



模型预测控制在C ++中实现

用Python实现的P,PD和PID控制器 比例积分微分控制器(PID控制器或三项控制器)是广泛用于工业控制系统和各种其他需要连续调节控制的应用的控制回路反馈机构。一个PID控制器连续计算一个误差值e(t),作为所需设定值(SP)和测量的过程变量(PV)之间的差值,并根据比例,积分和微分项(表示为P,I和D)分别给他们的名字控制器。实际上,它会自动对控制功能应用准确和响应的校正。


# -----------# User Instructions## Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations# of robot motion. The desired trajectory for the# robot is the x-axis. The steering angle should be set# by the parameter tau so that:## steering = -tau * crosstrack_error## You'll only need to modify the `run` function at the bottom.# ------------importrandomimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# ------------------------------------------------## this is the Robot class#classRobot(object):def__init__(self, length=20.0):"""

Creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0.

"""self.x =0.0self.y =0.0self.orientation =0.0self.length = length        self.steering_noise =0.0self.distance_noise =0.0self.steering_drift =0.0defset(self, x, y, orientation):"""

Sets a robot coordinate.

"""self.x = x        self.y = y        self.orientation = orientation % (2.0* np.pi)defset_noise(self, steering_noise, distance_noise):"""

Sets the noise parameters.

"""# makes it possible to change the noise parameters# this is often useful in particle filtersself.steering_noise = steering_noise        self.distance_noise = distance_noisedefset_steering_drift(self, drift):"""

Sets the systematical steering drift parameter

"""self.steering_drift = driftdefmove(self, steering, distance, tolerance=0.001, max_steering_angle=np.pi /4.0):"""

steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle

distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

"""ifsteering > max_steering_angle:            steering = max_steering_angleifsteering < -max_steering_angle:            steering = -max_steering_angleifdistance <0.0:            distance =0.0# apply noisesteering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)# apply steering driftsteering2 += self.steering_drift# Execute motionturn = np.tan(steering2) * distance2 / self.lengthifabs(turn) < tolerance:# approximate by straight line motionself.x += distance2 * np.cos(self.orientation)            self.y += distance2 * np.sin(self.orientation)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)else:# approximate bicycle model for motionradius = distance2 / turn            cx = self.x - (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            cy = self.y + (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)            self.x = cx + (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            self.y = cy - (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)def__repr__(self):return'[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'% (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)############## ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ##################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------## run - does a single control runrobot = Robot()robot.set(0,1,0)defrun(robot, tau, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []    y_trajectory = []#TODO:your code heresteering =0.0foriinrange(n):        cte = robot.y        steer = -tau * cte        robot.move(steer, speed)        x_trajectory.append(robot.x)        y_trajectory.append(robot.y)returnx_trajectory, y_trajectory    x_trajectory, y_trajectory = run(robot,0.1)n = len(x_trajectory)fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,8))ax1.plot(x_trajectory, y_trajectory,'g', label='P controller')ax1.plot(x_trajectory, np.zeros(n),'r', label='reference')


PD控制器与P控制器非常相似。增加了prev_cte分配给前一个CTE 的变量,以及diff_cte当前CTE和前一个CTE之间的差值。然后我们把它们和新的tau_d参数放在一起来计算新的转向值-tau_p * cte - tau_d * diff_cte。

# -----------# User Instructions## Implement a PD controller by running 100 iterations# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set# by the parameter tau_p and tau_d so that:## steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE# where differential crosstrack error (diff_CTE)# is given by CTE(t) - CTE(t-1)### Only modify code at the bottom! Look for the TODO# ------------importrandomimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# ------------------------------------------------## this is the Robot class#classRobot(object):def__init__(self, length=20.0):"""

Creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0.

"""self.x =0.0self.y =0.0self.orientation =0.0self.length = length        self.steering_noise =0.0self.distance_noise =0.0self.steering_drift =0.0defset(self, x, y, orientation):"""

Sets a robot coordinate.

"""self.x = x        self.y = y        self.orientation = orientation % (2.0* np.pi)defset_noise(self, steering_noise, distance_noise):"""

Sets the noise parameters.

"""# makes it possible to change the noise parameters# this is often useful in particle filtersself.steering_noise = steering_noise        self.distance_noise = distance_noisedefset_steering_drift(self, drift):"""

Sets the systematical steering drift parameter

"""self.steering_drift = driftdefmove(self, steering, distance, tolerance=0.001, max_steering_angle=np.pi /4.0):"""

steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle

distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

"""ifsteering > max_steering_angle:            steering = max_steering_angleifsteering < -max_steering_angle:            steering = -max_steering_angleifdistance <0.0:            distance =0.0# apply noisesteering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)# apply steering driftsteering2 += self.steering_drift# Execute motionturn = np.tan(steering2) * distance2 / self.lengthifabs(turn) < tolerance:# approximate by straight line motionself.x += distance2 * np.cos(self.orientation)            self.y += distance2 * np.sin(self.orientation)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)else:# approximate bicycle model for motionradius = distance2 / turn            cx = self.x - (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            cy = self.y + (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)            self.x = cx + (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            self.y = cy - (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)def__repr__(self):return'[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'% (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)############## ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ##################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------## run - does a single control run# previous P controllerdefrun_p(robot, tau, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []    y_trajectory = []foriinrange(n):        cte = robot.y        steer = -tau * cte        robot.move(steer, speed)        x_trajectory.append(robot.x)        y_trajectory.append(robot.y)returnx_trajectory, y_trajectory    robot = Robot()robot.set(0,1,0)defrun(robot, tau_p, tau_d, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []    y_trajectory = []#TODO:your code hereCTE_prev =0foriinrange(n):        CTE = robot.y        diff_CTE = CTE - CTE_prev        CTE_prev = CTE        steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE        robot.move(steering, speed)        x_trajectory.append(robot.x)        y_trajectory.append(robot.y)returnx_trajectory, y_trajectory    x_trajectory, y_trajectory = run(robot,0.2,3.0)n = len(x_trajectory)fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,8))ax1.plot(x_trajectory, y_trajectory,'g', label='PD controller')ax1.plot(x_trajectory, np.zeros(n),'r', label='reference')


随着积分项我们跟踪所有以前的CTE,最初我们设置int_cte为0,然后将当前cte项添加到计数int_cte += cte。最后,我们-tau_p * cte - tau_d * diff_cte - tau_i * int_cte用新tau_i参数更新转向值。

# -----------# User Instructions## Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set# by the parameter tau so that:## steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE - tau_i * int_CTE## where the integrated crosstrack error (int_CTE) is# the sum of all the previous crosstrack errors.# This term works to cancel out steering drift.## Only modify code at the bottom! Look for the TODO.# ------------importrandomimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# ------------------------------------------------## this is the Robot class#classRobot(object):def__init__(self, length=20.0):"""

Creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0.

"""self.x =0.0self.y =0.0self.orientation =0.0self.length = length        self.steering_noise =0.0self.distance_noise =0.0self.steering_drift =0.0defset(self, x, y, orientation):"""

Sets a robot coordinate.

"""self.x = x        self.y = y        self.orientation = orientation % (2.0* np.pi)defset_noise(self, steering_noise, distance_noise):"""

Sets the noise parameters.

"""# makes it possible to change the noise parameters# this is often useful in particle filtersself.steering_noise = steering_noise        self.distance_noise = distance_noisedefset_steering_drift(self, drift):"""

Sets the systematical steering drift parameter

"""self.steering_drift = driftdefmove(self, steering, distance, tolerance=0.001, max_steering_angle=np.pi /4.0):"""

steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle

distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

"""ifsteering > max_steering_angle:            steering = max_steering_angleifsteering < -max_steering_angle:            steering = -max_steering_angleifdistance <0.0:            distance =0.0# apply noisesteering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)# apply steering driftsteering2 += self.steering_drift# Execute motionturn = np.tan(steering2) * distance2 / self.lengthifabs(turn) < tolerance:# approximate by straight line motionself.x += distance2 * np.cos(self.orientation)            self.y += distance2 * np.sin(self.orientation)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)else:# approximate bicycle model for motionradius = distance2 / turn            cx = self.x - (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            cy = self.y + (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)            self.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0* np.pi)            self.x = cx + (np.sin(self.orientation) * radius)            self.y = cy - (np.cos(self.orientation) * radius)def__repr__(self):return'[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'% (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)############## ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ##################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------## run - does a single control runrobot = Robot()robot.set(0,1,0)defrun(robot, tau_p, tau_d, tau_i, n=100, speed=1.0):x_trajectory = []    y_trajectory = []#TODO:your code hereCTE_prev =0int_CTE =0foriinrange(n):        CTE = robot.y        diff_CTE = CTE - CTE_prev        CTE_prev = CTE        int_CTE += CTE        steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE - tau_i * int_CTE        robot.move(steering, speed)        x_trajectory.append(robot.x)        y_trajectory.append(robot.y)returnx_trajectory, y_trajectoryx_trajectory, y_trajectory = run(robot,0.2,3.0,0.004)n = len(x_trajectory)fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,8))ax1.plot(x_trajectory, y_trajectory,'g', label='PID controller')ax1.plot(x_trajectory, np.zeros(n),'r', label='reference')




doublecost =0;for(intt =0; t < N; t++) {    cost +=pow(cte[t],2);    cost +=pow(epsi[t],2);}








在真实的汽车中,执行命令不会立即执行 - 命令在系统中传播时会有延迟。实际的延迟可能在100毫秒左右。




致动器动力学是导致等待时间的一个因素 例如,从命令转向角度到实际达到角度的时间间隔。这可以很容易地通过一个简单的动态系统建模,并纳入车辆模型。一种方法是使用从当前状态开始的车辆模型在等待时间期间进行模拟。从模拟得到的状态是MPC的新的初始状态。



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