The meaning they give to life is a private meaning: no one else is benefited by the achievement of their aims and their interest stops short at their own persons. Their goal of success is a goal of mere fictitious personal superiority and their triumphs have meaning only to themselves.
A private meaning is in fact no meaning at all. Meaning is only possible in communication: a word which meant something to one person only would really be meaningless. It is the same with our aims and actions; their only meaning is their meaning for others.
引自 3.社会情感/7
个人并不认同这个观点。对一个人有意义的字对那个人来说就是有意义的,对于一个人有意义的事,也是有意义的。同时在前文,作者写到’无论是哪一种生活的意义,只要有人持这种态度, 它也绝不会是完全错误的’,既然’无论是哪一种生活的意义’都’绝不会是完全错误的’,那么为什么对于一个人有意义的意义却是无意义的呢?
I personally disagree. A word which is meaningful to one person is still meaningful. Also, the auther said in previous paragraph that ’...we may say that any meaning which is at all serviceable cannot be called absolutely wrong...’ (p4). Since ‘any meaning that at all serviceable cannot be called absolutely wrong, then how come a meaning that serviceable to that perticuler person is meaningless?
The mark of all true "meanings of life" is that they are common meanings - they are meanings in which others can share, and meanings which others can accept as valid. A good solution of the problems of life will always dear the way for others also; for in it we shall see common problems met in a successful way. Even genius is to be defined as no more than supreme usefulness: it is only when - a man's life is recognized by others as having significance for them that we call him a genius. The meaning expressed in such a life will always be, "Life means—to contribute to the whole." We are not speaking here of professed motives. We are dosing our ears to professions and looking at achievements. The man who meets the problems of human life successfully acts as if he recognized, fully and spontaneously, that the meaning of life is interest in others and cooperation. Everything he does seems to be guided by the interest of his fellow beings; and where he meets difficulties he tries to surmount them only by means consonant with human welfare.
引自 3.社会情感/7
Few things need to be discussed. Firstly, who are others? Often time the so called others are just people in our close circle, Family, friends etc. They are limited by the similar values. What they considered as valid is good enough to be deemed as ‘true’ meaning of life? The world is much bigger than you think, you just don’t know it yet.
Secondly, the way the auther talked about genius makes me feel sad about genius. As if to be a genius, you have to live for others expectations, just so you could be recognased, otherwise you are ‘insignificant’. Although I couldn’t deny he was right in a way, it is about ‘usefulness’, saddly. I feel better about the fact that I’m not a genius now.
Genius are guided by their desires, which have meaning in two fold. One desire one’s own lack, also desire what others desire. ‘the interest of his fellow beings’ is only indicate the latter. Genius, or mediocrate people like myself, are also guided by his/her own lack.