
原创: 斧子的二当家 汉语故事


Three Inscriptions of Life

原创:湘君          中译英:斧子的二当家

平 安 銘

An Inscription on Safety

平非險難 安無災禍 人有多求 平安居首 世事無常 浮生若夢 鐘鳴鼎食 落花流水 錦衣珍藏 玉殞香消 大奖盛典 過眼雲煙 豪言壯舉 或留笑噓  

That no difficulties nor obstacles are encountered is “PING” of Chinese character “平” and that no disasters are met with is “AN”of Chinese character “安”. The combination of“PING AN”of Chinese character “平安” means safety and security. Life consists in many pursuits, yet safety and security comes first. Everything is changing and unpredictable. Life is short, often like a dream. Even an extremely rich family may decline someday. Likewise, magnificent clothes and rare treasures which are cherished all the time may perish sometime. The grand awards and the ceremonies are nothing but as transient as fleeting clouds. Militant and lofty words spoken out sometimes can only leave ridicule and sighs.

人生草芥 只爭朝夕 惟求平安 不思進取 失之怯乎 惟求進取 不保平安 失之躁耳 德薄位尊 智小謀大 力弱任重 难保平安

Life is as ordinary and fragile as grass. It is necessary to hurry and seize every minute to realize our values. Is it not cowardice that makes us lose ourselves, if we seek only safety and security without thinking and making progresses? Is it not haste that makes us lose ourselves, if we only strive for progresses without secure safety and peace? He who is weak in morality but high in rank can hardly guarantee

his safety; he who is weak in wisdom but making great plans can hardly guarantee his safety; and he who is weak in ability but with heavy responsibility can hardly guarantee his safety either.

予謂自強不息 執著不迂 富貴不淫 貧賤不移 威武不屈 尊顯不昏 曠達不羈 寵辱不驚 平而不庸 安而不惰 乃真人也  

I hold that he is a true person who keeps on making his efforts without slackening, who is persistent without being pedantic, who is open-minded but not unconstrained, who is not profligate when rich or in a high position, who does not change his will or standpoint when poor, who is not succumbed in the face of might and power, who is not enticed by honor and glory, who is not tempted by gains and losses, who lives prosaically but not vulgarly, and who enjoys a comfort but not lazy life.

至若滌濁蕩汙 風雲際會 濟世裕民 改天換地 履險臨難 鐵肩擔當 赴湯蹈火 在所不惜 生滅靈覺 百代流芳 慷慨浩歌 何以懼之  

In the period of eradicating bad habits and customs and in times of crisis we need to transform the world and shoulder the burden of danger for the people, for the country and for the nation. Even if we are called to go through fire and water, we shall do nothing but go. In this way, even if our lives have perished, the awakening of the spirit will be popular for one generation after another. What are we afraid of in such a vehement and magnificent situation?

而或小肚雞腸 匹夫意氣 尋釁鬥狠 刻薄陰鷙 弄巧反拙 傷人害己 跋扈張揚 恣意妄為 恃功驕寵 逆天異己 根底縱深 必多凶危 福祸顺逆 转眼变易    

However, some people are narrow-minded and ignorant with personal prejudice. They only know how to vent their anger regardless of the overall situation and only rely on personal thoughts and emotions to pick a quarrel and fight brutally; or they are psychologically insidious and harsh in temperament and outsmart themselves so as to hurt people and harm themselves as well; or being arrogant and arbitrary, they capitalize on their contributions and are conceited of favor to rebel against Heaven and commit a disturbance. They forget what their initial aspirations are, degenerated even denatured. Even if such persons are deep inthe background and strong in influence, it will be difficult for them to avoid frequent crises. For them, good into evil, prosperity into adversity, is just a blink of theeye.

平安與否 命運所系 命雖含悲 運或有喜 謙虛謹慎 爭端可弭 外圓內方 人禍能避 參悟天地 轉危成機 順時應變 化險為夷 厚德載物 眾屬民歸 得道多助 平安吉利

Whether it is safe or not is destiny. Although sad things may happen in your life, you will be rewarded with joy in your luck. Those who are modest and cautious can eliminate the disputes; those who are easy-going and rigorous can often avoid man-made disasters; those who understand the mystery of society and the way of the world can turn danger into opportunity; those who meet an emergency according to the situation can possibly turn the danger into safety; those whose virtue is as thick as the earth can carry everything and will earn the trust of other people; those who have mastered the law and pursued morality enjoys abundant support from all and they will be safe and auspicious at the same time.

※人生來處是家園  (心靈)回家即走平安路  平沙樂(落)雁  安疇朱鳳  衡麓湘濱是吾家  南嶽衡山(火神祝融駐足地  主旺)七二峰中有安上 永和 永泰 祥光 會善 瑞應 普賢 觀音 文殊 彌陀 彌勒 芙蓉 蓮花 屏障 鳳凰 天堂諸峰  寓尚平倡安意境  故上衡山謂走平安之路

※ Where one was born is his hometown.(Soul) Going home means living safely. By the shoals wild geese feed and in the flat fields rose-finches pick. Close to the Xiangjiang River at the foot of Hengshan Mountain is my hometown. Hengshan Mountain is where the god of fire (holding prosperity) resides. Among the 72 peaks there are such peaks named Yonghe (forever harmony), Yongtai (forever safety), Xiangguang (auspicious light),Huishan (kind heart), Ruiying (lucky), Puxian (Samantabhadra), Guanyin, Wenshu, Amitabha Buddha, Maitreya, Furong (Confederate rose), Lianhua (lotus flower), Pinzhang (protective screen),Fenghuang (phoenixPhoenix), and Tiantang (Heaven Hall). All the names of the peaks imply the artistic conception of upholding safety and advocating health. So climbing Hengshan means to live a safe and sound life.

健 康 銘

An Inscription on Health

有力乃健 無病則康 積健為雄 久康壽享 矯捷軀體 大有作為 陽光心态 如虎添翼

That one is physically strong is called “JIAN” of Chinese character “健” and that one has no disease is called “KANG” of Chinese character “康”. The combination of “JIAN KANG”of Chinese character “健康”means being healthy.

One who is healthy and strong can be powerful and one who is free of diseases can live long. One who is vigorous and nimble can do something great. One who is in a sunny mentality will be as able as a tiger with wings added.

健康元一 利譽輻圓 依健而進 功德十晉 持康至臻 喜樂倍增    

Health is the root of life. Profit and reputation is just a circle that radiates behind the “One” of health. If one strives for health to make progresses, his merits and virtues will be improved; if one keeps healthy at a high level, his joy and happiness will be doubled.

求健身勤 祈康心靜 鍛煉筋骨 修養性情 和颜悦色 旺陽滋陰  麒豹勁氣 龍馬精神 羚猿身手 犀象從容 鯤鶴境界 鷹隼目光 鳳鵠品格 雁鴿衷腸  松柏儀範 梅菊氣派 雲水風度 海嶽襟懷 竹節柳韻 蕙貭蘭馨 無得失苦 超平奇境 寿必其數 享安楽尊 野蠻體魄 文明思想 天人諧健 身心泰康

Whoever wants to keep fit and healthy must be diligent in physical exercises and whoever desires to be  happy and healthy  must maintain peace of mind. Do physical exercises to strengthen your muscles; cultivate your moral character, mould your temperament and adjust your emotions correspondingly; and be kind and pleasant to prosper your Yang and to thrive your Yin. By doing so, you can have the unyielding spirit of the unicorn and the panther and vigorous spirit of the lion and the horse; you will be as robust as the antelope and the ape; you will be unhurried and as calm as the elephant and the rhinoceros; you can reach the realm as the roc or the crane can; your vision will be as sharp as those of hawks or eagles; your characters and morals will be as noble as those of wild swans or phoenixes; you can speak words right from your heart as geese and pigeons do; your deportment and demeanor will be like those of pine trees and cypresses; your manner will be like that of plums and chrysanthemums; you will be with the bearing of wind and clouds; you will have the tolerance and patience of mountains and seas; your moral integrity will be like that of bamboos; you will have the poise and charm of willows and you will be as pure and graceful as orchids. Anyone who is free of depression of gains or losses can transcend the ordinary and grotesque of life to attain detachment and live as long as possible and finally enjoy the relief of a happy death. Strengthen your bodies and civilize your thoughts. Unity of heaven and man allows satisfaction and peace both in mind and body.

※(健康不存 所有歸零 生命不在 既得皆空)

     衡山(對應二十八宿中軫星 主壽)五嶽獨秀 林木蒼茂 佛道淵深 其首峰回雁有壽佛 金簡峰有宋徽宗題 "壽嶽"摩崖 軫宿 靈芝 喜陽 會仙 靈藥等峰詮釋"壽嶽"之"氣清嶽秀"(李白詩) 擲缽峰下福嚴寺有聯 "福嚴為南山第一古刹 般若是老祖不二法門" 意衡山即"(壽比)南山" 故上南嶽謂走健康之路

※(Without good health, everything is nothingness and without life, all things acquired are meaningless.)

Hengshan Mountain, the most beautiful mountain among the Five Mountains, corresponds to the Zhen Star (controlling longevity) in the thelunar mansions. The forest there is green and thick and the mountain boasts its long history of Daoism and Buddhism. At the first peak (Huiyan Peak) locates a Longevity Buddha. On a precipice of the Jinjian Peak were carved the Chinese characters of Shouyue (longevity mountain) handwritten by an emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The peaks of Polar Star, Lucid Ganoderma, Heliophilous, Meeting Fairies, and Panacea can show us well that the Mountain is beautiful and the air, clean. Below the Throwing Bowl Peak stands Fuyan Temple. There goes a couplet: Fuyan Temple is the first ancient one in Hengshan Mountain; reading Prajnaparamita Sutra is ancestors ‘only way to excellent practice, which means that one can be as old as Hengshan Mountain. So climbing Hengshan Mountain implies to walk the way of health.

成 功 銘

An Inscription on Success

凡事善終謂之成 成效顯著謂之功    

ThatThose things are done with good results isare called accomplishment and that things are done with high efficiency and great achievements is called success.

成功者 預則立 明向而行 謀定而動 立乃興 擇機而發 順勢而為 興貴恒 氣度恢弘 ( 成大事不拘小節) 沉著堅忍( 立大功不爭一時 )恒致遠 開悟通變 得道天成  

An achiever is one who has prediction and plans before making decisions and who understands his direction and knows what is about before taking actions. After the decision has been made and an opportune moment has been chosen, he will set off. He will take actions according to situations and make progressesprogress steadily and persistently. He must be with great patience (One who intends to achieve things great does not care about trifles). He must stay calm and persevering (One who intends to make great achievements must compete permanently). With perseverance, one can be enlightened and flexible and he will make great achievements and be succeeded naturally and finally.

成非常事 立非常功 必施非常策 傾非常力 用非常人 勤學勤思 自律自信 堅彊堅定 共赢共進 髙能髙怀 善做善成者即非常人

If one expects to do something unordinary well and make extraordinary achievements, he must employ people of no ordinary and make great and extraordinary efforts with unusual strategies.

Powerful abilities and broad mind are needed if a person wants to win and strive forward with his partner, wants to be diligent in learning and thinking, wants to be self-disciplined, confident, strong and firm.

He who is good at doing things well is an unusual man.

人生一世 俯仰之間 縱有自豪之成 驕人之功 然於天地無道 於社稷無補 於蒼生無德 於青史無言 不過螻蟻之成 抷土之功 

Life is short. It seems to be as short as the moment between the bending down and the lifting up of one’s head. If there are achievements and contributions that make you proud but you do not understand the nature of the heaven and the earth, you do not make constructive contributions to your country and you do not win the admirations of the multitudes and do not make achievements worth being kept in history books, your success is as tiny and trivial as ants or dust.

功過成敗 非一廂情願 一己之能 一時作為所篤定 成事忌急功近利 浮躁盲動 忌好大喜功 眼髙手低 忌居功自傲 驕奢淫逸 忌功亏一簣 (臨門一腳不能進 決勝一刻不能搏 九死一生不能挺)功敗垂成     

Merits and virtues, faults and losses, success or failure is never decided by an individual with his personal wish or by a momentary action. One who is eager for success cannot rush into quick results, cannot hanker only after the immediate effects and benefits and cannot take actions in his restlessness and turmoil. One should not be occupied with doing something grand and making great achievements only and should not have high ambitions without taking real actions. One should not claim credit for himself and become arrogant with his nose in the air. One should not indulge in an extravagant and unrestrained life or sensual pleasures. One should not give up halfway. If one cannot seize the critical moment or cannot fight at the moment of the decisive victory or cannot hold on when it comes to life and death, he may encounter his failure while things are nearly success.

成敗非獨英雄論 不以成敗論英雄 英雄造時勢 時勢造英雄 (順之功勳巨勝秉賦 逆之成績難匹勞奉)成事在天 謀事在人 (败之英雄餘嘆惜 成者鄙佞論功名) 成莫嗜顯 功勿貪大 有三分能 盡八分力 成六分功 幸莫大焉 求成功者 權不必傾朝野 富不必敵州國 才不必經天地 得人和之諧 地利之便 天時之順 自身之備 必有成功之快樂 快樂小我之成功 成功大我之快樂

Success or failure cannot be used as the basis to judge whether one is a hero or not. A hero cannot be measured with success or failure. Heroes make times and vise versa (In prosperity, one can often go beyond the conditions of endowment and achieve more while in adversity, one’s achievements can hardly match his painstaking efforts). Try your best. Man proposes and heaven disposes (It is a pity for a hero who has failed. A mean person of success will talk about his achievements and make a name for himself). When successful, one should not covet fame or a high rank position. It is extremely lucky for one who is short of ability to finish six-tenth of his workload through his hard working. One who seeks for success does not have to be powerful enough to overthrow the government, does not have to be as wealthy as a state and does not have to be able to rule a country either. If he is in harmony with other people, at a right time, in a proper place and after good preparations, he will enjoy the happiness of success. Happiness is the success of minor self and success builds the happiness of agreater self.

*小我: 小器 小性 小圈 小域 小样之我也  大我:大局 大气 大众 大千 大同之我也

* Minor self means individual self and the greater self means the Great Harmony self.

※岣嶁 南嶽衡山主峰之一 黃帝元妃嫘祖曾浣紗繅絲在此 更有蝌蚪文碑銘禹治水大功 清彭玉麟 曾國荃 陳士傑等高士返湘亦屢盤桓斯 衡陽城區湘蒸水會流處有石鼓江山 上有書院 列宋興之初四大書院首 朱熹 張栻等曾開講在此 傳育湖湘代代人傑 曾國藩彭玉麟(彭少年曾求學於斯)在此練成湘軍 並弑牛祭天出征 湘軍後戰功卓絕 成"戰鬥力"代名詞 故登岣嶁 達石鼓谓走成功之路

※ Goulou is one of the main peaks of Hengshan Mountains. It is said that Leizu, Yuan concubine of Xuanyuan Emperor, once washed silks there. Also an inscription in Tadpole character recorded the achievement of the great Yu combating the flood. Peng Yulin, Zeng Guofan, Chen Shijie and other excellent persons in the Qing Dynasty went there and checked the inscription many times. At the convergence of the Xiangjiang River and the Zhengshui River stands the Shigu Hill. On it was built the Shigu Academy, the header of the Four Academies in the early Song Dynasty. Famous ancient philosophers such as Zhu Xi, Zhang Shi taught there. In this academy many outstanding people were cultivated. For instance, Zeng Guofan and Peng Yulin recruited and trained an army later called the Xiang Army in Hengyang in the Qing Dynasty. After the army being trained and an ox being sacrificed, they went out to battle. This army won one victory after another and made great war-achievements. The phrase the Xiang Army has become the symbol of strong fighting capacity. So, climbing Goulou Peak and visiting the Shigu Academy implies to be on the road to success.


身登衡嶽探紫冥 足濯湘水滌紅塵 神遊大千世事透 思接蒼穹星辰近 曆覽賢哲求和索 反復叩問知與行 眾生希冀何其多 驀然回首三者重 平安為享受之首 健康乃幸福之基 成功即快樂之要 余深思之廿余載 悟南(嶽衡)山心願之旅 得铭文不足千言 勒之為鉴饗來者    


When I climbed to the summit of Hengshan Moutain, it seems to me to be able to touch the Pluto and the Polar Star. In the Xiangjiang River I have washed off the dust; through travellingtraveling across the world I have read the world's affairs. My thought is interlinked with the vault of heaven and near to stars. After a survey of the search and exploration of the wise and able person and a repeated inquiry of the relationship between knowing and doing, I have realized that man expects too much. In my retrospect, suddenly I am enlightened that safety, health and success are of great importance. Among them, safety is primary, health is the basis of happiness and success is the key ofto happiness. During the past twenty years and more, I have pondered over what's behind the wish journey to Hengshan Mountain. These less-than-one-thousand-character inscriptions were composed for the young generations to enjoy and to use for reference.

               Revised in Wild Goose City in fall, 2018



Mr. Xiang, born in January 1966, Hengnan County, Hunan Province, graduate student, master of economics, research fellow, executive vice president of Party School of Hengyang Municipal Committee of Hunan Province (City Administration College, Municipal Socialism College), a member of the Hunan Calligraphy Association. He worked in August 1984 and joined the party in August 1991. He is also a visiting professor both at the Management School of Xiangtan University and the Hengyang Normal College.Published: “Chasing the sun---the trans-century Nanyue tourism economy", "100 science and technology giants driving the progress of human civilization", "Chasing the sun---grand planning, grand tourism, grand brands, grand Nanyue ", and other travel monographs. He was named "Top ten leading figures of China's reform" in 2002 by the State Council Reform office and the China Reform magazine, and also praised as "Top ten outstanding planners of China"  in 2004.

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