Agriculture faces its biggest challenge since
Neolithic days in the way it adapts–or fails to adapt–to climatechange. Africa and southeast Asia will be worst affected. In 20 years' time,their climate will be quite different from their climate today: crop varietiesused now will yield dramatically less in the changed conditions. Famine andhigher food prices will follow. To avert this disaster, we need to developworldwide seed banks with detailed catalogues showing the traits of eachvariety and the resistance they have to heat, soil saturation or drought.Farmers can then begin to trial crops and prepare for the future. Seed banksare not the only answer to impending famine but they are an achievable firststep.
Which one of the following best expresses the mainconclusion of the above argument?
AAgriculture is facing its biggest challenge since Neolithic times.
BSeed bankswill avert famine caused by climate change.
CCataloguedseed banks should be created and their contents trialled.
DFarmers inAfrica and southeast Asia should begin trialling different varieties of crops.
ECrops usedtoday will be unable to grow in new climatic conditions later in the century.