有个办法是在patient目录下面做个CT目录,把CT series文件放在这里面,即目录结构如下:
import pydicom, os
import numpy as np
import pprint
from rt_utils import RTStructBuilder
def get_binary_masks(ct_folder, rtstruct_path, roi_names):
Returns binary masks for multiple ROIs.
# Load existing RT Struct.
rtstruct = RTStructBuilder.create_from(dicom_series_path=ct_folder, rt_struct_path=rtstruct_path)
# Dict to store masks
masks = {}
# Loading the 3D Masks for each ROI
for roi in roi_names:
masks[roi] = rtstruct.get_roi_mask_by_name(roi)
return masks
def compute_dice(mask1, mask2):
Compute the Dice similarity coefficient between two binary masks.
intersection = np.sum(mask1 * mask2)
return 2. * intersection / (np.sum(mask1) + np.sum(mask2))
def compute_dice_for_roids(ct_folder, rtstruct1_path, rtstruct2_path, roi_names):
Compute the Dice similarity coefficient for a list of ROIs from two RTSTRUCT files.
masks1 = get_binary_masks(ct_folder, rtstruct1_path, roi_names)
masks2 = get_binary_masks(ct_folder, rtstruct2_path, roi_names)
dice_values = {}
for roi in roi_names:
dice_values[roi] = compute_dice(masks1[roi], masks2[roi])
return dice_values
roi_name = ["Bowel",'Bladder','Rectum']
folder_path = r"D:\code\temp3\Test004"
rs_files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith(".dcm") and pydicom.dcmread(os.path.join(folder_path,f)).Modality == 'RTSTRUCT']
if len(rs_files) != 2:
print(f"Unexpected number of RS files in {folder_path}. Skipping...")
ct_path = os.path.join(folder_path, 'CT')
rs_file1 = os.path.join(folder_path, rs_files[0])
rs_file2 = os.path.join(folder_path, rs_files[1])
# 使用
dice_value = compute_dice_for_roids(ct_path, rs_file1, rs_file2, roi_name)
print(f"Dice value for ROI '{roi_name}':")
Dice value for ROI '['Bowel', 'Bladder', 'Rectum']':
{'Bladder': 0.7260938138909983,
'Bowel': 0.5581661189246565,
'Rectum': 0.5876511775938893}
提取roi的mask,用到 RT-Utils 这个模块
Loading an existing RT Struct contour as a mask
from rt_utils import RTStructBuilder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load existing RT Struct. Requires the series path and existing RT Struct path
rtstruct = RTStructBuilder.create_from(
# View all of the ROI names from within the image
# Loading the 3D Mask from within the RT Struct
mask_3d = rtstruct.get_roi_mask_by_name("ROI NAME")
# Display one slice of the region
first_mask_slice = mask_3d[:, :, 0]