(https://github.com/zhourunlai/dl_tutorials/tree/master/presentations)这里是相关 TensorFlow 代码
Deep learning tutorials边看PPT,边读代码
Deep learning intro.
Python basics
Let's play with images & MNIST
Week2 - Do you know deep learning?
CNN and AlexNet
TensorFlow basics
Logistic regression
Let's implement MLP!
Let's play with you OWN DATASET
Regularization methods
Optimization methods
Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Let's implement denoising autoencoder
Week3 - CNN basics
Semantic segmentation: FCN, DeconvNet, DeepLab with atrous conv
Let's implement a simple CNN
Let's implement a basic CNN
Let's implement semantic segmentation
Weakly supervised localization: Global average pooling
Implement MLP and CNN on your OWN DATASET
Denoising deconvolutional neural network
Week4 - CNN applications + RNN basics
Image detection (RCNN, SPPnet, FastRCNN, FasterRCNN)
Other detections (YOLO, AttentionNet)
Let's use TensorBoards
RNN from Colah's blog
Visual QnA: DPPnet + MCBP! 看图答题
Super resolution
Deep reinforcement learning
Week5 - RNN applications
RNN basic + handwriting generation
Let's implement RNNs
Let's implement Word2vec
Image captioning: Show and Tell + Show, attend and tell 看图作文
char-rnn + how can we use Hangul?
Week6 - Deep learning is so FUN!
Residual network and some analysis
Neural Style: Texture synsthesis+Inverting CNN 艺术风格作画
Let's implement neural style
Bayesian optimization
Adversaral attack?
Generative adversarial network 对抗生成网络