Reviewed from DD 1- DD 35.
DD 36:
M: When the family left Vitenan by boat, bond for Thiland, but the boat intersepted pirate, after years of trying, the father located his son in Thiland.
C: When the family left Vietnam by boat, bound for Thailand, but the boat was intercepted by pirates... after years of trying, the father located his son in Thailand.
1. when the= whenuh;
DD 37:
M: A gowimash nal traffic on the busy Phensonia turnfight, a leaking gail on a tunker strik the drive way across 40 miles streach of the east bound side.
C: A gooey mess snarls traffic along the busy Pennsylvania Turnpike. A leaking valve on a tanker spread driveway sealant across a 40-mile stretch of the eastbound side.
DD 38:
M: The music is being played at a church in Germany, and well, it really lives up to its name. Since it started, there has been just 11 chor changes and the next one is in scheduled until July, 2012.
C: The music is being played at a church in Germany, and, well, it really lives up to its name. Since it started, there have been just 11 chord changes and the next one isn't scheduled until July, 2012!