超级喜欢Robert talk, 下午2点,在如此一个美妙的tent!
Ganga name is different going up which is river Alainanda river and bhagirathi meeting up!
Pāpa means sins, Ganga river 可以去除papa!
Prostrate to shoe or feet 是印度传统,每天早晨sarathji完成口令课,大家都排队,我只想和他self-fi,因为在前面,被人问:are u in line?我: for what?
膜拜者: for propstrate to Sharath?
我: oh no I just want to photo with him!
Ganga river is A steam of life and consciousness only! 我发现这里ganga干净很多,rishikesh正好水从山上下来没有很多污染,我在varanasi震惊它的污染和脏,一点好感都没有!现在改变一些!但需要感觉它的consciousness!
AUM 有了新的解释,代表wake dream sleep ,then transcendstate是第四层次!
Sivananda is non-dualism ! 发现和佛教理论一样,都是consciousness就是佛教说的空!
Yoga is dualism of body and mind!瑜伽强调身体和身心关联,所以二元论!
If mind is purified then only consciousness then thewe are not existing! 这个和vipassnan理论有相似但又不完全一样!
Hindulism 强调人类四个目标:artha:Live well, wealth, welling; kama:enjoy life and fulfill desires; Dhamma: nature awareness the law of being; moksha: 解脱liberation Brahman! Equal important!
We do not have a soul we are soul with a body ! 好吧!
Yugas: Time of block ,我们现在kali yuga最糟糕一次,但会持续43.2万年,目前才5千年!
谈到vedanta,我查到以下:All Vedanta schools, in their deliberations, concern themselves with the following three categories but differ in their views regarding the concept and the relations between them: Brahman – the ultimate metaphysical reality, Ātman / Jivātman – the individual soul or self, and Prakriti – the empirical world, ever-changing physical universe, body and matter.
I gained so much knowledge !我之后问一直积聚问题,关于是否samathi之后还轮回!
Robert:Samathi not necessary not coming back but Buddha is not so with Sivananda !Only consciousness exists not other human being existing!
昨天一个中国女孩约我瑜伽,路上通知我只能一男一女,我猜测是tantra yoga?为了提升性能力?简直不是我的菜!就去aryurveda massage,真是我的菜!
喝茶时聊天碰见一个蓝眼睛纯纯男士,Cambridge graduate for ancient launguage and will be in Mysore for Sanskrit study, originally from York!作了两次vipassna, my kind of guy!
今天早晨LED class我的身体犹如一股气流,感觉非常好,尤其音响就在我耳边,sarath指令非常清楚,感觉超级流畅!
早晨占座很有意思,第一天我是4点第一个到,第二天打坐后5点到已经几乎第一排占满,旁边T帮助jordan女孩占位置,我们tea时候见面,她对我很有敌意,一看就是和T有一腿,结果进了hall,她看到我在旁边,不满意就离开,我很开心位置更大啦,u can not have everything! 但我告诉自己不妨碍我知道她是bitch还有compassion,poor bitch!
之后他剪短说了几句:每次去美国到处看到god bless America自私 ,我们唱诵中 India is to bless all human beings !
瑜伽帮助我们提高Stability to mind and body purify ,foundation for everything else!
昨天晚上和kirtanforever一起唱诵和跳舞,live in the moment, moment to the moment! 他们提到hare Krishna唱法created in new work ?我不确定,但昨天唱诵比马路上好听很多、有sensation发起!
之后早餐和新西兰stephie一起聊天,我们去了一家可以soy chai的cafe,超级赞的view!
了解到新西兰一个非常好的老师Peter Sanson 27th dec 15 th Jan hawke's bay! 以后假期都会和瑜伽有关!
Stephanie超级fit,一身tattoo,结果有4 kids and 12 years in ashtanga,之前有 PHD TUFTS on immunology,是我向往的学校,and pos docs in Harvard and Auckland !工作和深厚知识没任何联系,Going to learn psychology when back!
我说了Wellness program, 我们可以一起合做!她提到Science and yoga conference for Eddie,非常好的方向!瑜伽对于大脑,神经,情绪和获得永久快乐都有解决方案!
之后我和卡萨克斯坦Diana 去她推荐老师kamal工作室,一个很帅印度yogi,也去上海教课,开了4个studio,她去Bangalore上课YIC,met the guy who is 20+ did MSC in yoga university then they bumped to each other in Goa and Rishikesh, 一起去 Bali and Thailand for 3 and 1 month! 不管是否基于此,diana需要和家里丈夫先离婚,带2个女儿和yogi一起开启新生活,听起来都是类似sunny一样爱情,我劝她我们结束后she should not going back but go to Bangalore去和男朋友比翼齐飞!
在她建议下,我Went to top of temple with priest who does not speak English but I still paid 200 rupees with his blessing! I need do ghee and burn the liners!
结果下来中途另一个男人出来邀请我Then went to a temple with a shiva surrounded with stone snake who did puja for me! Chanting for 5 minutes!Need 200 which I paid then samathi need another 300 otherwise it is going to harm me so I give 500 only 100 back! Then he gives a lift to me down which is nice!
晚上我真的是ayurveda massage之后到处找ghee,买了个小的瓦,和打火机,在ganga边上烧掉自己所有obstacles,关于愿望是否实现不重要,既然承诺了就做呗,很有仪式感。
解释一下pūjā: Sanskrit, and means reverence, honour, homage, adoration, and worship.Puja, the loving offering of light, flowers, and water or food to the divine, is the essential ritual of Hinduism.
之后喝茶和几个男人一桌,一个伊朗帅哥介绍Iran underground yoga business no tax and girl dress as any other countries, alcohol disco anything u want u can get there!建议我Go to Iran for one month yoga和旅游!他和一个伊朗女郎一起开瑜伽馆!30 dollars for 8 class!
提到mysore的按摩,是Two guys giving Ayurveda treatment我就说:I need order that ,他们笑崩了。
Austria guy originally from Iran who is doing massage with yoga meditation and therapeutic massage for individual , was providing massage training in Mysore before.
A Indian French guy who is growing in Paris and will stay 3-5 years with sharmila Desai in Goa. 这里碰到的人要么是瑜伽老师,或者要成为,或者瑜伽爱好者,非常“神经”的一批人,但我很喜欢,理念部分很合拍。
和Diana试了另一个Ayurveda massage,一个很年轻女孩子很有力气,感受又是不一样,高潮是stream bath,一个站立柜子里面一个凳子,我坐进去,煤气罩上一个燃烧的水壶把热气送进去,简直是最实用的stream bath,水壶里都是各种herbs,味道很重,女孩子给我编了辫子,第三天瑜伽video就是它,美妙!