Modelling the effects of Wuhan’s lockdown during COVID-19, China
模拟2019 冠状病毒病期间中国武汉封城的影响
Competing interest(竞争利益)
摘要分为四部分:Objective (目的),Methods(方法) ,Findings(结果) ,Conclusion (结论)
Objective (目的)
1、To design a simple model to assess the effectiveness of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to different regions of mainland China.
旨在设计一个简单的模型来评估为防控2019 新冠肺炎冠状病毒在中国大陆不同地区传播而采取的措施的有效性。
1、We extracted data on population movements from an internet company data set and the numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19
from government sources.
2、On 23 January 2020 all travel in and out of the city of Wuhan was prohibited to control the spread of the disease.
2020 年1 月23 日,为控制疫情蔓延,禁止所有人员进出武汉市。
3、We modelled two key factors affecting the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in regions outside Wuhan by 1 March 2020:
(i) the total the number of people leaving Wuhan during 20–26 January 2020; and (ii) the number of seed cases from Wuhan before 19 January 2020, represented by the cumulative number of confirmed cases on 29 January 2020.
我们模拟了截至2020 年3 月1 日影响非武汉地区2019 冠状病毒新冠肺炎累计感染人数的两个关键因素:(i) 2020 年1月20 日至26 日期间离开武汉的总人数;以及(ii) 2020 年1 月19 日前由武汉迁入的种子病例数量,以由2020 年1 月29 日累计确诊病例数为代表。
4、We constructed a regression model to predict the cumulative number of cases in non-Wuhan regions in three assumed epidemic control scenarios.
1、Delaying the start date of control measures by only 3 days would have increased the estimated 30 699 confirmed cases of COVID-19
by 1 March 2020 in regions outside Wuhan by 34.6% (to 41 330 people).
仅若将防控措施封城的开始日期推迟3 天,截至2020 年3 月1 日非武汉地区的2019 冠状病毒病新冠肺炎确诊病例估计数30,699 例,将会因此增加34.6%(达到41,330 人)。
2、Advancing controls by 3 days would reduce infections by 30.8% (to 21 235 people) with basic control measures or 48.6% (to 15 796 people) with strict control measures.
若提前3 天采取防控措施封城,可使采取基本防控措施时的感染人数可减少30.8%(达到21235 人),可使采取采取严格防控措施的时感染人数可减少48.6%(达到15796 人)。
3、Based on standard residual values from the model, we were able to rank regions which were most effective in controlling the epidemic.
Conclusion (结论)
1、The control measures in Wuhan combined with nationwide traffic restrictions and self-isolation reduced the ongoing spread of COVID-19 across China.
武汉的防控措施结合全国范围内的交通限制措施和自我隔离,减少限制了2019 新冠肺炎冠状病毒病在中国的持续传播。
Time: 11:40~12:30 50m