Flutter 修改PopupMenuButton宽高和样式


final List<MessagePopupMenuItem> filter = [
for(int i = 0;i<filter.length;i++){
      MessagePopupMenuItem type = filter[i];
          value: type,
          child: Text(type.messagePopupMenuItemTitle),));

              child: Image.asset('add_friends.png'.assetsPath,),
              offset: Offset(0, KYConfig.navigationBarHeight),
              itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
                return itemList;
              onSelected: (MessagePopupMenuItem type) async {
                switch (type) {
                  case MessagePopupMenuItem.add_friend:
                    Navigator.pushNamed(context, KYRoutes.addFriend);
                  case MessagePopupMenuItem.create_group
                  case MessagePopupMenuItem.qr:





              elevation: 0,
              shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                  side: BorderSide(color: F.uiConfig.subColorA),
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.w)),
              color: F.uiConfig.subColorA,


          value: type,
          height: 42.w,
          child: Column(
            children: [
                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
                children: [
                    width: 36.w,
                    height: 36.w,
                    width: 20.w,
                    padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 40.w),
                    child: Text(type.messagePopupMenuItemTitle,
                        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30.w, color: Colors.white)),
                offstage: i == filter.length - 1,
                child: Padding(
                  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 56.w, top: 30.w, bottom: 25.w),
                  child: Divider(
                    height: 1.w,
                    color: Color(0x33FFFFFF),




const Duration _kMenuDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 300);
const double _kMenuCloseIntervalEnd = 2.0 / 3.0;
const double _kMenuHorizontalPadding = 16.0;
const double _kMenuDividerHeight = 16.0;
const double _kMenuMaxWidth = 5.0 * _kMenuWidthStep;
const double _kMenuMinWidth = 2.0 * _kMenuWidthStep;
const double _kMenuVerticalPadding = 8.0;
const double _kMenuWidthStep = 56.0;
const double _kMenuScreenPadding = 8.0;


// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// @dart = 2.8

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

// Examples can assume:
// enum Commands { heroAndScholar, hurricaneCame }
// dynamic _heroAndScholar;
// dynamic _selection;
// BuildContext context;
// void setState(VoidCallback fn) { }

const Duration _kMenuDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 300);
const double _kMenuCloseIntervalEnd = 2.0 / 3.0;
// const double _kMenuHorizontalPadding = 0;
const double _kLeftPadding = 18.0;
// const double _kMenuDividerHeight = 16.0;
const double _kMenuMaxWidth = double.infinity;
const double _kMenuMinWidth = 0;
const double _kMenuVerticalPadding = 11.0;
const double _kMenuWidthStep = 0;
const double _kMenuScreenPadding = 0;

class _KYMenuItem extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _KYMenuItem({
    Key key,
    @required this.onLayout,
    Widget child,
  }) : assert(onLayout != null), super(key: key, child: child);

  final ValueChanged<Size> onLayout;

  RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    return _KYRenderMenuItem(onLayout);

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, covariant _KYRenderMenuItem renderObject) {
    renderObject.onLayout = onLayout;

class _KYRenderMenuItem extends RenderShiftedBox {
  _KYRenderMenuItem(this.onLayout, [RenderBox child]) : assert(onLayout != null), super(child);

  ValueChanged<Size> onLayout;

  void performLayout() {
    if (child == null) {
      size = Size.zero;
    } else {
      child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true);
      size = constraints.constrain(child.size);
    final BoxParentData childParentData = child.parentData as BoxParentData;
    childParentData.offset = Offset.zero;

/// An item in a material design popup menu.
/// To show a popup menu, use the [showMenu] function. To create a button that
/// shows a popup menu, consider using [PopupMenuButton].
/// To show a checkmark next to a popup menu item, consider using
/// [CheckedPopupMenuItem].
/// Typically the [child] of a [PopupMenuItem] is a [Text] widget. More
/// elaborate menus with icons can use a [ListTile]. By default, a
/// [PopupMenuItem] is [kMinInteractiveDimension] pixels high. If you use a widget
/// with a different height, it must be specified in the [height] property.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// Here, a [Text] widget is used with a popup menu item. The `WhyFarther` type
/// is an enum, not shown here.
/// ```dart
/// const PopupMenuItem<WhyFarther>(
///   value: WhyFarther.harder,
///   child: Text('Working a lot harder'),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See the example at [PopupMenuButton] for how this example could be used in a
/// complete menu, and see the example at [CheckedPopupMenuItem] for one way to
/// keep the text of [PopupMenuItem]s that use [Text] widgets in their [child]
/// slot aligned with the text of [CheckedPopupMenuItem]s or of [PopupMenuItem]
/// that use a [ListTile] in their [child] slot.
/// See also:
///  * [PopupMenuDivider], which can be used to divide items from each other.
///  * [CheckedPopupMenuItem], a variant of [PopupMenuItem] with a checkmark.
///  * [showMenu], a method to dynamically show a popup menu at a given location.
///  * [PopupMenuButton], an [IconButton] that automatically shows a menu when
///    it is tapped.
class KYPopupMenuItem<T> extends PopupMenuEntry<T> {
  /// Creates an item for a popup menu.
  /// By default, the item is [enabled].
  /// The `enabled` and `height` arguments must not be null.
  const KYPopupMenuItem({
    Key key,
    this.enabled = true,
    this.height = kMinInteractiveDimension,
    @required this.child,
  }) : assert(enabled != null),
        assert(height != null),
        super(key: key);

  /// The value that will be returned by [showMenu] if this entry is selected.
  final T value;

  /// Whether the user is permitted to select this item.
  /// Defaults to true. If this is false, then the item will not react to
  /// touches.
  final bool enabled;

  /// The minimum height of the menu item.
  /// Defaults to [kMinInteractiveDimension] pixels.
  final double height;

  /// The text style of the popup menu item.
  /// If this property is null, then [PopupMenuThemeData.textStyle] is used.
  /// If [PopupMenuThemeData.textStyle] is also null, then [TextTheme.subtitle1]
  /// of [ThemeData.textTheme] is used.
  final TextStyle textStyle;

  /// The cursor for a mouse pointer when it enters or is hovering over the
  /// widget.
  /// If [mouseCursor] is a [MaterialStateProperty<MouseCursor>],
  /// [MaterialStateProperty.resolve] is used for the following [MaterialState]:
  ///  * [MaterialState.disabled].
  /// If this property is null, [MaterialStateMouseCursor.clickable] will be used.
  final MouseCursor mouseCursor;

  /// The widget below this widget in the tree.
  /// Typically a single-line [ListTile] (for menus with icons) or a [Text]. An
  /// appropriate [DefaultTextStyle] is put in scope for the child. In either
  /// case, the text should be short enough that it won't wrap.
  final Widget child;

  bool represents(T value) => value == this.value;

  KYPopupMenuItemState<T, KYPopupMenuItem<T>> createState() => KYPopupMenuItemState<T, KYPopupMenuItem<T>>();

/// The [State] for [PopupMenuItem] subclasses.
/// By default this implements the basic styling and layout of Material Design
/// popup menu items.
/// The [buildChild] method can be overridden to adjust exactly what gets placed
/// in the menu. By default it returns [PopupMenuItem.child].
/// The [handleTap] method can be overridden to adjust exactly what happens when
/// the item is tapped. By default, it uses [Navigator.pop] to return the
/// [PopupMenuItem.value] from the menu route.
/// This class takes two type arguments. The second, `W`, is the exact type of
/// the [Widget] that is using this [State]. It must be a subclass of
/// [PopupMenuItem]. The first, `T`, must match the type argument of that widget
/// class, and is the type of values returned from this menu.
class KYPopupMenuItemState<T, W extends KYPopupMenuItem<T>> extends State<W> {
  /// The menu item contents.
  /// Used by the [build] method.
  /// By default, this returns [PopupMenuItem.child]. Override this to put
  /// something else in the menu entry.
  Widget buildChild() => widget.child;

  /// The handler for when the user selects the menu item.
  /// Used by the [InkWell] inserted by the [build] method.
  /// By default, uses [Navigator.pop] to return the [PopupMenuItem.value] from
  /// the menu route.
  void handleTap() {
    Navigator.pop<T>(context, widget.value);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
    final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuTheme.of(context);
    TextStyle style = widget.textStyle ?? popupMenuTheme.textStyle ?? theme.textTheme.subtitle1;

    if (!widget.enabled)
      style = style.copyWith(color: theme.disabledColor);

    Widget item = AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
      style: style,
      duration: kThemeChangeDuration,
      child: Container(
        alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
        constraints: BoxConstraints(minHeight: widget.height),
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: _kLeftPadding),
        child: buildChild(),

    if (!widget.enabled) {
      final bool isDark = theme.brightness == Brightness.dark;
      item = IconTheme.merge(
        data: IconThemeData(opacity: isDark ? 0.5 : 0.38),
        child: item,
    final MouseCursor effectiveMouseCursor = MaterialStateProperty.resolveAs<MouseCursor>(
      widget.mouseCursor ?? MaterialStateMouseCursor.clickable,
        if (!widget.enabled) MaterialState.disabled,

    return MergeSemantics(
        child: Semantics(
          enabled: widget.enabled,
          button: true,
          child: InkWell(
            onTap: widget.enabled ? handleTap : null,
            canRequestFocus: widget.enabled,
            mouseCursor: effectiveMouseCursor,
            child: item,

class _KYPopupMenu<T> extends StatelessWidget {
  const _KYPopupMenu({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final _KYPopupMenuRoute<T> route;
  final String semanticLabel;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final double unit = 1.0 / (route.items.length + 1.5); // 1.0 for the width and 0.5 for the last item's fade.
    final List<Widget> children = <Widget>[];
    final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuTheme.of(context);

    for (int i = 0; i < route.items.length; i += 1) {
      final double start = (i + 1) * unit;
      final double end = (start + 1.5 * unit).clamp(0.0, 1.0) as double;
      final CurvedAnimation opacity = CurvedAnimation(
        parent: route.animation,
        curve: Interval(start, end),
      Widget item = route.items[i];
      if (route.initialValue != null && route.items[i].represents(route.initialValue)) {
        item = Container(
          color: Theme.of(context).highlightColor,
          child: item,
          onLayout: (Size size) {
            route.itemSizes[i] = size;
          child: FadeTransition(
            opacity: opacity,
            child: item,

    final CurveTween opacity = CurveTween(curve: const Interval(0.0, 1.0 / 3.0));
    final CurveTween width = CurveTween(curve: Interval(0.0, unit));
    final CurveTween height = CurveTween(curve: Interval(0.0, unit * route.items.length));

    final Widget child = ConstrainedBox(
      constraints: const BoxConstraints(
        minWidth: _kMenuMinWidth,
        maxWidth: _kMenuMaxWidth,
      child: IntrinsicWidth(
        stepWidth: _kMenuWidthStep,
        child: Semantics(
          scopesRoute: true,
          namesRoute: true,
          explicitChildNodes: true,
          label: semanticLabel,
          child: SingleChildScrollView(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                vertical: _kMenuVerticalPadding
            child: ListBody(children: children),

    return AnimatedBuilder(
      animation: route.animation,
      builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
        return Opacity(
          opacity: opacity.evaluate(route.animation),
          child: Material(
            shape: route.shape ?? popupMenuTheme.shape,
            color: route.color ?? popupMenuTheme.color,
            type: MaterialType.card,
            elevation: route.elevation ?? popupMenuTheme.elevation ?? 8.0,
            child: Align(
              alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topEnd,
              widthFactor: width.evaluate(route.animation),
              heightFactor: height.evaluate(route.animation),
              child: child,
      child: child,

// Positioning of the menu on the screen.
class _KYPopupMenuRouteLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate {
  _KYPopupMenuRouteLayout(this.position, this.itemSizes, this.selectedItemIndex, this.textDirection);

  // Rectangle of underlying button, relative to the overlay's dimensions.
  final RelativeRect position;

  // The sizes of each item are computed when the menu is laid out, and before
  // the route is laid out.
  List<Size> itemSizes;

  // The index of the selected item, or null if PopupMenuButton.initialValue
  // was not specified.
  final int selectedItemIndex;

  // Whether to prefer going to the left or to the right.
  final TextDirection textDirection;

  // We put the child wherever position specifies, so long as it will fit within
  // the specified parent size padded (inset) by 8. If necessary, we adjust the
  // child's position so that it fits.

  BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) {
    // The menu can be at most the size of the overlay minus 8.0 pixels in each
    // direction.
    return BoxConstraints.loose(
      constraints.biggest - const Offset(_kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0, _kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0) as Size,

  Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) {
    // size: The size of the overlay.
    // childSize: The size of the menu, when fully open, as determined by
    // getConstraintsForChild.

    // Find the ideal vertical position.
    double y = position.top;
    if (selectedItemIndex != null && itemSizes != null) {
      double selectedItemOffset = _kMenuVerticalPadding;
      for (int index = 0; index < selectedItemIndex; index += 1)
        selectedItemOffset += itemSizes[index].height;
      selectedItemOffset += itemSizes[selectedItemIndex].height / 2;
      y = position.top + (size.height - position.top - position.bottom) / 2.0 - selectedItemOffset;

    // Find the ideal horizontal position.
    double x;
    if (position.left > position.right) {
      // Menu button is closer to the right edge, so grow to the left, aligned to the right edge.
      x = size.width - position.right - childSize.width;
    } else if (position.left < position.right) {
      // Menu button is closer to the left edge, so grow to the right, aligned to the left edge.
      x = position.left;
    } else {
      // Menu button is equidistant from both edges, so grow in reading direction.
      assert(textDirection != null);
      switch (textDirection) {
        case TextDirection.rtl:
          x = size.width - position.right - childSize.width;
        case TextDirection.ltr:
          x = position.left;

    // Avoid going outside an area defined as the rectangle 8.0 pixels from the
    // edge of the screen in every direction.
    if (x < _kMenuScreenPadding)
      x = _kMenuScreenPadding;
    else if (x + childSize.width > size.width - _kMenuScreenPadding)
      x = size.width - childSize.width - _kMenuScreenPadding;
    if (y < _kMenuScreenPadding)
      y = _kMenuScreenPadding;
    else if (y + childSize.height > size.height - _kMenuScreenPadding)
      y = size.height - childSize.height - _kMenuScreenPadding;
    return Offset(x, y);

  bool shouldRelayout(_KYPopupMenuRouteLayout oldDelegate) {
    // If called when the old and new itemSizes have been initialized then
    // we expect them to have the same length because there's no practical
    // way to change length of the items list once the menu has been shown.
    assert(itemSizes.length == oldDelegate.itemSizes.length);

    return position != oldDelegate.position
        || selectedItemIndex != oldDelegate.selectedItemIndex
        || textDirection != oldDelegate.textDirection
        || !listEquals(itemSizes, oldDelegate.itemSizes);

class _KYPopupMenuRoute<T> extends PopupRoute<T> {
  }) : itemSizes = List<Size>(items.length);

  final RelativeRect position;
  final List<PopupMenuEntry<T>> items;
  final List<Size> itemSizes;
  final T initialValue;
  final double elevation;
  final ThemeData theme;
  final String semanticLabel;
  final ShapeBorder shape;
  final Color color;
  final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme;
  final BuildContext showMenuContext;
  final bool captureInheritedThemes;

  Animation<double> createAnimation() {
    return CurvedAnimation(
      parent: super.createAnimation(),
      curve: Curves.linear,
      reverseCurve: const Interval(0.0, _kMenuCloseIntervalEnd),

  Duration get transitionDuration => _kMenuDuration;

  bool get barrierDismissible => true;

  Color get barrierColor => null;

  final String barrierLabel;

  Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) {

    int selectedItemIndex;
    if (initialValue != null) {
      for (int index = 0; selectedItemIndex == null && index < items.length; index += 1) {
        if (items[index].represents(initialValue))
          selectedItemIndex = index;

    Widget menu = _KYPopupMenu<T>(route: this, semanticLabel: semanticLabel);
    if (captureInheritedThemes) {
      menu = InheritedTheme.captureAll(showMenuContext, menu);
    } else {
      // For the sake of backwards compatibility. An (unlikely) app that relied
      // on having menus only inherit from the material Theme could set
      // captureInheritedThemes to false and get the original behavior.
      if (theme != null)
        menu = Theme(data: theme, child: menu);

    return MediaQuery.removePadding(
      context: context,
      removeTop: true,
      removeBottom: true,
      removeLeft: true,
      removeRight: true,
      child: Builder(
        builder: (BuildContext context) {
          return CustomSingleChildLayout(
            delegate: _KYPopupMenuRouteLayout(
            child: menu,

/// Show a popup menu that contains the `items` at `position`.
/// `items` should be non-null and not empty.
/// If `initialValue` is specified then the first item with a matching value
/// will be highlighted and the value of `position` gives the rectangle whose
/// vertical center will be aligned with the vertical center of the highlighted
/// item (when possible).
/// If `initialValue` is not specified then the top of the menu will be aligned
/// with the top of the `position` rectangle.
/// In both cases, the menu position will be adjusted if necessary to fit on the
/// screen.
/// Horizontally, the menu is positioned so that it grows in the direction that
/// has the most room. For example, if the `position` describes a rectangle on
/// the left edge of the screen, then the left edge of the menu is aligned with
/// the left edge of the `position`, and the menu grows to the right. If both
/// edges of the `position` are equidistant from the opposite edge of the
/// screen, then the ambient [Directionality] is used as a tie-breaker,
/// preferring to grow in the reading direction.
/// The positioning of the `initialValue` at the `position` is implemented by
/// iterating over the `items` to find the first whose
/// [PopupMenuEntry.represents] method returns true for `initialValue`, and then
/// summing the values of [PopupMenuEntry.height] for all the preceding widgets
/// in the list.
/// The `elevation` argument specifies the z-coordinate at which to place the
/// menu. The elevation defaults to 8, the appropriate elevation for popup
/// menus.
/// The `context` argument is used to look up the [Navigator] and [Theme] for
/// the menu. It is only used when the method is called. Its corresponding
/// widget can be safely removed from the tree before the popup menu is closed.
/// The `useRootNavigator` argument is used to determine whether to push the
/// menu to the [Navigator] furthest from or nearest to the given `context`. It
/// is `false` by default.
/// The `semanticLabel` argument is used by accessibility frameworks to
/// announce screen transitions when the menu is opened and closed. If this
/// label is not provided, it will default to
/// [MaterialLocalizations.popupMenuLabel].
/// See also:
///  * [PopupMenuItem], a popup menu entry for a single value.
///  * [PopupMenuDivider], a popup menu entry that is just a horizontal line.
///  * [CheckedPopupMenuItem], a popup menu item with a checkmark.
///  * [PopupMenuButton], which provides an [IconButton] that shows a menu by
///    calling this method automatically.
///  * [SemanticsConfiguration.namesRoute], for a description of edge triggered
///    semantics.
Future<T> showMenu<T>({
  @required BuildContext context,
  @required RelativeRect position,
  @required List<PopupMenuEntry<T>> items,
  T initialValue,
  double elevation,
  String semanticLabel,
  ShapeBorder shape,
  Color color,
  bool captureInheritedThemes = true,
  bool useRootNavigator = false,
}) {
  assert(context != null);
  assert(position != null);
  assert(useRootNavigator != null);
  assert(items != null && items.isNotEmpty);
  assert(captureInheritedThemes != null);

  String label = semanticLabel;
  switch (Theme.of(context).platform) {
    case TargetPlatform.iOS:
    case TargetPlatform.macOS:
      label = semanticLabel;
    case TargetPlatform.android:
    case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
    case TargetPlatform.linux:
    case TargetPlatform.windows:
      label = semanticLabel ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(context)?.popupMenuLabel;

  return Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: useRootNavigator).push(_KYPopupMenuRoute<T>(
    position: position,
    items: items,
    initialValue: initialValue,
    elevation: elevation,
    semanticLabel: label,
    theme: Theme.of(context, shadowThemeOnly: true),
    popupMenuTheme: PopupMenuTheme.of(context),
    barrierLabel: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).modalBarrierDismissLabel,
    shape: shape,
    color: color,
    showMenuContext: context,
    captureInheritedThemes: captureInheritedThemes,

/// Signature for the callback invoked when a menu item is selected. The
/// argument is the value of the [PopupMenuItem] that caused its menu to be
/// dismissed.
/// Used by [PopupMenuButton.onSelected].
typedef PopupMenuItemSelected<T> = void Function(T value);

/// Signature for the callback invoked when a [PopupMenuButton] is dismissed
/// without selecting an item.
/// Used by [PopupMenuButton.onCanceled].
typedef PopupMenuCanceled = void Function();

/// Signature used by [PopupMenuButton] to lazily construct the items shown when
/// the button is pressed.
/// Used by [PopupMenuButton.itemBuilder].
typedef PopupMenuItemBuilder<T> = List<PopupMenuEntry<T>> Function(BuildContext context);

/// Displays a menu when pressed and calls [onSelected] when the menu is dismissed
/// because an item was selected. The value passed to [onSelected] is the value of
/// the selected menu item.
/// One of [child] or [icon] may be provided, but not both. If [icon] is provided,
/// then [PopupMenuButton] behaves like an [IconButton].
/// If both are null, then a standard overflow icon is created (depending on the
/// platform).
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example shows a menu with four items, selecting between an enum's
/// values and setting a `_selection` field based on the selection.
/// ```dart
/// // This is the type used by the popup menu below.
/// enum WhyFarther { harder, smarter, selfStarter, tradingCharter }
/// // This menu button widget updates a _selection field (of type WhyFarther,
/// // not shown here).
/// PopupMenuButton<WhyFarther>(
///   onSelected: (WhyFarther result) { setState(() { _selection = result; }); },
///   itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => <PopupMenuEntry<WhyFarther>>[
///     const PopupMenuItem<WhyFarther>(
///       value: WhyFarther.harder,
///       child: Text('Working a lot harder'),
///     ),
///     const PopupMenuItem<WhyFarther>(
///       value: WhyFarther.smarter,
///       child: Text('Being a lot smarter'),
///     ),
///     const PopupMenuItem<WhyFarther>(
///       value: WhyFarther.selfStarter,
///       child: Text('Being a self-starter'),
///     ),
///     const PopupMenuItem<WhyFarther>(
///       value: WhyFarther.tradingCharter,
///       child: Text('Placed in charge of trading charter'),
///     ),
///   ],
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
///  * [PopupMenuItem], a popup menu entry for a single value.
///  * [PopupMenuDivider], a popup menu entry that is just a horizontal line.
///  * [CheckedPopupMenuItem], a popup menu item with a checkmark.
///  * [showMenu], a method to dynamically show a popup menu at a given location.
class KYPopupMenuButton<T> extends StatefulWidget {
  /// Creates a button that shows a popup menu.
  /// The [itemBuilder] argument must not be null.
  const KYPopupMenuButton({
    Key key,
    @required this.itemBuilder,
    this.padding = const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
    this.offset = Offset.zero,
    this.enabled = true,
    this.captureInheritedThemes = true,
  }) : assert(itemBuilder != null),
        assert(offset != null),
        assert(enabled != null),
        assert(captureInheritedThemes != null),
        assert(!(child != null && icon != null),
        'You can only pass [child] or [icon], not both.'),
        super(key: key);

  /// Called when the button is pressed to create the items to show in the menu.
  final PopupMenuItemBuilder<T> itemBuilder;

  /// The value of the menu item, if any, that should be highlighted when the menu opens.
  final T initialValue;

  /// Called when the user selects a value from the popup menu created by this button.
  /// If the popup menu is dismissed without selecting a value, [onCanceled] is
  /// called instead.
  final PopupMenuItemSelected<T> onSelected;

  /// Called when the user dismisses the popup menu without selecting an item.
  /// If the user selects a value, [onSelected] is called instead.
  final PopupMenuCanceled onCanceled;

  /// Text that describes the action that will occur when the button is pressed.
  /// This text is displayed when the user long-presses on the button and is
  /// used for accessibility.
  final String tooltip;

  /// The z-coordinate at which to place the menu when open. This controls the
  /// size of the shadow below the menu.
  /// Defaults to 8, the appropriate elevation for popup menus.
  final double elevation;

  /// Matches IconButton's 8 dps padding by default. In some cases, notably where
  /// this button appears as the trailing element of a list item, it's useful to be able
  /// to set the padding to zero.
  final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;

  /// If provided, [child] is the widget used for this button
  /// and the button will utilize an [InkWell] for taps.
  final Widget child;

  /// If provided, the [icon] is used for this button
  /// and the button will behave like an [IconButton].
  final Widget icon;

  /// The offset applied to the Popup Menu Button.
  /// When not set, the Popup Menu Button will be positioned directly next to
  /// the button that was used to create it.
  final Offset offset;

  /// Whether this popup menu button is interactive.
  /// Must be non-null, defaults to `true`
  /// If `true` the button will respond to presses by displaying the menu.
  /// If `false`, the button is styled with the disabled color from the
  /// current [Theme] and will not respond to presses or show the popup
  /// menu and [onSelected], [onCanceled] and [itemBuilder] will not be called.
  /// This can be useful in situations where the app needs to show the button,
  /// but doesn't currently have anything to show in the menu.
  final bool enabled;

  /// If provided, the shape used for the menu.
  /// If this property is null, then [PopupMenuThemeData.shape] is used.
  /// If [PopupMenuThemeData.shape] is also null, then the default shape for
  /// [MaterialType.card] is used. This default shape is a rectangle with
  /// rounded edges of BorderRadius.circular(2.0).
  final ShapeBorder shape;

  /// If provided, the background color used for the menu.
  /// If this property is null, then [PopupMenuThemeData.color] is used.
  /// If [PopupMenuThemeData.color] is also null, then
  /// Theme.of(context).cardColor is used.
  final Color color;

  /// If true (the default) then the menu will be wrapped with copies
  /// of the [InheritedTheme]s, like [Theme] and [PopupMenuTheme], which
  /// are defined above the [BuildContext] where the menu is shown.
  final bool captureInheritedThemes;

  KYPopupMenuButtonState<T> createState() => KYPopupMenuButtonState<T>();

/// The [State] for a [PopupMenuButton].
/// See [showButtonMenu] for a way to programmatically open the popup menu
/// of your button state.
class KYPopupMenuButtonState<T> extends State<KYPopupMenuButton<T>> {
  /// A method to show a popup menu with the items supplied to
  /// [PopupMenuButton.itemBuilder] at the position of your [PopupMenuButton].
  /// By default, it is called when the user taps the button and [PopupMenuButton.enabled]
  /// is set to `true`. Moreover, you can open the button by calling the method manually.
  /// You would access your [PopupMenuButtonState] using a [GlobalKey] and
  /// show the menu of the button with `globalKey.currentState.showButtonMenu`.
  void showButtonMenu() {
    final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuTheme.of(context);
    final RenderBox button = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
    final RenderBox overlay = Overlay.of(context).context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
    final RelativeRect position = RelativeRect.fromRect(
        button.localToGlobal(widget.offset, ancestor: overlay),
        button.localToGlobal(button.size.bottomRight(Offset.zero), ancestor: overlay),
      Offset.zero & overlay.size,
    final List<PopupMenuEntry<T>> items = widget.itemBuilder(context);
    // Only show the menu if there is something to show
    if (items.isNotEmpty) {
        context: context,
        elevation: widget.elevation ?? popupMenuTheme.elevation,
        items: items,
        initialValue: widget.initialValue,
        position: position,
        shape: widget.shape ?? popupMenuTheme.shape,
        color: widget.color ?? popupMenuTheme.color,
        captureInheritedThemes: widget.captureInheritedThemes,
          .then<void>((T newValue) {
        if (!mounted)
          return null;
        if (newValue == null) {
          if (widget.onCanceled != null)
          return null;
        if (widget.onSelected != null)

  Icon _getIcon(TargetPlatform platform) {
    assert(platform != null);
    switch (platform) {
      case TargetPlatform.android:
      case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
      case TargetPlatform.linux:
      case TargetPlatform.windows:
        return const Icon(Icons.more_vert);
      case TargetPlatform.iOS:
      case TargetPlatform.macOS:
        return const Icon(Icons.more_horiz);
    return null;

  bool get _canRequestFocus {
    final NavigationMode mode = MediaQuery.of(context, nullOk: true)?.navigationMode ?? NavigationMode.traditional;
    switch (mode) {
      case NavigationMode.traditional:
        return widget.enabled;
      case NavigationMode.directional:
        return true;
    assert(false, 'Navigation mode $mode not handled');
    return null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    if (widget.child != null)
      return Tooltip(
        message: widget.tooltip ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(context).showMenuTooltip,
        child: InkWell(
          onTap: widget.enabled ? showButtonMenu : null,
          canRequestFocus: _canRequestFocus,
          child: widget.child,

    return IconButton(
      icon: widget.icon ?? _getIcon(Theme.of(context).platform),
      padding: widget.padding,
      tooltip: widget.tooltip ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(context).showMenuTooltip,
      onPressed: widget.enabled ? showButtonMenu : null,

修改_kMenuMaxWidth = double.infinity,_kMenuMinWidth = 0,_kMenuWidthStep = 0 这时就没有右边的空白了,当然了还可以去掉padding值



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