This chapter is the core of advanced algebra,and it's also the most difficult one for most students,the most efficiency way to learn this chapter is understand the concept without ambiguous,have more practice,and review it regularly.
A special linear transformation
is a n-order square on the fileds of,we define a linear transformationon,satisfied,please analyze the properties of
Minimum polynominal
Theorem if is a quasi-diagonal matrix,markedwhichhas a minimum polynominal,then the minimum polynominal of is the least common multiple of,marked
Example 1.if a matrix can be turned into a diagonal matrix,then it's minimum polynominal is the product of the one-time factor of mutual element.
Example 2.A real symmetry matrixhas a characteristcs polynominal,marked,calculate the minimum polynominal of
Invariant sub-spaces
Some simple but important theorem
proposition 1:Linear transformationson the,and it's kernel,range and chracteristcs sub-spaces are sub-spaces
proposition 2:are two linear transformations,satisfied,then all of the characteristcs sub-spaces of are the invariant sub-spaces of
proposition 3:is a linear transformations on filedsof linear space,is a non-zero vector,thenis a-sub-spaces if and only if is a chracteristics vector of. a transformations on filedsof n-dimension linear space,then 'matrix under a set of bases is a diagonal matrix if and only ifcan be decompositioned into the strict and of several non-trivial invariant subspace:,and is the matrix under the base of
Important example
suppose is a n-dimension linear space of complex field,and the linear transformationsunder the bases of 's matrix is a jordan block,marked
proof:(1)there is onlycan be the -sub-spaces who includes.
(2)all of the non-zero -sub-spaces includes
(3)can't be decompositioned into two non-trivial -sub-spaces' strict and.
(4)have and only have -sub-spaces,they are
Tips: let is a group bases of
supposeand,existssuch thatthen,we can times for several times.
The most important watershed(NB)
Lemma 1:if then
Lemma 2:us a linear space in filed,is a zero-transformation on ,then
Lemma 3:if a finite dimension linear spacesatisfied,and then
Proposition 1
(Extremely important)is a linear space on field,is a linear transformations on space,,and,any of two are mutal vegetarian.then
Proposition 2
is a linear space on field ,is a transformations on space,is a zero-polunominal.(then ),and,whichand any of two are mutal vegetarian,then
Proposition 3
is a linear space in,is a linear transformation on,is the minimum polynominal of,andwhichare multal differentiation characteristc values.then,anywe have
Proposition 4
is a linear space on the field ,is a transformation on,andis a zero-polynominal of ,andany of two are mutal vegetarian.we markedthen for any ,we have
Example 1:
are two non-zero polynominal on field,are respectively the max common divisor and the min male-double,both of their first item are 1,is a n-order square matrix on field,we marked solving spaces respectively are,proof:
Example 2:if is a finite dimension linear space,are the linear transformations on,satisfied
(2)proof:the dimension ofis even
(3)proof:if,thenhas a group of bases such thatmatrix respectively are,under this group of bases.
Tips: (2)suppose are the bases of,andare the bases of ,from(1),we know that eixist a group of vectorssuch that,this meansand,we can do it in a similar way,and we can get,or we can proof that are linear independent.
(3)there is only one vector in each space.
Example 3:are the linear transformations on linear space,satisfied
proof:(1)have a same value range if and only if
(2)have the same kernel if and only if
Example 4:if are the linear transformations on linear spaceof field ,andsatisfied ,proof:
(3)are the-sub-space if and only if
Tips: we need,we decompositioned ,and then we consider aboutand
Extrmely important:if is a n-dimension linear space on field,is a linear transformations on,then the can be diagonalized if and only if the minimum polynominal ofis a product of one-time-dependent on field.
Example 5:if is a 6-dimension linear space on complex field,is a transformations on,the characteristic polynominal is,then can be decomposition into the strict and of 3-sub-space,and their dimension respectively are1,2,3.
Tips: use the knowledge of jordan type.
Example 6:ifis a n-dimension linear space on filed,is a transformation on,and is the minimum polynominal of ,we know that,which,proof:exists-sub-space,such that,andhas minimum polynominal,has a minimum polynominal
Tips: and,we marked the minimum polynominal ofrespectively as ,then,and we know that the minimum polynominal of is
The further discussing about whether a matrix can be diagonal.
Theorem.ifis a n-dimension linear space on field,is a transformation on,are all mutal different characteristic values,then these conditions are equal:
(1)can be diagonal.
(2)have linear independent characteristic vectors,they build a group of bases of.
(4) dimension of the summary of different characteristic values' space are,other words
(5)The algebra repeat times of each characteristic equals the geometric repeat times.
(6)has a minimum polynominalis the product of multal vegetarian one-times factors on field ,other words
(6)'exists a zero-polynominal which can be decompositioned into the product ofmultal vegetarian one-times factor.
Example 7.ifis an-dimension linear space on complex field,is a linear transformation on,satisfied,then can be diagonal.
Example 8.ifis a linear transformation on field of n-dimension linear space,it has a group of bases,and it's matrix under this base is,whether can be diagonal?if it can,please calculate a group of bases of ,such thatbecome a diagonal matrix under this group of base,and write down this diagonal matrix.
Exchangeble problems and simultaneous upper triangular problem.
Example a n-dimension linear space on the complex field,are linear transformations on ,satisfied,then have common characteristic vectors.
Tips: all the characteristic sub-space of are -sub-space.
we letas the characteristic space of is -sub-space is a linear transformation on has a characteristic space ,then for all the
Example a n-dimension linear space on complex field,are linear transformations on,satisfied,if has different characteristic values,then at least have common and linear independent characteristic vectors.
if are two n-order matrix on complex field,and,then exists a reversible matrix,such thatand can become the upper triangle at the same time.
Example 3.if are two n-order matrix on complex field,and is power zero matrix(exist a positive integer m,such that ),and ,then
Example 4.ifare n-order square,,andcan be diagonal,please proof can be diagonal at the same time.
Tips: first,we suppose existssuch that,and from we know,andcan be diagonal too,so exists asuch that,and thewe are looking for is
Example 5.are the n-order real symmetry matrix,proof:exist orthogonal matrix such thatandare diagonal matrix at the same time if and only if
Example 6.are n-order real symmetry matrix,then if and only if they have common vectors as a standard orthogonal base on the European space.