Positive brand image.
Brand image is the perception people have of a product or company.
When a company has a strong brand image, it means that it has a good reputation.
People are more likely to buy from brands that they trust.
Poor customer service.
Customer service is the assistance the company gets to customers before, during and after a purchase.
When a company offers poor customer service, it doesn't serve its customers well.
The customer has a negative customer service experience with a company they may choose not to buy from it again.
Why should trust company leverage its brand image when selling a new kind of product.
It should leverage it because people are more likely to buy from brands that they trust.
Why is bad customer service a weakness for a company?
If customers feel they've been treated poorly by a company, they may not buy from it again.
They launched a marketing campaign to improve their brand image.
The tech company has created a great brand image by associating its products with fun and creativity.
The company's brand image was badly damaged after a scandal.
If a company gets involved in a bad customer service scandal, it can be hard for them to rebuild their reputation.
After a customer service crisis, the company changed its policy to prevent loss of customers.
People are more likely to buy from brands that they trust.
Customer services assistance a company gives to customers before, during and after a purchase.
New consumer trends.
Consumer trends refer to changing consumer habits and behaviors.
By identifying new consumer trends, companies can create new products that appeal to customers.
If a company does not keep up with consumer trends, it could miss business opportunities.
A successful company differentiate itself from its competitors.
It can stand out by offering unique products or establishing a strong brand image.
If a company can't differentiate itself, it may have a smaller market share.
And if it's competition increases, it could lose revenue.
If a company does not keep up with consumer trends, it could miss business opportunities.
How can a company differentiate itself from its competitors?
It can stand out by offering unique products or selling a strong brand image.
What refers to the changing habits and behaviors of consumers.
Consumer trends refer to changing consumer habits and behaviors.
The assistance provided to customers before, during and after a purchase.
Customer service is the assistance the company gives to customers before, during and after a purchase.
Competition occurs when multiple companies fight for market share.
A fast food chain recently started offering low calorie meals in response to a trend toward healthy food.
The growing trend toward vegan food encourages many big name brands to offer vegan options to their customers.
If a company does not keep up with consumer trends, it could miss new business opportunities.
The electronics market is extremely competitive because there is a growing demand for new high quality products.
Competition occurs when multiple companies fight for market share.
Customer services assistance a company gives to customers before during and after purchase.