underdog TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈʌn.də.dɒɡ/ US /ˈʌn.dɚ.dɑːɡ/
noun, The underdog in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.竞争、竞赛等中的劣势方,弱者
1. Litigation finance companies say they are helping the underdogs: small companies wronged by governments.(Reuters)
2. She added, “He’s still tough and fit and resilient and a champion of the underdog.”(New York Times)
3. AT&T and Time Warner will counter those arguments by saying that even with a merger, it is an underdog against online giants like Facebook and Google.(New York Times)
4. “That was primarily due to the fact that during the playoffs, the underdogs covered against the spread in almost every game,” Lawton said.(Seattle Times)
5. Intel, whose chips helped drive the personal computer revolution, was once the underdog in the data center.(New York Times)
6. The world’s largest company by sales is now the perceived underdog in an escalating grocery war with Amazon to fill 320m American bellies.(TheEconomist)
7. Ackman launched the ADP proxy contest as an underdog, taking aim at a company engaged in the unglamorous business of providing human resources technology and largely backed by Wall Street.(Reuters)
8. And compared with them, Disney is actually not an elephant but an underdog.(Washington Post)
9. “Somewhere along the way, I developed this feeling for the underdog because I was part of that underdog world,” Mr. Minor told students at a predominantly black high school in 1997.(New York Times)
10. The Batman will be the movie we don’t need and don’t deserve right now, while Captain Marvel will be even more of the underdog.(Forbes)
11. Comic book movies and shows are no longer tiny underdogs trying to lure in new viewers who aren’t the traditional comic audience — they are popular culture now.(The Verge)
12. Before the action starts, hype is blaring from every speaker and screen — you’ll learn the relatable underdog narratives, background about the players, and historical context that raises the stakes — and that stuff is universal.(The Verge)
underdog against, in
"the beaten dog in a fight," 1887, from under + dog (n.). Compare top dog "dominant person in a situation or hierarchy" (see top (adj.)). Its opposite, overdog, is attested by 1908.
loser, victim, prey, longshot, outsider, scapegoat, stooge
gainer, victor, winner,harmer, injurer, killer, murderer
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