On the occasion of Buddha Pournami, Sadhguru tells us what it means and what it takes to be a Buddha.
Sadhguru: A person who grows on the spiritual path cannot ignore Gautama because his presence has become so dominant. In his own lifetime, he had forty thousand monks who went out to spread the spiritual process. In his own silent way, he changed the world forever. He has been one of the greatest spiritual waves on the planet. Buddha Pournami has always been significant in the yogic culture and was always a very auspicious day in any spiritual aspirant’s life, but today, in commemoration of Gautama Buddha we named it after him. On that full moon evening over 2500 years ago, a man blossomed into a being.
One who is above his intellect, one who is no longer a part of his mind, is a Buddha.
Though people generally associate the word Buddha with Gautama, he is not the only Buddha. There have been thousands of Buddhas on this planet and there still are. “Bu” means Buddhi or the intellect. One who is above his intellect, one who is no longer a part of his mind, is a Buddha.
Right now, most people are just a bundle of thoughts, emotions, opinions, and of course, prejudices. Please see, what you consider as “myself” is just a jumble of things that you have gathered from outside. Whichever kind of situations you were exposed to, that is the kind of nonsense you have gathered in your mind. Your mind is society’s garbage bin because you have no choice about what to take and what not to take. Whoever goes that way throws something into your head. You can enshrine this nonsense as divinity if you want but it will not become divinity; it is just simple mind. There is another way to experience life and go beyond the process that you call as mind. To do this, you need to shut the garbage bin and keep it aside.
The mind is a phenomenal thing, but if you get stuck to it, it will take you for a ride endlessly. If you are in the mind, you are a nonstop suffering human being – you cannot help it. Suffering is inevitable. Maybe when you are watching the sunset, it is so beautiful that you forget everything, but your suffering is sitting right behind you like a tail. The moment you look back, it is right there. What you call as “my happiness,” are those moments when you forgot your suffering. As long as you are in the mind, fears, anxieties and struggles are inevitable; that is the nature of the mind.
The process of yoga is to see how to go beyond the mind. Only when you are beyond the mind can you really be yourself.
It is because people are unable to bear the torture of the mind that they have devised many ways in society to go below the mind. Excessive eating, alcohol, excessive indulgence in physical pleasures, these are all ways to go below the mind. People use them and for a few moments they forget the torture. You hit the bottle and sleep. For a few hours your mind does not bother you anymore because you have gone below the mind. There is great pleasure and it is so relaxing because suddenly the tortures of your mind are not there. So you get deeply addicted to it.
But the nature of the evolutionary process is such that this being which was below the mind has right now evolved into the mind. If it wants to become free, it has to go beyond the mind. There is no such thing as going back. If by using a chemical you go below the mind, you will see, life always catches up with you with more intensity after that is over. It is always so. Suffering intensifies. The process of yoga is to see how to go beyond the mind. Only when you are beyond the mind can you really be yourself.
昨天因为下午有班会课,所以上午上完课就在宿舍整理了一下自己的衣物。虽然学习了一些收纳方式,但是每隔一段时间就乱的不行。自己总结了一些原因:1. 第二天要穿的衣服没有提前准备好,早起慌忙之中一拉就乱,因为柜子小,叠的再整齐,一使劲拉,一堆衣服就要跑出来了,然后也来不及叠,就都乱塞在柜子里或床上了,然后因为乱了没及时收拾好,于是就乱上加乱了;2. 物品分类不够明晰,导致摆放有时候错位不方便查找。比如昨天想要穿之前的白色裤子,却怎么也找不大,认为和其他裤子放一起,却没有看到。昨天整理才发现不知道哪一天放在了和上衣一起的位置,怪不得找不到;所以会存在找不到就以为丢了然后再买的现象。比如帽子,放哪里了忘记了,又买了。3.没有严格规定或制定自己的风格,以至于东西很多,但穿的频率却不怎么高,很多很久了压根没有穿过。所以,也做出了几种改变方式:1. 时刻保持整齐,随拿随放。并且能够提前一天规划好第二天要穿的衣服,或者每周规划好下一周要穿的衣服。2. 物体摆放明晰,分类规则,便于检索查找;3.对于不适合自己的东西说no,而不是啥都想尝试。简约且舒适为主。