




13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t do 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 


The Social Animal 

The Shortest History of Europe

A Brief History of Humankind 







1. Many people give up because they have a fixed mindset about their abilities. They don’t think that they have any control over their level of talent so they don’t bother improving and trying again after failure. 

Bother 拓展:

bother to do/ bother doing something 费心去做某事

Bother someone to do something  

I don’t like to bother other people 

You don’t need to bother with that.

Have control over something 对xx拥有掌控力

2. Giving up after the first failure can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Each time you quit, you reinforce the idea that failure is bad, which in turn will prevent you from trying again; thus your fear of failure inhibits your ability to learn. 

to inhibit somebody from doing something   约束某人不做某事

prohibit  禁止,不准  Smoking is prohibited 

self-fulfilling prophecy 自我实现的预言

3. Let me see what I have going on and I’ll get back to you.

4. Developing mental strength isn’t about having to be the best at everything. It also isn’t about earning the most money or achieving the biggest accomplishments. Instead, developing mental strength means knowing that you’ll be okay no matter what happens. Whether you’re facing serious personal problems, a financial crisis, or a family tragedy, You will be best prepared for whatever circumstances you encounter when you are mentally strong. 

5. Not only will you be ready to deal with the realities of life, but you will be able to live according to your values no matter what life throws your way. 不管生活如何对待你

6. When you become mentally strong, you will be your best self(最好的自己), have the courage to do what’s right, and develop a true comfort with who you are and what you are capable of achieving. 

7. Acknowledge your flaws and weaknesses. Everyone has flaws and weakness, whether we like to admit them or not.

Flaws 缺点 weakness 弱点

Acknowledge 和 admit 本身有很多不同的意思,当它们在表示“承认,确认”的时候,更容易被混淆,造成我们的费解。Acknowledge 是确认事情的存在或者发生,但我们不一定能看出承认者的态度到底如何。而 admit 往往带有“不情愿地承认”某件事情的存在或发生,尤其是在描述一件不好的事情时。所以当我们听到有人 admit 什么的时候,第一感觉是他出了问题,所以“承认错误或失误”。

8. Recognizing that you have insecurities, problems and unattractive characteristics about yourself can ensure you don’t develop an inflated self-perception.

recognize 承认,意识到

9. These types of accounts fuel our desire to get immediate results from whatever we’re doing.

10. Expecting immediate results can set you up to fail/set you up for failure.

Set you up to fail

Set you up for failure 

11. Hold back 阻碍

Developing an improved sense of self-awareness can help you continue to recognize what’s holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Identify beliefs and thoughts that will hold you back.

12. Personality traits 

Personality traits are simply: Actions Attitudes Behaviors

13. You are more likely to talk your way out of problem rather than accept the consequences.

You cannot talk yourself out of what you behave yourself into. 这话的意思是,语言改变不了行为给人留下的印象

14. Pay attention to your feelings. Check in with yourself about how you’r feeling both physically and emotionally.

Check in with:to talk with (someone) in order to report or find out new information

I have to go to a meeting now, but I'll check in with you later.

15. Reflect on 反省; 仔细想; 回忆

Spending time alone, whether you choose to mediate or you use some quiet time to simply reflect on your goals, it is the best way to really get to know yourself.

Reflecting on the past enough that you can learn from it.

Spend a little bit of time reflecting on your mistakes.

Reflect on your progress and goals daily.

16. Attributing failure to a lack of ability leads to learned helplessness(习得性无助). If you think that your failure is caused by a lack of ability - and you think you can’t improve upon that ability- you’re likely to develop a sense of learned helplessness.

attribute to意为“归因于,认为是……的结果

improve upon/on  对…加以改进 to do something in a better way or with better results than before

17. Self-compassion means viewing your failures kindly yet realistically.  It means understanding that everyone has shortcomings, including you, and that failure doesn’t decrease your worth as a person. 

18. When you take a compassionate approach to your own weakness, you will be more likely to recognized there is room to grow and improve.

take a .. approach to doing sth:采用一个……的方法做某事


19. There are always stories floating around about someone who has become an”overnight success

20. Sometimes, people actively seek out(寻找) the hustle and bustle(熙熙攘攘,忙乱) to prevent themselves from being alone with their thoughts.

21. Write in a journal.Journaling can be a powerful tool in helping you to better understand and learn from your emotions. Writing about experiences and the emotions surrounding those experiences boosts immune systems, decrease stress and improves mental health.

Boost 促进、增加

22. It is starting to gain more mainstream acceptance.

23. Mindfulness is about developing an acute awareness of what is happening within the moment without forming judgment.

24. Don’t miss out on

Don’t miss out on the chance to…

You miss out on the present, You can’t enjoy the present if your mind is constantly stuck in the past.You’ll miss out on experiencing new opportunities and celebrating the joys of today if you’re distracted by things that have already occurred.

25. The only mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. 

26. Sharpen your skills 

27. Overlook 忽略

You will over look your skills and talents.

Overlook the facts that…

28. Stereotypes 

Develop an awareness of your stereotypes. Work on getting to know people instead of automatically judging them based on stereotypes.

29. Diminish someone else’s accomplishments will only breed feelings of resentment.

alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline区别


he painkiller alleviated the pain.

diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降

The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.

reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低

He reduced the amount of money they could spend.

decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。  

The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降

decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。

Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.

He declined our invitation to dinner.

30. Be on the outlook for 留心观察、留心某事

Be on the lookout for times when you are feeling sorry for yourself.

31. A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step and can only be taken one step at a time.

32. Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education. admit 往往带有“不情愿地承认”某件事情的存在或发生,尤其是在描述一件不好的事情时。所以当我们听到有人 admit 什么的时候,第一感觉是他出了问题,所以“承认错误或失误”。

33. Stephen Covey found a similar pattern in personal effectiveness: first build upon a strong core of principles that are not open for continuous change; at the same time, be relentless in the quest for improvement and continuous self-renewal.

build on ------把…建立于,以…为基础,寄希望于…… 

build upon ---- vt. 基于(依赖,把...建立于,以...作基础,把寄托于,指望) 

都表示 把...建立于,以.... 做基础 的时候可以互换。

Quest for 寻找;寻求(动词)

His quest for perfection is relentless.

In the quest for 探索;追求(名词)

Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.

relentless 不懈的,坚韧的, 不屈不挠的

his relentless pursuit of perfection

34. Inside-out is a process - a continuing process of renewal based on the natural laws that govern human growth and progress. It’s an upward spiral of growth that leads to progressively higher forms of responsible independence and effective interdependence.


Your sweater is inside-out

Change only happens from the inside out

Real Change is Possible If You're Willing to Start From the Inside Out

Inside-out process

35. Dependent people need others to get what they want. Independent people can get what they want through their own effort. Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.

36. I could think creatively and analytically and organize and express my thoughts in understandable ways.

37. If I were emotionally independent, I would be validated from within. I would be inner directed. My sense of worth would not be a function of being liked or treated well. 

Seek validation/feel validated 

The validation we seek from others must first come from within ourselves.

Most people allow their egos to seek validation from without. Real confidence is achieved by finding validation from within.

Inner-directed | directed in thought and action by one's own scale of values as opposed to external norms

38. The material is designed to be a companion in the continual process of change and growth.

Constant, continuous, continual 




39. Too often parents are also trapped in the management paradigm, thinking of control, efficiency, and rules instead of direction, purpose, and family feeling.

40. Success is success with self. It’s not in having things, but in having mastery, having victory over self.

Have mastery over sth 已经掌握

Have victory over sth 战胜

Have mastery over self 掌控自己

Have victory over self 战胜自己

41. A driving force of many people is possessions- not only tangible, material possessions such as fashionable clothes, homes, cars, boats and jewellery, but also in intangible possessions of fame, glory, or social prominence.

Glory 荣誉,荣耀

prominence 卓越,突出,声望

prominent 著名的,突出的,重要的

social prominence 社会地位

42. But pleasure, per se, offers no deep, lasting satisfaction or sense of fulfilment. The pleasure-centered person, too soon bored with each succeeding level of “fun”, constantly cries for more and more. So the next new pleasure has to be bigger and better, more exciting, with a bigger “high”. A person in this state becomes almost entirely narcissistic, interpreting all of life in terms of the pleasure it provides to the self here and now.

43. Too much undisciplined leisure time in which a person continually takes the course (方向)of least resistance gradually waste a life. It ensures that a person’s capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, that the mind and spirit become lethargic and that the heart is unfulfilled.

44. Your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. 

45. Goals need to be translated into a specific action plan. 

translate each goal to a specific day of the week, either as a priority item or, even better as a specific appointment. 

46. Your planning tool should be your servant, never your master. Since it has to work for you, it should be tailored to your style, your needs, your particular ways.

47. Desired results - create a clear, mutual understanding of what needs to be accomplished, focusing on what, not how; results, not methods. 

48. No recognition is given to intrinsic value; everyone is extrinsically defined. 

49. Be harmonious with our inner most values

50. Their sense of worth comes from being compared, and someone else’s success, to some degree, means their failure. 

51. This is one of the greatest insights in the field of human motivation: satisfied needs do not motivate. It’s only the unsatisfied need that motivates. Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival - to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated. 


1. discern

To recognize or know sth, especially sth that is not obvious

2. underlying潜在的,隐含的、深层的

Underlying assumption 

Mental and emotional illnesses are really symptoms of an underlying sense of meaninglessness or emptiness.

3. Embrace拥抱,包括,接受,接纳

Embrace new ideas, different opinions,opportunities 

Wisdom is your perspective of life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how various parts and principles apply and related to each other. It embraces judgement, discernment, comprehension.

4. Get by 

1.pass 通过

I moved aside to let him get by.

A lorry blocked the pathway,so that we couldn't get by.

Please move to the right so he can get by.

2.make ends meet 勉强生存

She gets by on a remarkably small income.

3. escape potentially unpleasant consequences

4. 勉强过活;勉强应付 If you can get by with what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way.

5. Counselor, advisor and consultant 直接的区别

counselor 和 advisor 基本上可以互用。counselor更加职业化,例如学校里给出学生学习或者职业生涯建议的学业顾问。advisor更普遍化,你的朋友给你一些购物的建议,那么他可以叫你的advisor,却不能叫counselor。consultant是指给出专业,高水准建议的顾问,例如顾问医师。它更贴近与中文里“顾问”的含义,因为我们所说的顾问通常都有“专家”的含义。

6. Be subject to

可能受…影响的;易遭受…的 To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.

受…支配的;服从于…的 If someone is subject to a particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws.

My wants will be subject to my needs and means.


7. Think over VS. Think through 

think over 通常用在口语里,深思熟虑的意思,表动作

造句: I'll have to think it over carefully before I can say yes or not 

hink through 在理解的基础上,想得很透彻,比think over要强

造句: Do not count on others to do your thinking, to think through the issues and problems of your life.

8. Be composed of VS. consist of 

9. Validate

1. To prove that something is true 证实,确认

2. 批准,认可,证明有价值 to validate a person

3. 是生效,是具有法律效力


有效的 eg. A valid passport,  a valid passport 

符合逻辑的,有理有据的 the point you make is perfectly valid 

10. Incremental  增加的,递增的

Incremental development

Making incremental progress in meditation 

It is organized incrementally

11. Suggestions for application 

12. consent 同意、许可

No one can hurt you without your consent.

13. obsolete


Is obsolete

Becomes obsolete 

Types of Technology That Are Becoming Obsole

14. lack的用法 

1.lack(for) sth.缺少  

2.be lacking (in) sth.缺乏. 

3.(a) lack of....方面的短缺 



1.Alex's real promble is that he lacks confidence. 

2.He seemed to be lacking in courage  

3.Lack of vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms

15. continuum [kənˈtɪnjuəm]

A continuum is a set of things on a scale, which have a particular characteristic to different degrees.

In a hierarchy or continuum of needs, physical survival and financial security comes first.

16. be basic to 


Economic security is basic to one’s opportunity to do much in any other dimension.

17. Derive  得到,导出; 源于,来自; (从…中) 提取

Derive pleasure/security.. from 

Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others. 

Suppose I derive much of my security from employment or from my income or net worth.

18. Wrap up


wrap up in cosy winter clothes

wrap the present in paper


Let's wrap up the job and go home

But it's just about time to wrap up for today

Before we wrap up

Wrap up this meeting 

19. is vulnerable to


20. become insensitive to 

Glory 荣誉,荣耀

21. gratification 满意,满足

be gratified 

We live in a world where instant gratification is available and encouraged.

22. in retrospect 

thinking about a past event or situation, often with a different opinion of from the one you had at the time

The decision seems crazy, in retrospect. 

23. narcissistic 自恋的,自我陶醉的

34. leisure time 业余时间,闲暇

35. Expand your perspectives  扩大你的视角

36. prerequisite(to/for/of)前提

Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life

37. momentum

If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.

is gaining momentum

Lose momentum 

Maintain the momentum 

38. Center on  以…为中心, 把...当作重点

He is a person who only centers on himself.

By centering our lives on correct principles, we created a solid foundation for development of the four-life support factors. 

39. affirmation 肯定,认可

Thanks for your affirmation 

40. tremendous 极大的

What one thing could you do that if you did it on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your personal life?

41. integrity 正直、有原则的

Have integrity 

42. subordinate(to sb/sth)


反义词:superior to 

Feel superior to sb 

Subordinate sb/sth (to sb/sth)

Treat something less important than sb/sth else 

You have the will, the integrity, to subordinate your feelings, your impulses, your moods to those values.

43. Impulse

On an impulse 一时冲动

A sudden wish or need to do something, without stopping to think about the results 

I resisted the impulse to laugh 

I feel the impulse to do something 

He tends to act on impulse

Bought it on an impulse 

44. Organize and execute around priorities 

45. Quadrant 象限

46. Quick fix速效对策,快速解决办法

47. a frame of mind 心境

Mental attitude or outlook/mood 

Win/Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantlyseeks mutual benefitin all human interactions.

48. resistance to

most people have a natural resistance to it.

bacteria will develop resistance to them

a resistance to authority

49. defensive

50. Be prone to 易于...的,有…倾向的

Win/Lose people are prone to use position, power, credentials, possessions or personality to get their way.

51. certificate VS credentials


52. Expectation

against expectation 出乎意料的

below expectations {adv.}低于期望值

beyond (one's) expectation 出乎意料(之外),较预期的更大

meet sb.'s expectations

contrary to (one's) expectation

live up to sb.'s expectations 不辜负某人的期望

53. in comparison with

by comparison 比较起来,用比较方法

by comparison to {prep.}与...相比

by comparison with {prep.}与...相比

in comparison to {prep.}与...相比

in comparison with==>{adj.}比较(同...比较起来,与-比较) {}和...比较起来

54. Repress/Suppress 抑制,镇压

repress feelings

1 to stop yourself from doing something you want to do: (自制自己想做的事情)

2 if someone represses upsetting feelings, memories etc, they do not allow themselves to express or think about them

3 to control a group of people by force (武力控制一群人)

55. at the expense/cost/price of  以…为代价

We can't speed up production at the expense of quality

One person’s success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others.

56. Go for sth 选择某事物

you may want to go for Lose/Win in some circumstances

57. constitute = consist of 组成,构成

To be the parts that together form sth

Female workers constitute the majority of the labor force.

58. conviction 信念 a strong opinion or belief

59. consideration for

Show/ have consideration for other people’s feelings 

60. Empathy 同理心

the ability to understand other people’s feelings 

Empathic = empathetic 移情的,有同理心的

Empathize/ to empathize with (sb/sth)

61. sympathy同情的 

the feeling of being sorry for sb, showing that you care… 


62. autobiography 自传

63. foundational和fundamental



64. Outward  adj, adv, n

you can handle the more outward vulnerability with peace and strength. 

Outward calm cannot hide inward sadness. 

65. frame of reference 参照系,观点,理论

66. Probe (into sth)ask questions or try to discover facts about it

we probe - we ask questions from our own frame of reference

67. counsel 建议

give counsel = advise 

68. Synergy 

to create synergy 

there is natural synergy between … 

69. dividend

If something pays dividends, it brings advantages at a later date.

The time you invest to deeply understand people you love brings tremendous dividends in open communication.

come up 

1.  走近;走到跟前 If someone comes up or comes up to you, they approach you until they are standing close to you.

2. 被提及;被讨论 If something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned or discussed.

3. 即将发生;即将到来 If something is coming up, it is about to happen or take place.

4. 突然发生 If something comes up, it happens unexpectedly.

5. 出现空缺;(商品)上市 If a job comes up or if something comes up for sale, it becomes available.

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