我第一次听到The Mossd 时候,是在一家咖啡厅,那种随意的腔调,在复杂中又显得简洁明了。后来才知道是Cosmo Sheldrake歌。然后他就出现在了我的循环歌单里。
英国伦敦的Cosmo是一位乐器大师,也有很多人喜欢他,介绍他。他喜欢班卓琴、贝斯、迪吉里杜管以及各种鼓,擅长采集生活的声音融入到音乐作品中,喜欢把所见所闻以诗歌的方式表达出来,The Moss是典型的代表,俏皮的风味,编曲杂而不乱,歌词也颇有韵味,像童谣传说一样,朗朗上口。
Cosmo Sheldrake is a master looper, multi instrumentalist, who played jazz and classical piano from the age of 4, and regularly performs on banjo, loop station, keyboards, double bass, drums, didgeridoo, penny whistle, sousaphone and more. An inspirational singer and improviser, he draws on numerous and disparate musical traditions from Mongolia to West Africa, blues to classical and folk to Balkan brass. Cosmo is a composer and a producer and has written music for film and theatre. Based in London and Brighton, he runs vocal improv and beatboxing workshops, youth empowerment and wilderness camps. He teaches workshops in schools and runs a regular community choir in brighton. He also sings and performs with his brother Merlin; both play with the Gentle Mystics, who released their debut album in 2011. In january 2013 he performed at TEDx Whitechapel.
主题: 何处,下午茶时光
类别:微单摄影 | 人像摄影 | 手机摄影 | 日常摄影
设备:iPhone & sony 黑卡
风格:低饱、 暖调、生活、情绪
地址:杭州 和创园 CHINCHIN 法点