这个月本来计划读完的《思考,快与慢》只读了一半,但是读完了《游戏改变世界》(Reality Is Broken)。这本书例子很多,可以略去大部分关于游戏的事例不看,所以我只详细读了序言和第一章,后面的章节重点关注作者的核心观点。作者Jane McGonigal 还做过一个同主题的TED演讲 Gaming Can Make a Better World,可以和书结合起来看。
这本书从全新的视角解读了什么是游戏,游戏为什么能使我们快乐,以及我们该如何通过游戏让现实生活更美好。Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work.
Playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles.--- Bernard Suits
1. Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work.
2. emotional activation: Comparing with games, reality is depressing. Games focus our energy, with relentless optimism, on something we're good at and enjoy.
3. more satisfying work: Compared with games, reality is unproductive. Games give us clearer missions and more satisfying, hands-on work.
4. better hope of success: Games eliminate our fear of failure and improve our chances for success.
玩游戏的一大乐趣正是在于你始终难以取得最终的胜利,于是玩家在一次次的失败中不断进步,源源不断地获得乐趣(fun failure)。
Learning to stay urgently optimistic in the face of failure is an important emotional strength that we can learn in games and apply in our real lives.
5. stronger social connectivity: 大型游戏往往是团体作战,并肩作战会让玩家们产生深厚的情谊。(是真的,我一好友和她对象就是玩游戏认识的。)
6. epic scale: Games make us a part of something bigger and give epic meaning to our actions. 游戏中你可以参与一场大型战争,因此胜利成果可以达到雄霸天下的等级,而这么大的成就在现实生活中是难以获得的。
7. wholehearted: 玩游戏时能够全情投入。《拆掉思维的墙》一书也指出了全情投入能带来快乐。
1. seek meaningful rewards for making a better effort 比如达成小目标之后给自己一点奖励
2.have more fun with strangers 我觉得各种兴趣社群就是这一点的运用,比如这个读书群让我们这群素未谋面的陌生人因为共同的爱好聚在了一起,从中获得归属感和认同感,线下面基之后又能认识新的朋友。
3. invent and adopt new happiness hacks 集体的氛围可以促使我们不断学习新的技巧和方法来改善生活、创造快乐
4. contribute to a sustainable engagement economy---crowdsourcing games/social participation games: 作者提到有些大型游戏以治疗癌症、保护环境或调查政治丑闻为故事背景,成百上千名玩家们为解决这些社会问题积极献计献策,这就让玩游戏有了现实意义。