QAC BET Unit 4- Information Technology 信息技术

中质盟基础英语培训——课文Unit 4。


Lesson 7 Computer, E-mail and Information Security计算机,邮件与信息安全


Word Service Station 词语加油站

install [in'stɔl] v. 安装 professional [prə'fəʃən(ə)l] n. 专家

hassle ['hæs(ə)l] n. 麻烦 technician [tek'niʃ(ə)n] n. 技术员

briefcase [ˈbrifˌkeis] n. 公文包 digital ['didʒit(ə)l] adj. 数字的

slip [slip] v. 偷偷塞进 overlay ['oʊvər.lei] v. 覆盖

scenic ['sinik] adj. 风景的 compass [ˈkʌmpəs] n. 指南针

apparently [ə'perəntli] adv. 显然 negotiate [ni'ɡəʊʃieit] v.谈判

merger ['mɜrdʒər] n. 合并 confidential [.kɑnfi'denʃ(ə)l] adj. 保密的

agenda [ə'dʒendə] n. 议事日程 protocol ['proʊtə.kɔl] n. 协议

clone [kloʊn] v. 复制 subsidiary [səb'sidi.eri] n. 子公司

recipient [ri'sipiənt] n. 接受方 prosecutor ['prɑsi.kjutər] n. 检察官

fraudulent ['frɔdʒələnt] adj. 欺诈的 falsified ['fɔlsi.faid] adj. 伪造的

cyber-attacks 网络攻击 verify ['veri.fai] v. 验证


Conversation 1 Laptop 笔记本电脑

A: Honey, I had no luck installing the software (我无法安装软件).

B: Did you follow the instructions closely? You might have pressed a wrong key somewhere or mistakenly skipped a step or two (你也许按错了键或者错误地跳过了一、二步).

A: I tried three times and each time I did exactly as the User’s Guide said (严格按照用户手册执行). I give up. I think I need a professional to help.

B: If that’s what you want, we don’t have to go far for it. We can ask your father for help.

A: Dad, could you give me a hand? (能帮我一下吗?)

C: Coming. What’s the matter, guy?

A: I can’t install this software.

C: Let me try. (After successfully installing the software.) I thought this program was hassle-free (我原以为这个程序不麻烦). Clearly I was wrong. I’m going to give our technicians a suggestion. They’ve got to make the software more friendly when they bring out its new version later this year (当他们于今年晚些时候公布软件的新版本时,可得将界面做得友好些).

A: You really need to make some improvements on most of your company’s application software(你得在你们公司的应用软件上做些改进). Not everyone is a computer expert.

C: Richard, since you travel frequently, you must get one notebook computer. It can easily fit into your briefcase.

B: What can he use it for besides playing those silly games? 除了玩这些低级的游戏外,它还能做什么?

C: Well, I should say there are a lot. To name a new, it can display messages and schedules, enable you to read and send e-mails and faxes, and monitor weather and stock reports. When at a meeting, you may use it to take notes, browse information (浏览信息), and if you’re bored, choose and enjoy hundreds of easy-to-call-up photos of your honey (轻而易举地选择并欣赏你爱人数百张照片).

B: Sounds greats!

C: It’s great. It can store digital money that cannot be forged (它能存储无法伪造的数字货币). It can link into a shop’s computer and transfer money, and if Ying needs money, you might digitally slip one hundred dollars from your computer to her (你可以从你的电脑很轻松地转给她100美金).

A: Then my computer will run out of money very quickly.

C: Your notebook can connect you to the information highway while you travel a real highway, and tell you exactly where you are on the face of the earth(并告诉你现在位于地球表面的准确位置). ***The computer’s color maps will overlay your location with whatever kinds of information you desire(计算机彩色地图将覆盖你的位置,并提供你需要的任何信息) ***– road and weather conditions, scenic spot(风景区), even fast-food places.

A: Might I ask, “Where’s the nearest American restaurant?”

C: Sure. The information you request would be transmitted to your computer by wireless network. What’s more, if you’re hiking in woods off the roads(如果你在远离路边的林中远足), your notebook computer will be your compass and as useful as your Swiss army knife.

A: You have talked me into it. Let’s use your notebook to contact your computer store and have them ship one to me right away.


Conversation 2 €40 million 四千万欧元

A: Disaster!

B: What’s up?

A: I received an e-mail from the headquarters in Nuremberg two days ago. I thought it came from my boss in Germany. In the e-mail my boss asked me to transfer €40m into a bank located in Czech Republic (我老板让我转账4千万欧元到捷克的一家银行).

B: €40m, Gosh! You apparently wired the money into a bank account provided by your boss(看起来你已经电汇给你老板提供的银行账号了), is it right?

A: Yes, it was bad luck. I suppose I should have been more careful. This guy told me that the top management was negotiating enterprises merger plan about the cables and wiring system factory in Czech (最高管理层正在讨论一个关于捷克一家电缆和线束工厂的企业并购计划). Since it was a confidential agenda which they discussed just one day ago (既然这仅仅是一天前的绝密议程), the guy asked me to keep secrets and forbid to confirm it with the top management in Romania. Then...

B: Wait, please. Was the manner of writing particularly (行文方式) similar to your real boss in Nuremberg?

A: At that time, I didn’t aware of this point(我没有警惕这点). He wrote it in German and directors in Germany had asked for money transfers via email before. So I followed the company’s internal protocol (遵照公司内部协议) and wired the money. However, I know it now! The email accounts of directors from Germany were cloned (被克隆了).

B: Have you already confirmed with the headquarters in Nuremberg after it?

A: Yes, the next day I felt a little upset without any reason(毫无理由地感到一些焦虑). So I replied his E-mail again, and checked the status of money. But the boss said, he never asked the Romanian subsidiary (子公司) to wire EUR 40 million into a bank account. Furthermore, he also checked the account in Czech, and the money never reached the intended recipient (未达到指定账户). Then I knew I met with a financial fraud (遭遇了金融诈骗)! To tell you the truth, I am very anxious. But what can I do now?

B: Take it easy. First, raise complaint to the prosecutor’s office within the Bistrita Court(向Bistrita法院的检察官办公室提请申诉); second, ***made an announcement that the company had become the victim of fraudulent activity (声明公司成为金融诈骗活动的受害者) *** with the help of falsified documents and identities and the use of electronic communication channels (在使用伪造文件和身份的帮助下,以及使用电子通讯途径). Third, for you, work as normal and maintain calm, because investigators will question you whether worked with the hackers or not (调查你是否与黑客合作过) in the following time of period.

A: I can hardly thank you for your kindness!

B: There is no need to be nervous.

A: You are right. I should relax.


Conversation 3 The lost files 丢失的文件

A: Hello, Mike. Yesterday I found the testing programs were lost in the server (测试程序在服务器上丢失了). So I copy them from my backup folder in the computer.

B: Please don’t do like that, at the moment we don’t know which programming files at your folder are correct. This can lead to two different mistakes. One is the wrong data in our Eeproms. The other is wrong High Frequency limits in our assembly testing (错误的高频界限在产品测试中).

A: Understand. But we have to deliver some assemblies to customer according to the schedule today.

B: Please block all risky products. Make programming and testing only with verified files(只用验证过的文件进行编程和测试) which I transfer to you. Start investigation since which time the files were lost. Please send me a list on products that are impacted inside the risky period of time (在这段风险期受影响的产品清单). I will transfer the latest files for reprogramming.

A: OK. It seems that the server suffered cyber-attacks (遭受网络攻击) again, such as the unidentified hackers (未识别身份的黑客) had stolen EUR 40 million from German group Romanian subsidiary using only some cloned email accounts last year.

B: You could confirm it with the network supervisor; maybe they monitor usage on the network and sometimes track down problems that occur (跟踪发生的问题).


Lesson 8 Letters Live 见字如面

Word Service Station 词语加油站

Correspond [.kɔrə'spɑnd] v. 通信 definitely ['defənitli] adv. 肯定地

Opportunity [.ɑpər'tju:niti] n. 机会 attachment [ə'tætʃmənt] n. 附件

Compressed [kəm'prest] adj. 压缩的 catchy ['kætʃi] adj. 吸引人的

Distribute [di'stri.bjut] v. 分发 underneath [ˌʌndə'ni:θ] prep. 在…底下

Complicated ['kɑmpli.keitəd] adj. 复杂的 figure ['fiɡjər] v. 计算


Conversation 1 Send an Email 发送电子邮件

A: Let’s correspond by email. I think we should definitely keep in touch (很显然,我们应保持联系). There are a lot of future opportunities to work together.

B: I agree. I am especially interested in the Aluminum project you mentioned. Do you think you can email the details to me?

A: Sure! I’ll send it along to you as soon as I get back to the office (我一回办公室就发给你). I did get your card, didn’t I?

B: Oh, I almost forgot! Here it is.

A: Thank you. Is all the information on here current?

B: Let’s see…Yes, but this only has my work email address. I’ll give you my personal address too. Sometimes if the attachment is too large, my work email will reject it. If your attachment is more than 10M(megabyte), go ahead and send it to my personal email address instead.

A: It’ll be alright. I can send a compressed file (压缩文件). Does your computer have the software to unzip files (有软件来解压缩吗)?

B: I do, but unzipping files doesn’t work out so well. Last time I tried to decompress a file, my whole system crashed(我整个系统崩溃了) . If it is a large files, it would probably work better to send it to my personal email – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

A: No problem. I will be sure to email the information to your personal email address first thing.


Conversation 2 meeting minutes 会议记录

A: How do you plan to distribute the information(分发信息) about last week’s meeting?

B: I was planning on sending a bulk email(群发邮件) to all the users on our company’s server.

A: That’s a time-saving way to get the word out (发布信息), but I don’t think it will be that effective. Most of us just delete the bulk emails without even reading them. Even if you put a really catchy subject line(引人注目的标题) in there. I don’t think anyone will get the information.

B: Well, it would be too time-consuming to send the emails one by one to our entire staff…What do you suggest?

A: You could send the meeting brief(会议简报) to the managers by email, and ask them to forward it to the people underneath them(转发给他们下属). Most people will read an email if it is sent by their supervisor.

B: That’s a good idea. I can just put the meeting minutes on the email as an attachment, then forward it along to the managers. Can you show me how to make an attachment with our new email program?

A: I’m sorry. I know next to nothing (几乎不知道) about the new email program. It’s supposed to be more user-friendly than our last program, but I still haven’t figured it out (我仍然没有解决).

B: I’ll ask our tech support for some help. It shouldn’t be too complicated, I’m sure.


Part 3: Email @work 点评工作邮件

Email 1


主题: Re: Problem Solved
Hey John – We spoke this morning, and note your problem is solved. Should you require any further assistance kindly revert.
Thanks & Regards
Mary Tan


主题: Re: Problem Solved
Hi John
Thanks for your call today.
I’m so pleased that we’ve been able to find a solution to this. Good luck with future progress on this project.
I’ll be here when you decide how we can help you again.


Email 2


From: Harry.
Date: 25:7:1-16:06:29
Subject: HELLO!!!
hi Shirley
Hope things r well with u, its good 2 know that u will be back in malaysia again in nov to hold your seminar on effective biz writing. PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE while u r over here. Some bookstores r interested in a talk cum singing event, I hope u will agree to take part.
tnks & rgs

解析:上文的邮件里,从标题开始,HELLO!!!*是极不礼貌的写法。“hi Shirley"应写成”Hi Shirley"。首句“Hope things r well with u, its good 2 know”,不能用缩写。malaysia首字母应大写,nov应拼写全。"PLS LET ME HAVE SOME FREE DATE"是极不礼貌的。
结尾“tnks & rgs”应写完整。


From: Harry.
Date: 25:7:1-16:06:29

Subject: Book signing in Malaysia
Hello Shirley
I hope things are well with you.
I was pleased to hear that you will be back in Malaysia again in November to hold your seminar on Effective Business Writing.
Some bookstores are interested in asking you to do a talk and signing event. I hope you will agree to take part.
Please let me have some free dates while you are over here, and I will make all the arrangements.
See you soon.


Part 4: How to prevent making mistakes in email?





















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