Chapter 第四十二章 国王的奖赏(阿莎二)
The king’s host departed Deepwood Motte by the light of a golden dawn, uncoiling from behind the log palisades like a long, steel serpent emerging from its nest.
The southron knights rode out in plate and mail, dinted and scarred by the battles they had fought, but still bright enough to glitter when they caught the rising sun. Faded and stained, torn and mended, their banners and surcoats still made a riot of colors amidst the winter wood—azure and orange, red and green, purple and blue and gold, glimmering amongst bare brown trunks, grey-green pines and sentinels, drifts of dirty snow.
Each knight had his squires, servants, and men-at-arms. Behind them came armorers, cooks, grooms; ranks of spearmen, axemen, archers; grizzled veterans of a hundred battles and green boys off to fight their first. Before them marched the clansmen from the hills; chiefs and champions astride shaggy garrons, their hirsute fighters trotting beside them, clad in furs and boiled leather and old mail. Some painted their faces brown and green and tied bundles of brush about them, to hide amongst the trees.
Back of the main column the baggage train followed: mules, horses, oxen, a mile of wayns and carts laden with food, fodder, tents, and other provisions. Last the rear guard—more knights in plate and mail, with a screening of outriders following half-hidden to make certain no foe could steal up on them unawares.
Asha Greyjoy rode in the baggage train, in a covered wayn with two huge iron-rimmed wheels, fettered at wrist and ankle and watched over day and night by a She-Bear who snored worse than any man. His Grace King Stannis was taking no chances on his prize escaping captivity. He meant to carry her to Winterfell, to display her there in chains for the lords of the north to see, the kraken’s daughter bound and broken, proof of his power.
Trumpets saw the column on its way. Spearpoints shone in the light of the rising sun, and all along the verges the grass glistened with the morning frost. Between Deepwood Motte and Winterfell lay one hundred leagues of forest. Three hundred miles as the raven flies. “Fifteen days,” the knights told each other.
“Robert would have done it in ten,” Asha heard Lord Fell boasting. His grandsire had been slain by Robert at Summerhall; somehow this had elevated his slayer to godlike prowess in the grandson’s eyes. “Robert would have been inside Winterfell a fortnight ago, thumbing his nose at Bolton from the battlements.”
“Best not mention that to Stannis,” suggested Justin Massey, “or he’ll have us marching nights as well as days.”
This king lives in his brother’s shadow, Asha thought.
Her ankle still gave a stab of pain whenever she tried to put her weight on it. Something was broken down inside, Asha did not doubt. The swelling had gone down at Deepwood, but the pain remained. A sprain would surely have healed by now. Her irons clacked every time she moved. The fetters chafed at her wrists and at her pride. But that was the cost of submission.
“No man has ever died from bending his knee,” her father had once told her. “He who kneels may rise again, blade in hand. He who will not kneel stays dead, stiff legs and all.” Balon Greyjoy had proved the truth of his own words when his first rebellion failed; the kraken bent the knee to stag and direwolf, only to rise again when Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark were dead.
And so at Deepwood the kraken’s daughter had done the same when she was dumped before the king, bound and limping (though blessedly unraped), her ankle a blaze of pain. “I yield, Your Grace. Do as you wish with me. I ask only that you spare my men.” Qarl and Tris and the rest who had survived the wolfswood were all she had to care about. Only nine remained. We ragged nine, Cromm named them. He was the worst wounded.
Stannis had given her their lives. Yet she sensed no true mercy in the man. He was determined, beyond a doubt. Nor did he lack for courage. Men said he was just … and if his was a harsh, hard-handed sort of justice, well, life on the Iron Islands had accustomed Asha Greyjoy to that. All the same, she could not like this king. Those deep-set blue eyes of his seemed always slitted in suspicion, cold fury boiling just below their surface. Her life meant little and less to him. She was only his hostage, a prize to show the north that he could vanquish the ironborn.
北方人会让他失望。制服一个女人可不会让任何北方人敬畏他,阿莎了解这些北方佬,那么她作为一个俘虏将会毫无价值。她的叔叔现如今统治者铁群岛,鸦眼可不关心她的死活。或许对于攸伦强塞给她的老朽的丈夫来说她还有点价值,可“铸铁者”艾里没有那么多钱来赎她。像史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩解释这些没有任何用。阿莎特殊的女性气质似乎冒犯了他。她知道青绿地的男人都喜欢他们的女人身穿丝绸甜蜜温柔,而不是穿着铠甲和毛皮手执飞斧。但是在深林堡,短暂的会面让阿莎觉得史坦尼斯并不喜欢她身穿长袍的样子。即便跟盖伯特·葛洛佛的妻子,虔诚的希贝尔夫人(Lady Sybelle)在一起,他依然显得客气周到却明显的很不适应。这个南方国王看起来是跟女人完全不是一个世界的人,好像巨人、精怪和森林之子一样奇怪而深不可测。“母熊”同样让他咬碎了牙。
More fool him. Bringing down a woman was not like to awe any northmen, if she knew the breed, and her worth as a hostage was less than naught. Her uncle ruled the Iron Islands now, and the Crow’s Eye would not care if she lived or died. It might matter some to the wretched ruin of a husband that Euron had inflicted upon her, but Eric Ironmaker did not have coin enough to ransom her. But there was no explaining such things to Stannis Baratheon. Her very womanhood seemed to offend him. Men from the green lands liked their women soft and sweet in silk, she knew, not clad in mail and leather with a throwing axe in each hand. But her short acquaintance with the king at Deepwood Motte convinced her that he would have been no more fond of her in a gown. Even with Galbart Glover’s wife, the pious Lady Sybelle, he had been correct and courteous but plainly uncomfortable. This southron king seemed to be one of those men to whom women are another race, as strange and unfathomable as giants and grumkins and the children of the forest. The She-Bear made him grind his teeth as well.
There was only one woman that Stannis listened to, and he had left her on the Wall. “Though I would sooner she was with us,” confessed Ser Justin Massey, the fair-haired knight who commanded the baggage train. “The last time we went into battle without Lady Melisandre was the Blackwater, when Lord Renly’s shade came down upon us and drove half our host into the bay.”
“The last time?” Asha said. “Was this sorceress at Deepwood Motte? I did not see her.”
“Hardly a battle,” Ser Justin said, smiling. “Your ironmen fought bravely, my lady, but we had many times your numbers, and we took you unawares. Winterfell will know that we are coming. And Roose Bolton has as many men as we do.”
Or more, thought Asha.
即使囚犯也有耳朵,在深林堡,史坦尼斯国王和他的手下们争论这场行军的时候,她全听到了。贾斯汀爵士和许多从南方就跟着史坦尼斯的骑士和领主们从一开始就反对。但是北方人坚持要打;他们不能容忍卢斯·波顿继续占领临冬城,还有奈德的女儿必须从那个私生子手里就出来。Morgan Liddle, Brandon Norrey, Big Bucket Wull, the Flints, 甚至the She-Bear都这样说。“从深林堡到临冬城有一百里格,”在盖伯特·葛洛佛的大厅里,争吵最激烈的那个晚上,Artos 菲林特说:“乌鸦飞行距离三百英里。”
Even prisoners have ears, and she had heard all the talk at Deepwood Motte, when King Stannis and his captains were debating this march. Ser Justin had opposed it from the start, along with many of the knights and lords who had come with Stannis from the south. But the wolves insisted; Roose Bolton could not be suffered to hold Winterfell, and the Ned’s girl must be rescued from the clutches of his bastard. So said Morgan Liddle, Brandon Norrey, Big Bucket Wull, the Flints, even the She-Bear. “One hundred leagues from Deepwood Motte to Winterfell,” said Artos Flint, the night the argument boiled to a head in Galbart Glover’s longhall. “Three hundred miles as the raven flies.”
“很远,”一个叫Corliss Penny的骑士说。
“A long march,” a knight named Corliss Penny said.
“Not so long as that,” insisted Ser Godry, the big knight the others called the Giantslayer. “We have come as far already. The Lord of Light will blaze a path for us.”
“And when we arrive before Winterfell?” said Justin Massey. “Two walls with a moat between them, and the inner wall a hundred feet high. Bolton will never march out to face us in the field, and we do not have the provisions to mount a siege.”
“别忘了Arnolf·卡史塔克会带着他的军队加入我们,”Harwood Fell说道。“Mors Umber也一样。我们的北方军队会和波顿大人一样多。城堡北方的树林也很茂密,我们可以建起围城塔,建造攻城车…”
“Arnolf Karstark will join his strength to ours, never forget,” said Harwood Fell. “Mors Umber as well. We will have as many northmen as Lord Bolton. And the woods are thick north of the castle. We will raise siege towers, build rams …”
And die by the thousands, Asha thought.
“我们或许应该积极准备在这里过冬。”Lord Peasebury建议道。
“We might do best to winter here,” suggested Lord Peasebury.
“在这过冬?”Big Bucket吼道。“你以为盖伯特·葛洛佛在这里储藏了多少食物和粮草?”
“Winter here?” Big Bucket roared. “How much food and fodder do you think Galbart Glover has laid by?”
面容被毁,身披死人头蛾披风的Richard Horpe爵士转向史坦尼斯说道,“陛下,你哥哥——”
Then Ser Richard Horpe, the knight with the ravaged face and the death’s-head moths on his surcoat, turned to Stannis and said, “Your Grace, your brother—”
The king cut him off. “We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right.” Stannis rose to his feet. “I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt.”
Whatever doubts his lords might nurse, the common men seemed to have faith in their king. Stannis had smashed Mance Rayder’s wildlings at the Wall and cleaned Asha and her ironborn out of Deepwood Motte; he was Robert’s brother, victor in a famous sea battle off Fair Isle, the man who had held Storm’s End all through Robert’s Rebellion. And he bore a hero’s sword, the enchanted blade Lightbringer, whose glow lit up the night.
“Our foes are not as formidable as they appear,” Ser Justin assured Asha on the first day of the march. “Roose Bolton is feared, but little loved. And his friends the Freys … the north has not forgotten the Red Wedding. Every lord at Winterfell lost kinsmen there. Stannis need only bloody Bolton, and the northmen will abandon him.”
So you hope, thought Asha, but first the king must bloody him. Only a fool deserts the winning side.
Ser Justin called upon her cart half a dozen times that first day, to bring her food and drink and tidings of the march. A man of easy smiles and endless japes, large and well fleshed, with pink cheeks, blue eyes, and a wind-tossed tangle of white-blond hair as pale as flax, he was a considerate gaoler, ever solicitous of his captive’s comfort.
“He wants you,” said the She-Bear, after his third visit.
Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. Even in sleep she wore ringmail under her furs, boiled leather under that, and an old sheepskin under the leather, turned inside out for warmth. All those layers made her look almost as wide as she was tall. And ferocious. Sometimes it was hard for Asha Greyjoy to remember that she and the She-Bear were almost of an age.
“他想要我的地盘,”阿莎回答。“他想要铁群岛。”她看的出来。以前在其他求婚者身上她看的出来一样的征兆。马赛自己祖传的领地远在南方而且已经失去,他必须给自己找一个有利可图的婚姻,不然的话就不能继续做为王室的骑士。阿莎听说过史坦尼斯断绝了贾斯汀爵士娶野人公主(wildling princess)的希望,所以他只能把目光对准她了。毫无疑问他梦想着让他坐上派克岛的海石座椅,然后通过她来统治铁群岛,像她的主人艾里那样。这就需要除掉她现在的主人,以确保统治…更别说她叔叔已经把她嫁给了艾里。他没机会,阿莎断定。鸦眼会把贾斯汀爵士吃干抹净不带打嗝的。
“He wants my lands,” Asha replied. “He wants the Iron Islands.” She knew the signs. She had seen the same before in other suitors. Massey’s own ancestral holdings, far to the south, were lost to him, so he must needs make an advantageous marriage or resign himself to being no more than a knight of the king’s household. Stannis had frustrated Ser Justin’s hopes of marrying the wildling princess that Asha had heard so much of, so now he had set his sights on her. No doubt he dreamed of putting her in the Seastone Chair on Pyke and ruling through her, as her lord and master. That would require ridding her of her present lord and master, to be sure … not to mention the uncle who had married her to him. Not likely, Asha judged. The Crow’s Eye could eat Ser Justin to break his fast and never even belch.
It made no matter. Her father’s lands would never be hers, no matter whom she married. The ironborn were not a forgiving people, and Asha had been defeated twice. Once at the kingsmoot by her uncle Euron, and again at Deepwood Motte by Stannis. More than enough to stamp her as unfit to rule. Wedding Justin Massey, or any of Stannis Baratheon’s lordlings, would hurt more than it helped. The kraken’s daughter turned out to be just a woman after all, the captains and the kings would say. See how she spreads her legs for this soft green land lord.
当然,如果贾斯汀爵士依然愿意向她献殷勤,为她带来食物、红酒和消息,她也绝不会使他气馁。他比起沉默寡言的母熊来是个更好的同伴。更何况她在五千多敌人当中孤身一人。Tris Botley, Qarl the Maid, Cromm, Roggon,还有其他与她用鲜血结合的战友们被留在了深林堡,在盖伯特·葛洛佛的地牢里。
Still, if Ser Justin wished to court her favor with food and wine and words, Asha was not like to discourage him. He made for better company than the taciturn She-Bear, and she was elsewise alone amongst five thousand foes. Tris Botley, Qarl the Maid, Cromm, Roggon, and the rest of her bloodied band had been left behind at Deepwood Motte, in Galbart Glover’s dungeons.
第一天军队行进了二十二英里,根据Lady Sybelle给他们的向导估计,这些向导都是向深林堡宣誓效忠的捕手和猎人,他们以森林和树木、树枝和树干为姓氏。第二天行进了二十四英里,前锋部队已经走出了葛洛佛的领地进入了厚密的狼林。“拉赫洛,请以你全能的光芒照亮我们面前的黑暗,”第二天晚上,虔诚的信众聚集在国王帐篷外的熊熊的火堆旁祈祷着。大部分南方来的骑士和士兵们,阿莎把他们叫做国王的人,把其他一些来自风暴地和皇冠地的人们叫做王后的人…虽然他们追随的王后是黑城堡里红衣服的那个,而不是史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩留在东海望的妻子。“啊,光之王,我们恳求你,用你炽热的双眼注视着我们,赐予我们安全和温暖,”他们对着火焰歌颂道,“因为夜晚充满了黑暗和恐惧。”
The army covered twenty-two miles the first day, by the reckoning of the guides Lady Sybelle had given them, trackers and hunters sworn to Deepwood with clan names like Forrester and Woods, Branch and Bole. The second day the host made twenty-four, as their vanguard passed beyond the Glover lands into the thick of the wolfswood. “R’hllor, send your light to lead us through this gloom,” the faithful prayed that night as they gathered about a roaring blaze outside the king’s pavilion. Southron knights and men-at-arms, the lot of them. Asha would have called them king’s men, but the other stormlanders and crownlands men named them queen’s men … though the queen they followed was the red one at Castle Black, not the wife that Stannis Baratheon had left behind at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “Oh, Lord of Light, we beseech you, cast your fiery eye upon us and keep us safe and warm,” they sang to the flames, “for the night is dark and full of terrors.”
领导他们的是一个名叫Godry Farring爵士的高大骑士,巨人杀手Godry,一个自大的称号。盔甲之下Farring有着宽大的胸膛和健硕的肌肉。在阿莎看来他傲慢又自大,渴望荣誉、贪恋赞美却无视警告,看不起身材矮小的人、北方人和女人。基本上,他跟他的国王没什么两样。
A big knight named Ser Godry Farring led them. Godry the Giantslayer. A big name for a small man. Farring was broad-chested and well muscled under his plate and mail. He was also arrogant and vain, it seemed to Asha, hungry for glory, deaf to caution, a glutton for praise, and contemptuous of smallfolk, wolves, and women. In the last, he was not unlike his king.
“Let me have a horse,” Asha asked Ser Justin, when he rode up to the wayn with half a ham. “I am going mad in these chains. I will not attempt escape. You have my word on that.”
“Would that I could, my lady. You are the king’s captive, not mine own.”
“Your king will not take a woman’s word.”
The She-Bear growled. “Why should we trust the word of any ironman after what your brother did at Winterfell?”
“I am not Theon,” Asha insisted … but the chains remained.
当贾斯汀爵士沿着队伍疾驰远去的时候,她发现自己想起了最后一次见到母亲。It had been on Harlaw,at Ten Towers。一支蜡烛在她母亲的房间里摇曳闪光,但是那积满灰尘的天棚下的雕花大床却是空的。Lady Alannys坐在一扇窗户外,目光越过海洋,一眨不眨。“带我亲爱的小儿子来了吗?”她双唇发抖的问道。“席恩来不了,”阿莎低头看着这个生下了她,因为失去两个儿子而崩溃的女人说道。或许还要失去第三个?…
As Ser Justin galloped down the column, she found herself remembering the last time she had seen her mother. It had been on Harlaw, at Ten Towers. A candle had been flickering in her mother’s chamber, but her great carved bed was empty beneath its dusty canopy. Lady Alannys sat beside a window, staring out across the sea. “Did you bring my baby boy?” she’d asked, mouth trembling. “Theon could not come,” Asha had told her, looking down upon the ruin of the woman who had given her birth, a mother who had lost two of her sons. And the third …
我保证你失去的每一个儿子都会有一个王子抵命。(I send you each a piece of prince.)
I send you each a piece of prince.
Whatever befell when battle was joined at Winterfell, Asha Greyjoy did not think her brother likely to survive it. Theon Turncloak. Even the She-Bear wants his head on a spike.
“Do you have brothers?” Asha asked her keeper.
“姐妹,”Alysane Mormont回答道,态度一如既往的粗暴。“本来有五个,全部都女孩。Lyanna留守熊岛。Lyra和Jory和我们的母亲在一起。黛西(哦小美女)被杀了。”
“Sisters,” Alysane Mormont replied, gruff as ever. “Five, we were. All girls. Lyanna is back on Bear Island. Lyra and Jory are with our mother. Dacey was murdered.”
“The Red Wedding.”