1. Verbs
Use the active voice; be direct!
Advantages of the active voice
(1) Emphasizes author responsibility
(2) Improves readability
例:A strong correlation was found between use of the passive voice and other sins of writing. (passive)
Use of the passive voice strongly correlated with other sins of writing.(active)
(3) Reduces ambiguity
❓Is it okay to use passive voice?
Yes! (比如文章的method部分,做了什么比谁做更重要。但是建议introduction、results和discussion用主动语态)
2. Is it really OK to use "We" and "I"?
Yes, it's OK!
(1) 主动语态更活跃、更易读
(2) 去掉并没有使写作更加客观
(3) 对所述内容负责
(4) Journal want this!
(5) Great authors use"we" and "I"!
如1953年Nature杂志DNA双螺旋文章,a well writtern paper,抽空看看学习写作风格!
3. Active voice practice (练习将被动语态转换成主动语态)
1⃣️ The activation of Ca++ channels is induced by the depletion of endoplasmic reticulum Ca++ stores.
🐒Depleting Ca++ from the endoplasmic reticulum activates Ca++ channels.
2⃣️ Additionally, it was found that pre-treatment with antibiotics increased the number of super-shedders, while immunosuppression did not.
🐒Pre-treating the mice with antibiotics increased the number of super-shedders while immunosuppression did not.
4. Write with verbs
(1) Use strong verbs (动词使句子流畅生动)
不要让"to be"成为论文中的主要动词
(2) Avoid turning verbs into nouns
(3) Don't bury the main verb (尽量让动词靠近主语、靠近句首)
❤️PS: 推荐阅读:Strunk and White "风格元素"(The elements of style)