside is put in a uniform color again and again. There are also many scattered small artillery battles such as "full of stars", "Kowloon into the clouds", "a thunder on the flat ground", "ten sounds in the sky". Let go, and then ordered the little opera troupe to hit "Lotus Fall" once again, scattering money all over the stage, the children all over the stage to rob money for fun.
When she served the soup, Jia Mu said, "It's a long night. I don't feel a little hungry." Sister Fengjie hurried back and said, "Duck porridge is ready." Jia Mu said, "Let me have some light food." Fengjie busily said, "There are also japonica rice porridge cooked by jujubes, ready for the wives to eat Zhai." "That's all," said Jia Mu. Say, have removed the remnants of the table, inside and outside a variety of delicate dishes. Everyone ate some at will, used mouthwash tea, Fangsan.
Early in the morning of the 17th, Ningfu saluted, served and hid the ancestral gate, received the images, and returned. This is Aunt Xue's house inviting New Year's Wine. Mother Jia felt tired for days, sat for half a day and came back. Since the eighteenth day, when relatives and friends come to invite or attend the dinner, Jia Mu will not. Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, and Sister Feng serve. Lian Baoyu did not go except for the prince Teng's family. He only said that Jia Mu had left to relieve his depression.
Now that the Lantern Festival is over, Sister Feng suddenly has a miscarriage and the whole family is panicked.
Know the bottom and decompose it next time.However, Jia Zhenjialian secretly prepared the money under the large bamboo slips, heard Jia Mu's reward, busy little fellows to throw money, only listen to the sound of money, Jia Mu is happy. So they got up, and the boys busily brought a new warm silver pot to Jia Lian's hand, and followed Jia Zhen to it. Jia Zhen went to Aunt Li's table first, bowed down her cup and turned around. Jia Lian poured one, then she poured it on Aunt Xue's table. The two men got busy and laughed and said, "Sit down, please. Why be polite?" So besides Mrs. Wang Xing, all the people left the table and stood beside them. Jia Zhen waited until Jia Mu's bed. Because of the short bed, they knelt on their knees. Jia Zhen held the cup in front and Jia Lian held the pot in back. Although only two people hold wine, the Jia Guan brothers and so on are all in line with the two of them. When they see them kneeling down, they all kneel down. Baoyu also knelt down busily. Xiangyun pushed him quietly and said with a laugh, "What are you doing on your knees again? If so, would you like to pour a round of wine?" Baoyu quietly laughed and said, "Wait a minute and pour again." Say, wait for him two people to pour out, get up, pour over again to Mrs. Xing Wang 2. Jia Zhenlaughed and said, "What's wrong with the sisters?" Jia Mu and others said, "Go ahead, they're cheaper." Jia Zhen and others withdrew.
At present, there are two drums in the sky. The opera is "Eight Righteousnesses and Viewing the Lamp", which is in full swing. Baoyu went out from her seat. "Where are you going?" asked Jia Mu. "Watch out for the benefits and disadvantages of the gun battles outside, and hang fire paper from the sky to burn it." Baoyu smiled back and said, "Don't go far, just go out." Mother Jia ordered her sons and daughters to follow her. So Baoyu came out, only a few little girls with the autumn pattern of Musk Moon. Jia Muyin said, "Why don't you see the attacker? He's a little bit Canadian now, and he's leaving the little girl alone." Mrs. Wang got up and laughed and said, "Damn was gone the day before yesterday. It's inconvenient to come forward because of her filial piety." Jia Mu nodded and laughed again: "With the master, but can not talk about filial piety and unfilial piety. If he were still with me, wouldn't he be here at the moment? That would be the case." Sister Feng came over and laughed back and said, "There will be no filial piety tonight. You have to watch the candles explode in the garden. It's most dangerous. Here is a play, who in the garden does not come to peek, he is also careful, everywhere look after. Moreover, after this dispersal, Brother Bao went back to sleep, and all the colors were complete. If he comes again, the people are careless, scattered back, the bedding is cold, the tea is not complete, then all kinds of cheap, naturally I call him not to use. If the ancestors wanted him to come, I would call him. After hearing this, Jia Mu busily said, "You're right. You must be considerate. Don't call him anymore. But when the fuck's gone? Why don't I know? Sister Feng laughed and said, "How did you forget that the former son attacked someone and went back to the old lady in person?" Jia Mu thought about it and laughed, "I remember. My memory is normal. Everyone laughed and said, "The old lady remembers these things." Jia Muyin sighed again, "I thought he had waited on me from his children, and on the cloud, and finally gave him a devil, who had been devilishing him for years. He is not a slave born and bred in our family. He has not received any great grace from us. His mother is gone. I think I'll send him a couple of silver to his mother, and I forget it. "My wife gave him forty-two pieces of silver, that's it," said Sister Feng. When she heard this, she nodded and said, "That's all right. Just as the mother of the former Yuanyang died, I think his old ladies are all in the south, and I didn't ask his family to keep filial piety. Now he has two full rituals. Why don't you ask them to go together? He also ordered his mother-in-law to take some fruit and vegetable dishes for dessert and eat them with him. Amber laughed and said, "Wait for this moment? He's gone long ago." Say, everybody eats wine and goes to the theatre again.
When Baoyu came all the way to the garden, all the mothers and sons did not follow him when they saw him coming back to their room. They just sat in the tea house in the garden door to bake a fire and steal empty drinking cards with the women who were in charge of tea. Baoyu to the courtyard, although the light is brilliant, but no voice. Musk Moon said, "They can't sleep? Let's sneak in and frighten them." So they crept and sneaked into the wall of the mirror to see that the attacker and a man were askew on the kang, and there were two old mothers napping at the other end. Baoyu only went in when he and she were asleep. Suddenly he heard a cough from the mandarin duck and said, "The world is uncertain. In theory, you are single here, your parents are outside. Every year they come from east to west. There is no certainty that you can't die anymore. You just die here this year, and you go out and die. He said, "Yes, I didn't expect to be able to watch my parents'funeral. When I returned to my wife and rewarded forty-two pieces of silver, it was enough to support me. I dare not delude." Baoyu listened and turned to Musk Moon and waited, "Who knows he's here, too?" As soon as I went in, he went away in a fit of pique. Why don't we go back and let him have two clean talks? The attacker was stifling there. Fortunately, he came well." Said, still quietly out. Baoyu walked over the rocks and stood and lifted his clothes. Musk moon and autumn lines all stood, turned back and laughed in his mouth and said, "Squat down and untie your little clothes, watch out for the wind blowing your stomach." The latter two little girls, knowing Xiao Xie, went out to prepare water in the teahouse first.
Bao Yugang came here and saw two daughters-in-law coming face to face and asked, "Who is it?" The autumn pattern said, "Here is Baoyu, shouting and screaming, be careful and frightened!" The daughters-in-law busily laughed and said, "We don't know, the big festival has caused trouble. Girls have been working hard for days!" Say, it's up to you. She Yue and so on asked, "What's in your hand?" The daughter-in-law said, "It's the old lady's bounty and two girls'food." Qiuwen laughed and said, "What's singing outside is Bayi, but not Mixed Yuan Box. Where's the Golden Flower Lady coming again?" Baoyu Ming: "Take it up and I'll see it." Autumn Musk Moon busily went up to uncover the two boxes, and the two daughters-in-law squatted down. Baoyu looked at all the top-grade fruit refreshments on the table in both boxes and nodded his head and left. Sheyue hurled the lid at random to keep up with him. Baoyu laughed and said, "These two women are friendly and can talk. They're tired every day, but you've been working hard all the time. It's not the self-defeating effort. Musk Moon Road: "These two are good, that is unreasonable is too unreasonable." Baoyu said, "You understand people, and it's over to take care of them as rough and poor people." As he spoke, he walked out of the garden gate. Although the women ate wine and cards, they did not live out to explore. When they saw Baoyu coming out, they also followed him. On the flower hall corridor, I saw the two little girls, one holding a small pot, another holding a handkerchief, and holding a kettle, waiting there for a long time. Autumn grain first stretched out his hand to try it in the basin and said, "The bigger you are, the more careless you are. Where do you get this cold water?" The little girl laughed and said, "Look, girl, this day, I'm afraid of the cold water. It's boiling water. It's still cold." As she said, she happened to see an old lady coming with a pot of boiling water. The little girl said, "Good grandmother, come and pour me some water." The mother-in-law said, "Sister, this is the old lady who makes tea. Please go and ladle it. Where's the big foot? "Whoever you are! If you don't give it to me, just pour the old lady's tea shampoo and wash her hands!" The old lady looked back at the autumn pattern and busily lifted the pot and poured some. "Enough! You're too old to see anything," Autumn Ribbon said. Who doesn't know it's an old lady? Or else? The mother-in-law laughed and said, "I'm so dazzled that I don't recognize the girl." Baoyu washed her hands, and the little girl took the pot and poured it into his hands. Baoyu was caught. Autumn Musk Moon also took advantage of hot water to wash once and follow up Baoyu.
Baoyu asked for a pot of warm wine, which she poured out from Aunt Li. They both laughed and gave up their seats. Jia Mu then said, "Let him pour it out, his little family. Everybody's going to have a drink." With that, he did it himself. Mrs. Xing Wang and Aunt Xue and Aunt Li were also busy. Again, Jia ordered Baoyu to say, "You should not make a fuss of your sister and sister, but ask him to do it." Baoyu heard about it and promised to pour it one by one. Before Daiyu arrived, he refused to drink. He picked up the cup and put it on Baoyu's lips. When Baoyu drinks up, Daiyu laughs and says, "Thank you very much." Baoyu poured a cup for him. "Don't drink cold wine, Baoyu," said Sister Feng with a laugh. Careful hand tremor, tomorrow can't write words, can't pull the bow. Baoyu said, "No cold wine." Sister Feng laughed and said, "I know not, but tell you nothing." Then Baoyu poured it out, except that Jia Rong's wife had been ordered by her maids. Come back to the corridor, and give Jia Zhenwaited. After a sitting, Fang came in and sat back.
After serving Soup for a while, then offering the Lantern Festival. Jia's mother gave her life and said, "Let's take a break from the play. The children, pitiful to see, also give them some hot soup and vegetables to eat and sing again." He also ordered them to eat all kinds of fruits, such as Lantern Festival. After a break, a mother-in-law brought in two of her daughter's forefathers, who often walked under the door, and placed two crowns on the other side. Jia ordered them to sit down and handed over the stringed pipa. Jia Mu then asked Li Xue and his wife, "Listen to any book." Both of them answered, "Anything is good, no matter what." Jia Mu then asked, "What new books have been added recently." The two women first said, "There is a new book, the story of the remnant Tang and Five Dynasties." When Jia Mu asked what the name was, the daughter's elder son said, "This is called Fengqiu Luan." "That's a good name, I don't know why?" said Jia Mu. "First you say something, maybe, if it's good." The daughter's ancestor said, "This book is about the time of the remnant Tang Dynasty. The squire, originally from Jinling, was named Wang Zhong, who had been the assistant governor of the two dynasties. Now he has returned home to his old family. There is only one son under his knee, named Wang Xifeng." The crowd listened and laughed. Jia Mu laughed and said, "It's not too heavy for our Phoenix girl!" Daughter-in-law rushed up and pushed him and said, "It's the name of the second grandmother. Don't mix it up." "Just talk about it," said Jia Mu. The daughter-in-law stood up with a busy laugh and said, "We're dead! I don't know it's Grandma's taboo." "What are you afraid of?" Sister Feng laughed. There are many names with multiple names." The daughter's son said, "That year, Mr. Wang sent him to Beijing to catch the exam. On that day, he was caught in heavy rain and went to a farm to take shelter from the rain. Who knows that there is also a squire in this village, surnamed Li, who is descendant with Mr. Wang, so he left this gentleman to live in his study. This squire Li has no children on his knees, only one Miss Qianjin. This young lady's name is Xiaoluan. She knows everything about qin, chess, calligraphy and painting. Jia Mu busily said, "The weird way is called"Feng Qiu Lu". Needless to say, I have guessed that Wang Xifeng naturally asked this young lady Luan to be his wife. The daughter's ancestor laughed and said, "The old ancestor had heard this book before?" Everyone said, "The old lady hasn't heard anything! Even if she hasn't heard it, she guessed it." Jia Mu laughed and said, "These books are a set of books. They are just some talented people. They are the least interesting. What a bad thing they say about their daughters, and what a beautiful woman! There are no more shadows. Every opening is in the rank of a squire, and his father is either a scholar or a prime minister. A young lady, must be a treasure of love. This young lady must be well-informed and knowledgeable, but she is a beautiful lady. She only sees a handsome man, whether relatives or friends, who remembers his life-long events. Her parents also forget that books forget that ghosts are not ghosts and thieves are not thieves. What's like a beautiful lady? Even if she writes full of articles and does such things, she can't be regarded as a beautiful lady. Beauty. For example, a man's family, full of articles, to be a burglar, is it impossible for Wang Fa to see that he is a talented person who is not involved in the case of thieves? It is known that the compilation of the book is to plug his own mouth. What's more: Not only is the young lady of the scholarly family, but also she knows how to read. Even the lady knows how to return home, and there are many natural nursery maids waiting on the young lady. Why do these books only tell the young lady and the girl next to them? Think about it, what do those people do? Yeah? But the foreword doesn't answer the afterword, does it?
When they heard this, they all laughed and said, "The old lady told us all the lies." Jia Mu laughed and said, "There is a reason why people who compile such books are jealous of others'wealth, or have a desire to fail, so they compile a collapsed family. Another class, he read these books himself, read evil, think of a good talent, so compiled out for fun. How could he know the truth of the scholar's son? Don't mention the big children in that book. Now he's talking about our middle-class family, and nothing like that. Don't let him talk about his chin. So we are never allowed to say these books, and even the girls don't understand them. I am old these years, their sisters live far away, I occasionally bored, say a few words to listen to, they come, busy stop. Both Li Xue and Li Xue laughed and said, "This is the rule of our eldest son. Even our family has no such nonsense for the children to hear."
Fengjie came up to pour wine and laughed, "Come on, come on! The wine is cold. The old ancestor took a mouthful to moisturize his voice and then broke a lie. This time it's called "Breaking a Lie". It's in this day, local, this year, this month, today, this time. Old ancestors said,'One mouth is hard to say two words','Flowers blossom two flowers, each one shows one branch','It's really a lie and not show it, and then watch the whole theatre. How about the old ancestors let these two relatives eat a glass of wine, watch two plays, and then break them off from the words of each dynasty? Say, pour wine and laugh. Before I finished, everyone was laughing. The two elder daughters could not stop laughing and said, "Grandma just spoke! Grandma wants a story, so there is no place for us to eat." Aunt Xue laughed and said, "Don't be too upset! There are people outside. It's not as usual." Sister Feng laughed and said, "There is only one big brother outside. We are still talking about brothers and sisters. We are so naughty and naughty from one of our children. How many rules have I set up these years because I have been a relative? It's not from my younger brother and sister, just about my elder brother and aunt, who are in the twenty-four filial piety. They can't come to play the lottery and make my grandfather laugh. I can easily make my grandfather laugh and eat a little more. Everybody likes it. Thank me for it. Can't you laugh back at me?' Jia Mu laughed and said, "But I didn't have a painful laugh these two days. It was thanks to him that I said all the way and laughed a little happier here. I'll have another bell wine." Eating wine, he asked Baoyu, "Here's a toast to your sister." Sister Feng laughed and said, "Without his respect, I'll ask for the life of my ancestors." Then she picked up Jiamu's cup, ate half of the leftover wine, handed the cup to the servant girl, and replaced the cup soaked in warm water with another one. So all the tables were withdrawn and replaced by warm water. They poured new wine and returned to their seats.
The daughter answered, "The old ancestors will not listen to this book, or play a set of music to listen to it." "You two have a set of General's Decrees," said Jia Mu. When they heard about it, they were busy choosing and fiddling with each other. Jia Muyin asked, "How many days have passed?" All the mothers and sons rushed back, "Three shifts." Jia Mu said, "The strange way can be soaked in cold." Many maids had brought in their new clothes. Mrs. Wang stood up and laughed and said, "The old lady might as well move into the Kang in the warm cabinet. These two relatives are not outsiders either. We will accompany them. When she heard this, she laughed and said, "If you say that, why don't you all move in? It's not warm?" Mrs. Wang said, "I'm afraid I can't sit down." Jia Mu said, "I have a point. Now I don't need these tables either. I just use two or three tables together. Everyone sits in one place, crowded, warm and friendly." Everyone said, "That's interesting!" With that, he got up. The daughters-in-law hurriedly removed the remnants of the table, which was straightforward and merged with three large tables, and replaced the fruit set. Then Jia Mu said, "Don't be polite. Just sit down when I assign you." With that, Xue Li sat up on the front and sat himself westward. Baoqin, Daiyu and Xiangyun all sat close to each other and said to Baoyu, "You are next to your wife." So Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang had precious jade in them. Baochai and other sisters in the west, next, Lou with Jia Lan, Youshi Li Wan with Jia Lan, below the head is Jia Rong's daughter-in-law Hu. Jane took your brothers and I went to bed. Jia Zhenwaited hurriedly to promise, and they all came in to listen to orders. Jia Mu said, "Go ahead, don't come in. I just sat down and got up again. You have to rest. There's still something important to do tomorrow. Jia Zhenbusily agreed and laughed again, "It's only left Rong Er to pour wine." Jia Mu laughed and said, "It's forgetting him." Jia Zhen answered a "yes" and turned to lead Jia Lian out. Since they were happy, they ordered Jia Juan to be sent home separately. They asked Jia Juan to go after them and buy laughter without saying anything.
Here, Jia Mu laughed and said, "I was thinking that, although these people are having fun, they must have grandchildren and grandchildren present at the table. Rong Er, that's all. Rong Er, sitting with your daughter-in-law, is reunited. As a result of the family and daughter-in-law presented the play list, Jia Mu laughed and said, "Our mothers are talking excitedly, but they are going to quarrel again. Besides, the children stayed up all night. It was cold. Let's just call them to rest and call our girls up. Let's sing two songs on this one and show them. The daughters-in-law listened and promised to come out. On the busy side, people went to the Grand View Garden to pass on people. On the other hand, they went to the two doors to pass on young men to serve. The boys rushed to the theatre and took all the students out of the class, leaving only the children.
At that time, the teacher of Lixiang Hospital brought twelve civil servants and other people out of the veranda corner door. The women were carrying several soft bags, and they could not carry the box, and they were packing up the colorful clothes that Jia Mu loved to listen to for three or five plays. The mothers-in-law took the civil servants and waited in. They met and stood with their hands down. Jia Mu laughed and said, "In the first month, your master will not let you out for a stroll? What are you singing now? I just had eight"Eight Righteousnesses"and I had a headache. Let's be light. Look, Mrs. Xue, Mrs. Li's family are all operatic people. I don't know how many operas they have heard. These girls have seen better operas and listened to better music than our girls. Now the little Opera Troupe is the group of the famous playwrights. Although it is a child, it is better than the big one. Let's not give up our praise or criticism. We need to get a new style: ask Fangguan to sing "Seeking Dreams", only using the flute and the chord, and the rest will not use it." The civil servant laughed and said, "What the old ancestors said is true. Our play, of course, can't get into the eyes of aunts and their wives and girls; but listen to one of our blurts and another of our throats." "That's it," said Jia Mu with a laugh. Aunt Li and Aunt Xue laughed happily and said, "What a smart child, you also follow the old lady to tease us." Jia Mu laughed and said, "We used to be casual, but we didn't go out to do business, so it's not quite the right time." Said, also called Kwai Guan: "Sing a Book of Huiming Xia Shu, also do not need to wipe your face. Just use these two to ask their two wives to listen to a favor. If it saves a little effort, I won't. Civilian officers and so on listened out, busy to play the stage, first is "Dream Seeking" and then "Book Xiashu". Everyone is obscure. Aunt Xue laughed and said, "I've seen hundreds of classes of operas, and I've never seen one that only uses a pipe." Jia Mu said, "First of all, it's just like the one in Xilou and Chu Jiang Qing. Most of them have Xiaosheng blowing and shaping. There are few big sets. It's just a matter of people's attention. What's so extraordinary about it? Pointing to Xiangyun, he said, "When I was his age, his grandfather had a group of small plays, but one of them played the piano. He compiled"Listening to the piano"in"The Story of the Western Chamber","Piano Chooser"in"The Story of the Jade Hang"and"Eighteen Pats of the Hu Eggplant"in"The Continuation of Pipa", which turned out to be true. What better than this? Everyone said, "That's even harder." So Jia called his daughters-in-law and ordered the civil servants to play a set of "The Lantern and the Moon". The daughters-in-law led the way.
At present, Jia Rong's husband and wife are on a drinking tour. Because Jia Mu was very happy, Sister Feng laughed and said, "While the sons and daughters are here, why don't we pass on the plum trees and make a set of orders of"Spring Happiness on the Eyebrows"? Jia Mu laughed and said, "That's a good time! It's the right time." The busy man fetched black lacquer copper nails and flower tunes to make drums and hit his daughter and son. A red plum was taken from the table. Jia Mu laughed and said, "Whose hand is holding the drum? If you eat a cup, you have to say something." Sister Feng laughed and said, "As I said, what does an old ancestor want? Wouldn't it be interesting for us? How can we appreciate both elegance and vulgarity? It's better who lives and who tells a joke." Everyone knows that he is always good at jokes and has infinite fresh and interesting instructions in his stomach. So far as I see it, not only the people present like it, but also the old and young people waiting on the ground are all happy. The little girls were busy looking for their sisters to call their sisters, and told them, "Come and listen, Grandma-in-law is telling jokes again." The girls crowded the room.
So after the play was over, Jia Mu gave some soup and fruit to the civil servants and so on, and the drums rang with her life. The sons and daughters were familiar, either tight or slow, or leaky drops, or in a rush to burst beans, or in a gallop of horses, or in the light of a gallop of electricity, when suddenly their drums were muffled, the plum side handed them to Jia Mu, and the drums stopped just right, and everyone laughed. Jia Rong rushed up and poured a cup. Everyone laughed and said, "Naturally, the old lady is happy first, so we can rely on some happiness." Jia Mu laughed and said, "This wine is all right, but this joke is a little hard to tell." Everyone said, "The old lady is better than the Phoenix girl. We laugh when we appreciate one." Jia Mu laughed and said, "There's no fresh joke. You can't talk about it with a thick face when you're young." Because he said:
"The family has ten sons and ten daughters-in-law. Only the daughter-in-law of the tenth house is smart, clever and good-mouthed, and her parents-in-law are the most painful. Every day the family says the nine are unfilial. The nine daughters-in-law and their children were wronged, and then they deliberated and said, "Nine of us are filial in heart, but they are not as clever as those little hoofs, so parents-in-law only said he was good. To whom does this grievance go? An idea said, "Let's go to Yan Wang Temple tomorrow to burn incense and talk to Yen Wang Ye and ask him,"Let's nurture ourselves as human beings. How can we just give that little hoof a good mouth, and we all get stuck in it?" The eight listened and liked to say, "That's a good idea." On the second day, they all went to the temple of the king of Yan to burn incense. Nine of them fell asleep under the table. Nine souls waited for King Yan to arrive. You can't wait left, nor can you wait right. Being in a hurry, Sun Xingzhi came driving a jindouyun. When he saw nine souls, he wanted to hit them with a gold hoop stick. Nine souls were so frightened that they knelt down and begged. When Sun Xingzhe asked him why, nine people were busy telling him in detail. Sun Xingzhi listened, stamped his foot, sighed and said,'It's a good fortune to meet me! He won't know until the King of Yan comes. Nine people listened and asked, "Let the great saint be merciful, and we will be all right." Sun Xingzhi laughed and said,'But it's not difficult: when your grandmothers and sisters were giving birth to ten nurses that day, I happened to go to the King of Yan because your little aunt ate after urinating in the ground. Now you have to be smart and good-mouthed. If you have some urine, you can eat it.
After that, everyone laughed. Sister Feng laughed and said, "Okay! Fortunately, we are all mouth-tamping and cheek-tamping. Otherwise, we will eat monkey urine!" You's Lou laughed at Li Yi and said, "Who in here has eaten monkey urine? Don't pretend to be nobody!" Aunt Xue laughed and said, "The joke laughs at the scene."
Say, hit the drum again. As long as the girls listen to the jokes of Sister Feng, they will quietly explain to their daughter's ancestors and take coughing as their memory. Two times, just after arriving at Fengjie's hands, the little girls coughed intentionally, and the elder daughter lived there. The crowd all laughed and said, "This can take him! Eat the wine quickly, say a good one, don't make your laughing bowel ache too much!"
After thinking about it, Sister Feng laughed and said, "The whole family celebrates the first lunar month, enjoying the lamp and drinking. It's really lively and lively. Grandmothers, grandmothers, daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and daughters-in-law, grandsons and nephews, grandsons and gray grandsons, granddaughters, granddaughters and aunts and granddaughters of Tritisla... Ouch! It's so lively! " The crowd listened to him and laughed. They all said, "Listen to these poor mouths! And they don't know which one to assign!" Youshi laughed and said, "You're going to recruit me. I'll tear your mouth!" Feng Jieer got up and clapped her hands and laughed, "It's hard for people to work here. If you hang around, I won't talk about it." Jia Mu laughed and said, "What do you say about yours?" Sister Feng thought for a moment and said with a laugh, "Sitting in a room under her, she ate a night's wine and then dispersed."
When people saw him speak out, they had nothing to say. They waited for him to speak down in dismay, only to find him cold and tasteless. Xiangyun watched him for half a day. Fengjie laughed and said, "Another one for the first lunar month: a few people took the big gun battle of the house and let it go out of the city, attracting tens of thousands of people to follow. There was an impatient man who could not wait, so he stole the incense and lit it. See only a "haw" sound, the crowd burst into laughter, all scattered. The man who carried the gun battle complained that the defense of the gun battle was not strong enough to disperse before it was released. Xiangyun Dao: "Didn't I hear it?" "I was deaf," said Sister Feng. When people heard and thought about it, they laughed unconsciously. Think of the previous endless, asked him: "What the hell is the first one? It should be finished." Feng Jieer clapped the table and said, "Good solicitation! On the second day, it's the sixteenth day, the year is over, and the festival is over. I can't see how busy people are collecting things. Where do they know what's going on?" When people heard about it, they laughed again.
Sister Feng laughed and said, "There are more than four outside. According to me, the old ancestors are also scarce. Let's let the deaf shoot the gun. It's over." Youshi and others held their mouths in silk and laughed back and forth, pointing to him and saying, "This thing really counts poor mouths!" Jia Mu laughed and said, "Really this Phoenix girl is becoming poorer and poorer!" As he spoke, he ordered, "When he raises the gun, let's set off the fireworks and dispel the alcohol." Jia Rong listened and went out busily with his young men to install a screen in the yard and set up the fireworks. The fireworks are all tributes everywhere, though not very large, but extremely delicate, with all kinds of stories, with all kinds of fireworks. Daiyu was so weak that she couldn't help clapping her hands around him. Aunt Xue hugged Xiangyun, who laughed and said, "I'm not afraid." Baochai laughed and said, "He loves enlarging the artillery battle, but he's afraid of it!" Mrs. Wang then embraced the precious jade in her arms. Sister Feng laughed and said, "We have no pain!" Youshi laughed and said, "There's me. I'm hugging you. —— You son of a bitch is acting like a jerk again. You heard the firecracker shooting. It's like "eating bee dung". Now it's frivolous again." Sister Feng laughed and said, "When it's over, let's put it in the garden. I'm better than the boys." Between speaking, the outside is put in a uniform color again and again. There are also many scattered small artillery battles such as "full of stars", "Kowloon into the clouds", "a thunder on the flat ground", "ten sounds in the sky". Let go, and then ordered the little opera troupe to hit "Lotus Fall" once again, scattering money all over the stage, the children all over the stage to rob money for fun.
When she served the soup, Jia Mu said, "It's a long night. I don't feel a little hungry." Sister Fengjie hurried back and said, "Duck porridge is ready." Jia Mu said, "Let me have some light food." Fengjie busily said, "There are also japonica rice porridge cooked by jujubes, ready for the wives to eat Zhai." "That's all," said Jia Mu. Say, have removed the remnants of the table, inside and outside a variety of delicate dishes. Everyone ate some at will, used mouthwash tea, Fangsan.
Early in the morning of the 17th, Ningfu saluted, served and hid the ancestral gate, received the images, and returned. This is Aunt Xue's house inviting New Year's Wine. Mother Jia felt tired for days, sat for half a day and came back. Since the eighteenth day, when relatives and friends come to invite or attend the dinner, Jia Mu will not. Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, and Sister Feng serve. Lian Baoyu did not go except for the prince Teng's family. He only said that Jia Mu had left to relieve his depression.
Now that the Lantern Festival is over, Sister Feng suddenly has a miscarriage and the whole family is panicked.
Know the bottom and decompose it next time.