1.通过前面提及的“跨境电商紧缺人才需求目录”,寻找自己感兴趣的岗位,并写出从目前开始到能达到岗位要求需要努力的内容。 多学习自己感兴趣岗位的相关知识 提高自身的语言组织能力和沟通技巧 和同事上司打好关系 多关注他们的发展动向 2.举例说明做得特别好的社交电商app或卖家。
云集微店app 小度掌柜app
3.阅读一篇以上Cross-border e-Commerce 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容 Every day, peddlers throng in a bustling wet market on a remotesection of the China-Vietnam border. Their daily lives may soon be changed by a new ageof cross-border trade centered on e-commerce.
Before the four-day China-ASEAN Expo closed in south China's Nanning on Friday, a slewof deals on e-commerce were inked between companies from China and members of theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
They include agreements over online sales programs for agricultural products fromMalaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. These schemes will provide more convenient cross-border transaction for both local sellers and Chinese consumers. 关键词:agricultural products chinese consumers 相关链接:http://www.360doc.cn/article/363711_411022277.html
W9L10-商业基础-常见电商经营指标和概念 1.写出基于流量,转化率,客单价和ARPU值等的网店或app收入计算公式,据此给出提高收入的方法。
计算公式:流量*转化率*客单价*ARPU值 加大宣传力度 适当降低产品成本 多开展一些促销活动
2.阅读一篇以上ARPU 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
Learning that the experts you've been listening to all along are wrong is a bit like learning for the first time as a kid that mascots aren't real. Underneath that fluffy suit there was just a sweaty unshaven guy. Everything you've learned about conversion rate optimization is a bit like that: shiny and pretty on the surface, but seriously lacking in substance. 关键词:conversion substance