1) violent cloudburst 大暴雨
2) unnamed
3) traffic went completely haywire and the city were paralyzed 下次知道发生事故时 如何描述交通故障啦
4) a truck perched at the end of surviving bridge section immediately before the drop. 这句话写的真棒 👏
5)rubble--碎石 firefighter--消防员 👩🚒
motorway--高速公路 highway--公路
6)the huge supporting towers crashed down during torrential rain (注意torrential的发音)-------cars and trucks plummeted 45m (148ft) on to rail tracks ----A motorway bridge has collapsed in the northwest Italian city of Genoa, killing 26 people and badly injuring 15, police told the BBC.
1)The put a man out of the car and handcuff him (如何描述一个人被逮捕和用手铐!)
2)armed police 武警 firefighter 消防队 👩🚒
3)counter-terrorism 反恐---so people should remain vigilant ['vɪdʒɪl(ə)nt]
4) 川普看到这则新闻,然后在推特上发评论说:another terrorist attack in London. Those animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength. 一开始看到川普用animals 来形容人时,我笑了,后面查了字典才明白animals有表示禽兽的意思!
早上听新闻时,学到两个词:casualty +copycat
casualty是在意大利桥倒塌是听的,当时很疑惑但是根据听新闻的报道可以理解意思。后面查字典是发现 它表示someone who is hurt or killed in an accident or war, 也可以表示急救室,急诊室。那么把别人送进英语怎么说?people were taken to hospital, 其实可以用另一种表达people were admitted to hospital.
copycat:复制的猫?If you call someone a copycat, you are accusing them of copying your behaviour, dress, or ideas(N). 或者可以表示A copycat crime is committed by someone who is coping someone else (Adj).