🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point:
1. lynx-eyed = sharp-sighted/keen-sighted
检验部门锐利眼光的仔细检查 - lynx-eyed scrutiny of the inspection department
2. editrix = editress
3. frame = figure/size and shape of body
4. willful = intended
5. 不顾宵禁的规定 - in defiance of the curfew
6. fix = a small amount of an illegal drug
我需要喝杯咖啡才能开始新的一天 - I need a fix of coffee before I can face the day.
7. folly = stupidity/foolishness
8. 忍住不做某事 - refrain from doing sth.
耳熟能详的老调 - a familiar refrain
cads immemorial - 老流氓/无赖
9. 他知道她没有听他的话,这让他大为光火。- He knew that what he said did not reach her. And the knowledge of it maddened him.
10. 我曾经有一位爱慕我的求婚者 - I had a suitor who adored me.
11. 她孤身一人,又几乎身无分文,对生活已不抱一丝希望。- Being alone and almost penniless, she was bereft of hope.
12. 被遗弃的人 - jiltee(s)
13. 信封上细长的笔迹 - spidery handwriting on the envelope
14. 她服用百忧解已经两年多了。 - She's been on Prozac for about two years.
15. 他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为所动。 - She wasn't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.
16. 血清素调节情绪。 - Serotonin regulated mood.
17. 仅仅50毫克的咖啡因就能产生药理效果。 - As little as 50mg of caffeine can produce pharmacological effects.
18. 供某人使用/支配 - at sb's disposal = available for someone to use
19. 他趾高气扬地走了进来。 - He walked in with a/some swagger.
20. the official language of Afghanistan/northern Pakistan - Pashto
21. 弗拉明戈起源于阿拉伯音乐 - Flamenco has its root in Arabic music.
22. 他们的观点已统一为一致的政策 - Their views has coalesced to form a coherent policy.
23. 爬行动物的皮/眼睛 - reptilian skin/eyes
24. 大脑新皮质,这个大脑中夸夸其谈的部分,也负责我们决定和采取特定行动的过程 - The neocortex, the showoffy portion of the brain, is also responsible for the process by which we decide on and commit to particular courses of action.
新自由主义 - neoliberalism
外显记忆 - explicit memory(能意识到且被调动的记忆)
内显记忆 - implicit memory(潜意识中的)
25. 这种校服的样式类似于军装 - The school uniform is quasi-military in style.
26. 我希望上了这门电脑课程之后,会使其他科目的学习如虎添翼 - I hope I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
27. 海马体帮我们形成有意识的记忆 - Hippocampus contributes to conscious memory.
28. 对于我们人类,边缘损伤与反社会行为密切相关 - In our own species, limbic damage is closely related to sociopathic behaviour.
29. 警察局档案的存放处 - a repository for police files
30. 他心里滋生着怨恨 - He was nursing/harboring a grievance.
31. 这样的巨额投资伴随着太多的风险 - There are too much risks attendant on such a large investment of money.
32. 他甚至吃了安眠药之后也睡不着 - He can't sleep even after taking an opiate.
33. 轻声哼唱摇篮曲 - gently croon a lullaby
34. 汽车在多冰的路面上慢慢滑行 - The cars slithered on the icy roads.
35. at/from the outset = at first
36. chasm = If you say that there is a chasm between two things or between two groups of people, you mean that there is a very large difference between them. (huge difference)
🎯Summary 个人总结
📰Background Information/Words of Wisdom (WOW!)
1. Dear John letters - a letter from someone (esp to a man) breaking off a love affair 分手信
2. Hippocrates - 希波克拉底 古希腊医学家
3. “A General Theory of Love" - 《爱的通论》
4. 心理问题伴随而来的自残等行为 - It's the limbic brain, with its attendant chemicals -serotonin, opiates and oxytocin - that produces comforting effects in both brain&body and allows mammals to form attachment bonds with one another.