1. brawl at 打斗,闹事
2. face-offs n. 对峙,面对面会议
3. be afoot 在计划中,进行中;There are plans afoot to increase taxation. 正在拟定增税方案。
4. sth won’t/dosen’t wash (with sb) 借口、解释等对某人来说站不住脚,令人不能接受;eg: That excuse simply won’t wash with me. 那种托辞根本不能令我信服。
- wash your dirt linen in public 公开谈论个人事情;(尤指)家丑外扬
- wash your hands of sb/sth 拒绝对...负责;脱离关系;洗手不干;eg: When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him.
5. political spectrum 政治派别;spectrum n. 范围,各层次;系列,幅度;a broad spectrum of interests 广泛的兴趣范围
6. nudge into 推动;nudge his way to...;数字达到,接近;eg: Inflation is nudging 20%. 通货膨胀即将达到20%。
7. flag sth up 引起...的注意;eg: The report flagged up the dangers of under-age drinking. 引起未成年人饮酒危害的关注;flag v. 标记...
8. highest-grossing film 最卖座的;票房最高的电影
9. action flick 动作电影;climactic scene 高潮情节
10. be/come on stream 投产;投入使用;The new computer system comes on stream. 新的计算机系统下月投入使用。
11. full speed steam ahead 全速前进,全力
- get up/ pick up steam 声势逐渐强大,渐成气候;慢慢活跃起来;逐渐提速
- let off steam 释放精力;发泄怒气;宣泄情感
- run out of steam 精疲力尽,丧失热情
- get somewhere under your own steam 靠自己的力量去某处
- be/get all steamed up (about/over sth) 变得非常生气,激动
- steam sth up 使蒙上水汽;
- steam v. 快速行走,疾行;(比喻)抓紧做sth;eg: He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him. 疾速走来;(比喻)The Company is steaming ahead with its investment programme. 公司正抓紧实施自己的投资方案。
13. That puts to rest the concern that... 这打消了人们的担忧,即...
14. a chink of light 一缕,一束,一线光;chink n. (光线可进的)裂口,裂缝;v. 使叮当响;We chinked glasses and drank to each other’s health. 我们互相捧杯,祝对方身体健康。
15. That clinches it. 板上钉钉了,就这么定了。
16. be on hold 暂停的
17. in high dudgeon 一怒之下,非常恼怒;dudgeon /dadgen/ eg: He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon. (stomp v.迈着沉重的步子走,跳,移动)
18. high noon 正午;high summer 盛夏
- a high-fat diet 高脂肪的饮食
- be/get on your high horse 趾高气昂,自命不凡,自以为了不起
- have a high old time 玩得开心
- high and dry (船)高出水面,搁浅;处境艰难,无依无靠,身无分文
- high and mighty 趾高气昂、自高自大
- high as a kite (酗酒/吸du)异常兴奋,精神恍惚
- in high dudgeon 怒气冲冲
- smell,stink to high heaven 难闻头顶;不诚实,不道德
- adv. high and low 到处;各地; I’ve searched high and low for my purse. 到处找我的钱包
- run high 激愤;激昂;Feelings ran high as the elections approached.
19. in all likelihood 十有八九 ; 很可能 ; 极有可能
20. cooped up 被拘束的,被禁锢的;coop sth up把...关起来,禁闭
21. at/on the altar of sth 为了sth值得为之受苦的事情)eg: He was wiling to sacrifice his happiness on the altar of fame. 为了名声,他心甘情愿牺牲幸福。altar n. 祭坛,圣坛
22. hold dear 珍视,看重,爱护
23. in the nutshell 简而言之
24. put paid to sth结束,了结;sth put paid to fears that.... sth消除了恐惧
25. play a bad hand 打出一首坏牌;
26. play a lone hand 独自经营,单枪匹马的干
27. with the benefit of hindsight 事后诸葛;it’s easy to do sth with hindsight. 事后再...,这自然容易。
28. chop and change 变化无常,反复变换;the chops and changes of petty politics
- a pork/lamb chop 羊排,猪排
- get / be given the chop 被解雇,被撤职
- be for the chop 可能遭裁员的人;Who’s next for the chop
- not much chop 不算好的,不太有用的(澳)
- lick one’s chops (over) 垂涎欲滴;幸灾乐祸;高兴地等待
- chop in 插嘴,插话
29. be in the vanguard of 作为先驱,处于前列
30. in a bid to... 为了,试图,力求
31. be at pains to do sth 费尽力气,想尽办法
32. a bevy of (同类人/物)一群,一批,一堆;a bevy of beauties
33. in the aftermath of 在(战争/事故)时候的(后果,创伤)
34. at sb’s behest 受到某人的吩咐,要求;on the behest of 应...的要求
35. 炒作,夸张,Play things up
36. international presence 国际存在,国际影响力;presence 仪态,风度;make your presence felt 突显自己,对(人群/局势)发挥作用
37. No one is casting aspersions on you. 没有人中伤你
38. reel sth off 一口气说出,滔滔不绝地讲(重复) She immediately reeled off several names.
- reel at / from / with sth 感到震惊,心烦意乱;eg: I was still reeling from the shock.
39. iron sth out 把衣服熨平;解决影响...的问题,困难;There are still a few details need ironing out.
40. in exceptional circumstances 在特殊情况下
41. sb’s pet peeve 不能容忍的事,经常抱怨的问题
42. bust sb for sth 警方突击逮捕某人,eg: He’s been busted for drugs.
- bust a gut doing sth / to do sth 努力做,拼命地做
- ... or bust (表示将全力以赴)eg: For him it’s the Olympic or bust. 他将全力以赴参加奥林匹克运动会。“不成功,便成仁”
- bust up (夫妻,朋友,合伙人)吵翻,分手;It’s his drinking that bust up his marriage.
43. go on a ~ spree 狂欢;a shopping spree 狂购一气;He’s our on a spree. 他去外面潇洒了!Trump went on a Twitter spree. 川普又没少发推特。
44. nip at sth 咬住,夹住;(寒气、风)伤害,损害;eg: He winced as the dog ripped his ankle. 狗咬了他的脚踝,他疼的龇牙咧嘴。eg: The icy wind nipped at our faces. 寒风刺痛我们的脸。
- nip v. 快速去某处,急忙赶去;eg: He’s just nipped out to the bank. A car nipped in ahead of me.
- nip n. 啃咬,掐;n. 少量的烈酒;n. 寒冷,冷意;There was a real nip in the air.
- nippy adj. 灵巧的,敏捷的;a nippy air;adj. 天气寒冷的
45. clamp A to B; clamp A and B together 用夹具夹紧,固定;
- clamp down (on sb/sth) 严厉打击(犯罪等);clampdown n. 压制,取缔
- clamp sth on sb 强制sb接受(限制/法律)eg: The army clamped a curfew on the city.
46. rail at/against sb 抱怨,斥责;= rage, berate
47. news outlet 大型新闻机构;权威通讯社
48. hoover up v. 获得大量的...;吸收
49. fall through 落空;失败
50. technical glitch 技术故障
51. pious hope 难以实现的愿望,可望而不可及的希望
52. trifle with sb/sth (用于否定)怠慢,小看;eg: He is not a person to be trifled with. 他这个人可怠慢不得。
53. under-age girl 未成年女性
54. beat earning estimates 超出盈利预期
55. whisk away 匆匆带走,迅速走掉;Trump whisked away after shooting outside WH.
56. at full throttle 以最高速度;油门大开地
57. meet the eyes 呈现在眼前;显而易
58. foot the bill 支付费用
59. slop through (水,泥泞区域)蹚来蹚去,走动; they were slopping through the paddy fields.
60. come to the fore 涌现;崭露头角 ~ be at the fore
61. bring sth to the fore 凸显sth,突出
62. double take 反应迟钝,过后才恍然大悟
63. be on the take 受贿,为自己捞油水 ; 中饱私囊
64. gobble up 狼吞虎咽;贪婪地抓住;The Company gobbles up $200 million.
65. garner v. 获得;把...存入谷仓;n. 谷仓
66. pip one’s rival 以微弱优势战胜对手;eg: He was pipped at/to the pair for the top award. 他到终点时,以些微之差被超越,失去冠军。(post n. 比赛,尤其是赛马比赛的终点)
67. move the goalposts 改变规则;改变条件(使人为难)
68. in sync 同步;一致;out of sync不同步,不一致;lip-sync 对口型,对嘴配音;synchronize with 同步进行
69. rake in 赚大钱(轻而易举地);eg: The Company raked in 28 million downloads in quick time.
- rake over sth 重提旧日往事;She has no desire to take over the past.
- rake sth up 重翻旧账
- rake sb over the coals 谴责,申斥,责备 = haul sb over the coals 严厉训斥sb
70. interplay between A and B 互相影响,作用
71. hinge on 取决于…;以…为转移
72. in an instant 瞬间,马上;
73. in any instance 在任何情况下
74. poster child n.(公益广告中的)海报儿童;(幽默用法)榜样,典型人物
75. wise up to sth 意识到,觉察到(令人不快的实情);eg: They can wise up to what’s going on here.
76. be on edge 紧张不安,激动,烦躁
- on the edge of one’s seat 异常兴奋,激动
- take the edge off sth 使sth变弱,挫伤...的锐气;The sandwich took the edge off my appetite.
- edge sb/sth out of sth 把...挤出去;She was edged out of the company by the new director.
77. get your wires crossed 误会别人的意思 = get the wrong end of the stick
- go/come right down the wire 直到最后才见分晓
- a live wire 活跃精力充沛的人,生龙活虎的人
- go live (计算机系统)推出,启动,上线
78. throw one’s weight 仗势欺人;横行霸道;摆架子
79. saddle sb with sth 使某人负担,be saddled with 被迫负担
80. keep/leave sb dangling (不言明而)使对方心里没底,拿不准;心里忐忑;He sat on the edge with his legs dangling over the side.
- dangle sth before / in the front of 诱惑,吊胃口
81. loop sb in 把某人拉进圈子,如写邮件时
82. As things stand 就目前的情况来看,
83. as per normal/usual 照常,按惯例,一如既往
84. in limbo 处于不稳定(或中间过渡)状态
85. Don’t hold your breath. 别期望太高。
86. hidden agenda (语言/行为背后的)隐藏意图,隐藏秘密
87. at the hands of 由某人或通过某人的机构完成
88. the due date 到期日,付款日;become due 到期
89. plow through 费力地坚持读 ; 刻苦钻研;下决心完成……
90. ad hoc adj./adv. 特别的;临时;专设
91. inter alia 尤其,除其他事情之外
92. in furtherance of... 为促进...的延长;eg: He took these actions purely in furtherance of his own career.
93. take a gander 看一看
94. latch n. 门闩,插销;v. 锁上,拴上;
- latch on (to sb/sth); latch onto sth; 理解,懂得,领会(想法/某人的话);eg: It was a difficult concept to grasp, but I soon latched on.
- latch on (to sb/sth) / latch onto sb/sth; 变得依附于... eg: antibodies that latch onto germs; 缠住;对...产生浓厚兴趣;eg: She always latches on to the latest craze.
95. leave no stone unturned to do sth 千方百计,竭尽全力
96. at/from the outset (of sth) 从开始...;I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.
97. on the ground that 基于,以…为理由 ; 根据
98. As luck would have it 碰巧;真走运或不走运
99. within the ambit of (权利,影响)在...范围内
100. lose ground 退却,后退;股市下跌;处于不利的地位
101. in extenso 完整地,充分地,详尽地;The paper covered their speeches in extenso.
102. pull the plug on 突然中断
103. help a lame dog over a stile 助人度过难关,雪中送炭
- lucky dog 幸运儿
- top dog 优胜者
- clever dog 聪明人
- Like a dog with tow tails 非常高兴
- yellow dog 无赖
- going to dogs 完蛋
- die like a dog 死的很惨
104. haul sb over the coals 严厉训斥sb
105. teething problems/troubles 初期困难;暂时困难;创业阶段的困难
106. sth should be taken with a pinch of salt. sth不可完全相信,应保留,谨慎对待
107. any time soon 近期内(不用加in);eg: It’s hard to see Harmony becoming an acceptable alternative to Android for customers any time soon.
108. flog a dead horse 鞭策死马;
- flog sth to sb; flog sth off 出售sth给sb
- floh sth to death 多次重复(某想法、故事)而使人失去兴趣
109. win sb over 把sb争取过来,赢得支持
110. slew of sth 大量,许多
111. paucity of 缺少,少量,贫乏
112. run counter to 违反;与…背道而驰
113. roll of the dice 掷骰子,造化弄人