经济学人双语精读笔记:A life less sweet

LARGE food companies have long been among the world’s most solid, with reassuringly consistent returns even in hard times. None would seem steadier than Nestlé, based in the Swiss town of Vevey, on a lake near snowy peaks. For its 150th anniversary in 2016 it opened a new museum filled with corporateheirlooms(传家宝,祖传遗物): the first written notes about a new product called milk chocolate, laid out in blackcursive(草书,手写体); an old tin of Nescafé, used by soldiers as a stimulant in the second world war; and an early can of Henri Nestlé’s infant formula, which in 1867 saved the life of a premature baby.


It hascome a long way(取得很大进展) since then. It sold goods worth nearly $90bn in 189 countries in 2015. Of the 30,000 cups of coffeesipped(抿,小口喝,中文里说的“品茶”的“品”,也可以用这个动词) around the world each second, Nestlé estimates, one-fifth are cups of Nescafé. But the industry it presides over is inupheaval(剧变). On January 1st a new chief executive, Ulf Mark Schneider (pictured), took over. He is the first outsider to get the top job since 1922, and his background—running a health-care firm, not selling chocolate bars or frozen pizza—suggests the main source of worry for the business.

自那以后,雀巢已有长足发展。2015年,该公司在189个国家的销售额近900亿美元。雀巢估计,全球每秒有三万杯咖啡被人们捧到嘴边,其中五分之一是雀巢咖啡。但是,其主导的行业正经历巨变。1月1日,雀巢新首席执行官乌尔夫·马克·施奈德(Ulf Mark Schneider,见图)上任。他是自1922年以来首位担任这一最高职位的外部人士,而他之前管理医疗保健企业(而不是卖巧克力棒或冷冻披萨)的工作背景是导致人们忧虑雀巢前景的主要原因。

More and more consumers aresnubbing(冷落) packaged food’s sugar, salt andunpronounceable(难以正确发音的 )preservatives(防腐剂). Meanwhile,swarms of(大群) smaller firms,emboldened(使大胆) by the ease ofpeddling(沿街叫卖) goods online, aretouting(招徕顾客) supposedly healthier options. From 2011 to 2015 big sellers of consumer-packaged goods, mainly food and drink companies, lost three percentage points of market share in America—a lot in the industry’s context—according to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, a consultancy, and IRI, a data provider.


As super-sized companiesswat(重拍,猛击,比如She swatted him over the head with a rolled-up magazine. 她用一本卷起来的杂志猛敲他的头。) at such tiny attackers, another foe is gaining ground. 3G, a Brazilian private-equity firm, likes to buy big, slow-growing food and drinks companies and slash their costs. Targets have included Kraft and Heinz, two giants which 3G helped merge into one group in 2015, as well as several of the world’s biggest brewers. Other food companies arescrambling(仓促行动) to make cuts of their own, lest they become 3G’s next meal. That has prompted a debate over whether such cuts wreck firms’ growth prospects even further, or whether, in fact, theyare best off(最好做某事)wringing out(绞出,扭干) profits and accepting that robust expansion is a thing of the past.


Nestlé is not immune to such pressures. In recent years it has often missed its goal of 5-6% sales growth. Excluding acquisitions, its numbers have not met investors’ expectations for 11 of the past 17 quarters. In the most recent quarter, the firm registered organic sales growth of 3.2%.


Changing consumer tastes explain some of these shortfalls. So does a shifting retail landscape. Managing a giant portfolio of brands, from KitKat and Nespresso to DiGiorno pizza and Purina dog food, has become harder. Mr Schneider will have to master online ways to market and deliver its well-known brands. The firm needs tocoax(哄诱) customers to pay more for premium products as ordinary ones get commoditised, and discounted by firms such as Germany’s Lidl and Aldi.


The firm can still boast impressive staying power—its global market share across its entire range of products has remained near 20% for the past decade. François-Xavier Roger, Nestlé’s chief financial officer, points out that the group’s sales growth in the first nine months of 2016 was among the fastest of the top ten biggest food and drink companies. Yet a detailed examination of its position by Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, shows that when growth from acquisitions is excluded, it lost share in all but three of its top 20 product categories between 2007 and 2015. Some of its core offerings, such as bottled water andsingle-serve(单杯式) coffee,fared(vi. 经营) the worst.

雀巢仍能以其持久的实力为傲一一过去十年间,其全线产品的全球市场份额一直保持在接近20%。首席财务官弗朗索瓦-泽维尔·罗杰(Francois-Xavier Roger)指出,雀巢集团在2016年前九个月的销售增长是全球十大食品饮料企业中最快的。但市场研究公司盛博(Sanford C.Bernstein)对该公司的详细研究表明,除去收购带来的增长,2007年至2015年间,集团最大的20个产品品类中仅有3类的市场份额未下跌。瓶装水和单标咖啡等一些核心产品表现最差。雀巢咖啡包产品的劲敌Keurig在美国抢占了份额。

Such results are likely to attract particularcensure(责难) from investors because of Nestlé’s past heavy emphasis on growth and market share which sometimes cameat the expense of(以……为代价)lower profits. In 2015 its operating-profit margin was 15%, better than the 13% at Danone, a French competitor, but far below the 21% at Kraft-Heinz. Shareholders in the firm are waiting to see whether Mr Schneider willshake things up(使振作,shake up其他含义见注释). Some want him to sell off businesses that seem most at risk of long-term decline, such as frozen food, as shoppers look for fresherfare(食物,这篇文章之前也出现了一个fare,那个是做不及物动词,表示经营).


shake up


Shake up before drinking.



What you said has shaken me up!



I have to shake the Sales Department up.



She shook up the pillows, and then lay down in bed.



What could shake him up?


6.[常作 shake it up][口语]赶快,快点:

Shake it up, we'll be late.



The student was shaken up by his mother.


Food for life?


For now, Nestlé is defiant. “We started 150 years ago having a product that actually—there’s symbolism there—saved the life of a child,” says Paul Bulcke, theoutgoing(即将离职的) chief executive and likely new chairman. He and his colleagues say that investment in health and related innovation will produce strong growth for years to come. Mr Schneider, who used to run Fresenius, a German firm that offers kidney-dialysis products and services, will certainly emphasise that message. Nestlé differentiates itself from 3G, with its keen focus on cuts. Mr Roger says he respects what 3G does, but that “they have a strategy which is very different from ours.”

目前来看,雀巢并不服气。“我们始创于150年前,当时的一款产品实际上救了一个孩子的命,这是有象征意义的。”即将离任的首席执行官保罗·薄凯(Paul Bulcke)说道。他和同事们表示,投资于健康及相关创新会为公司未来带来强劲增长。施奈德曾掌管提供肾透析产品及其他医疗服务的大型德国企业费森尤斯(Fresenius),他肯定会强调这一点。雀巢将自己与专注削减成本的3G区别开来。罗杰表示,他尊重3G的做法,但“他们的战略和我们的相去甚远”。

Still, few observers would call Nestlé a health company. Many of its products are perfectly healthy, including bottled water and coffee. Many are not—milk chocolate and ice cream, to name but two. And for now, the purest forms of Nestlé’s focus on health contribute relatively little to its sales. A business unit called Nestlé Health Science, for example, sells nutritional products for medical needs, such as vitamin-packed drinks for the elderly and for cancer patients. It contributes less than 5% of revenue.


The firm has a research institute devoted to studying food’s role in the management and prevention of disease—for example, better understanding nutrition’s ability to promote brain health. It may deliver growth but probably only in the long term. Nestlé has also invested in young drugs firms, including one that is testing a treatment forulcerative colitis(溃疡性结肠炎).


More immediately rewarding may be its efforts to make best-selling but unhealthy foods a bit morewholesome(有益健康的). In November the company said it had createdhollow(空心的) sugar crystals that taste sweet but contain fewer calories than the usual stuff. It will begin to put the new ingredient in its chocolate in 2018.


It is also proud of changes to the millions of frozen dinners it sells every week in America. Shoppers had been avoiding the frozen-foodaisle(走廊,通道). Nestlé first tried discounts, and then in 2015 introduced new versions of its Lean Cuisine products,stripping out(去掉)unpalatable(难吃的) ingredients and replacing them with organic ones. At Stouffer’s, another frozen brand, Nestlé decided to target men with easy, protein-packed meals that are more nutritionally valuable. It worked—its frozen-food sales in America grew faster. In November 2015, they were 6% above what they had been a year earlier. But Bernstein’s Andrew Wood points out that the revival of frozen food now lookswobbly(不稳定的) again.

雀巢另一项引以为豪的改变是冷冻快餐(在美国每周卖出数百万份)。之前,冷冻食品受到消费者冷落。雀巢先是尝试折价促销,然后又在2015年推出新版的“瘦身特餐”(Lean Cuisine)系列,以有机食材替换掉之前难吃的成分。对于旗下另一个冷冻食品品牌Stouffer,雀巢决定针对男性消费者推出富含蛋白质、更具营养价值的速食简餐。这些努力取得了成效一一其冷冻食品的销售在美国增长加快。2015年11月的销售额同比增长6%。但盛博的安德鲁·伍德(Andrew Wood)指出,冷冻食品的复兴如今似乎又变得摇摆不定。

Nor is Nestlé ignoring 3G’s strategy entirely: it is trying to trim expenses. “We are very much in an investment position, not in a cost-cutting exercise,” says Mr Roger, “but that doesn’t mean that we don’t want to be cost-efficient in what we do.” One effort, which includes trimming waste at factories,is credited with(credit相关词组见注释) saving about SFr1.5bn ($1.5bn) a year. Last year Nestlé announced organisational changes, such as consolidating procurement, which will save about SFr2bn each year from 2020.


1、Get the credit for sth. 因某事受到褒扬,比如:

We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame.


2、A credit B with sth. A把某事归功于B,也可以说:sth. is credited to B 某事归功于B,比如:

The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe's life.


3、Be credit to sth./sb. 给……增光,比如:

He is one of the greatest players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.


4、Give sb. Credit for sth. 相信某人有……,比如:

Bratbakk had more ability than the media gave him credit for.


5、To one’s credit 值得赞扬,比如:

She had managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience.


Whatever else Mr Schneider has on the menu for Nestlé, radical changes may be somewhat limited by the fact that so many of those who built it into what it is now aresticking around(逗留,在附近徘徊。此处意译为“留在公司内”). Mr Bulcke is expected to become the firm’s chairman. The outgoing chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, a former Nestlé chief executive, may become honorary chairman. Mr Bulcke, for one, seems sure that the company should maintain its emphasis on the long term. He taps his hand on the table,rattling(使发出嘎嘎声) some Nespresso cups, as he insists that growth is still the key.

无论施耐德还将为雀巢准备怎样的菜单,彻底变革也许多少都会受到限制,因为令雀巢发展到如今这模样的人大多还留在公司内。薄凯预计会成为集团的董事长。即将离任的董事长、雀巢前首席执行官包必达 (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe) 则可能成为名誉董事长。薄凯似乎确信雀巢应保持着力于长远发展。他手敲着桌子,震得一些Nespresso杯子当当作响,坚称增长仍是关键。

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