Today is Wednesday.
Chapter 15: The Crickets
The crickets sang that Summer was over and gone in the grasses. They sang again and again so that everyone could know that. Avery and Fern knew that the Summer holiday was over, Lurvy knew that it was time to dig potatoes, a little maple tree turned bright red with anxiety. Wilbur was now the center of the attraction on the farm. Charlotte had woven RADIANT in the web and Wilbur tied his best to do like the words in the web. He tried to be some pig, be terrific, be radiant, but he still was afraid of something. He dreamed that a man came to him with guns and knives someday. He thought if he could help Mr. Zuckerman to earn some money on the fair, he would be safe forever. He asked Charlotte if she could go to the fair with him. Charlotte said that she had something more important to do. Wilbur wanted to know what thing it was. Charlotte was going to make an egg sac and fill it with eggs.