讲述TED的现场演讲,到TV,再到互联网TED的的令人激动的发展过程。相信文中提到从上线前的忐忑到单个演讲达到超过百万级别的点击量时的震惊会给我们留下深刻的印象。同时作者也谈到了TED下一步的三个发展方向:TEDx即提供许可给本地化的类TED项目开发;儿童的TED演讲项目开发;OPEN TALK项目,即提供一个给个人上传其类TED的演讲项目。作者相信我们每个人人都可以参与到公众演说中来。只要我们可以找到方法真正的彼此倾听,相互学习,那么我们所期待的美好未来必会如期而至。
Dennett said this: “The secret of happiness is: find something more important than you are, and dedicate your life to it.”
A beautiful remedy is to hop off it and instead begin pursuing an idea that’s bigger than you are.
As humans continue to be brought closer, not just by technology but by an ever deeper understanding of each other, so we will find more ways of seeing in each other the things we mutually care about. And that is how barriers come down and human souls unite.
Talking with each other is a crucial part of nurturing that change. We’re wired to respond to each other’s vulnerability, honesty, and passion — provided we just get a chance to see it. Today, we have that chance.
The single greatest lesson I have learned from listening to TED Talks is this: The future is not yet written. We are all, collectively, in the process of writing it.