1. 国内公共交通花销: dometic public transportation costs
2. 对于某人来说太麻烦做某事:be more bothersome for sb. to do sth.
3. The first XXX General meeting is approaching and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you.
4. Sorry for the sudden notice but we have decided to ...
5. there will be a larger variety of drinks (both soft drinks & alcoholic) to choose from ...
6. there will be a larger variety of drinks (both soft drinks & alcoholic) to choose from ...
Dear Prof. XXX,
My name is YYYY, an investigator at RIKEN, I’m also in charge of coordinating seminars in our Division. ZZZ kindly informed us that you could visit RIKEN on October 30th and give a seminar. Thank you so much for making the time and effort to visit us, we’re really excited to host you. Unfortunately, I will be away on that day, but I know my colleagues would be excited to hear your talk, there are few labs on our campus that work on different aspects of T cells (mainly in mouse) as well.
Thank you also for sending the abstract already. Is the content of the attached abstract still ok, to be used for the announcement?
I would also like to fix the seminar time. I propose the following schedule. Please let me know if it looks ok.
11:00-12:00Meetings with individuals
12:00-13:00Lunch with ZZZ and PPP
13:00-13:30Setup for the seminar
14:30-15:30Chat with guest (group discussion mainly with students)
15:30-17:00Meetings with individuals
Some administrative aspects (LLLL will follow up on these):
- Please let us know if you need accommodation for the night before and the night of (I think your flight is covered already, but please let us know if it not the case)
- Would you prefer to receive the following in cash or by bank transfer? Honorarium, daily allowance and public transportation costs.
Best regards,
Unit Leader, XXXX Unit
Division of Genomic Technologies
Center for Life Science Technologies
1-7-22 Suehiro-cho Tsurumi-ku W421
Yokohama 230-0045 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)45-503-XXXX (Ext. XXXX)