- setup URL By appConnect . 'Configer and link your apps'
2.app should been live at appstore
3.apple-clip Code
4.NFC + visual Code
5.need an corresponding application (submit together and download separately
6.include only what is needed (be as small as possiable, in 10M)
7.focuses one things at a time
6.can called by NSUsserActivity
1.create Target and auto set bundleId -> (boundleid ).Clip
2.add dependency
3.add share Assets File
4.share the needed code with Target
5.add new Compiler-Flag for ignore some codes when compile App Clip
1.UIKit lifecycle
2.NSUserActivity to setup after (remember the web page URL on activity, just like Universal Links)
3.all iOS SDK work in Clips (easy share code between App and Clip)
4.sensitive user data is limited (check access to data before request it) (Such as HealthKit data)
- without isAppClip API
6.location comfirmation API For prompting access
7.local data will be deleted after a period of inactivity (no launched for several days)
8.custom URL schemes/document types/universal Link are unavailabe ( maybe you should setup the URL by AppConnect)
9.treat more like a temporary cache
10.could share the Group Container with corresponding App (data will still in shareGroupContainer after Clip has been deleted)