- 删除空格并判定字符串是否为空
- 定义以及表达边界
- 考虑符号
- 遍历
class Solution:
def strToInt(self, str: str) -> int:
str = str.strip() # 删除首尾空格
if not str: return 0 # 字符串为空则直接返回
res, i, sign = 0, 1, 1
int_max, int_min, bndry = 2 ** 31 - 1, -2 ** 31, 2 ** 31 // 10
if str[0] == '-': sign = -1 # 保存负号
elif str[0] != '+': i = 0 # 若无符号位,则需从 i = 0 开始数字拼接
for c in str[i:]:
if not '0' <= c <= '9' : break # 遇到非数字的字符则跳出
if res > bndry or res == bndry and c > '7': return int_max if sign == 1 else int_min # 数字越界处理
res = 10 * res + ord(c) - ord('0') # 数字拼接
return sign * res
字符串转数字 用ASCII码减去0的ASCII码 ord(c) - ord('0')
class Solution:
def strToInt(self, str: str) -> int:
res, i, sign, length = 0, 0, 1, len(str)
int_max, int_min, bndry = 2 ** 31 - 1, -2 ** 31, 2 ** 31 // 10
if not str: return 0 # 空字符串,提前返回
while str[i] == ' ': #不使用strip剔除空格则加while循环将i增加
i += 1
if i == length: return 0 # 字符串全为空格,提前返回
if str[i] == '-': sign = -1
if str[i] in '+-': i += 1
for j in range(i, length):
if not '0' <= str[j] <= '9' : break
if res > bndry or res == bndry and str[j] > '7':
return int_max if sign == 1 else int_min
res = 10 * res + ord(str[j]) - ord('0')
return sign * res